
What you like about your draft so far?

I like how I addressed some people's [parents'] concerns about my topic, and I think I already have included the solution. Next, I would like to the benefits infographic to present the benefits and persuade my audience to learn another language or teach their children a second language.

What you find challenging?

The challenging part for me was that, I could not make everything inline because of using an online platform to create my infographics.

What you find interesting about how you are changing the information from your research report?

As I change the tone of voice in the infographics I find that not everyone understand what I am trying to represent, and everyone may perceive it differently. It's like, when you change your tone of voice when talking to the kids or pets whereas you talk differently to your siblings, parents and friends.

What question you have as you continue to revise?

Why would someone believe that multilingualism is not beneficial?

Will being multilingual benefit everyone?

If yes, how does it benefit?

What languages are on the top rate to learn now?

I need to add the citations, several points, make my point and purpose clear for the readers.

List your plans for revision based on your peer review.