Research Report

In this essay, I mostly focused on parents and immigrants as my audience. I thought, this research project will be very interesting for them to read and learn its insights because I talk about how multilingualism can benefit them and their children. I introduced the supporting and alternative perspectives, so it is not only about the benefits. However, I also add my solution, my point view to these perspectives and explained how they can benefit from my suggestion. I read my final draft a few times and ensured that it flows through without losing its main idea. By doing this I made sure that I used all of my sources correctly and in order. I used quotes in almost every paragraph, and I also paraphrased some quotes instead of quoting. My reason for that is it made better sense or it was easier for the reader to understand the context when paraphrased instead of using quote and explaining. Also, paraphrasing was a little less overwhelming than explaining a quote. To show the connections between my paragraphs I used headings to divide each section such as: Introduction, Perspectives, Solution and Benefits. This would make it easier for the readers to understand or see what is being sad. They can determine what I actually talk about or what is the approach of that section of my essay. This essay taught me that I should not talk about the only one perspective, and I learned how to think about some perspective who might disagree or have difficulties with my approach. Therefore, I did not directly say that I am right and they are wrong. I suggested that it beneficial for both if we adopt my solution in this essay. The benefits are to come up with a solution and stating that it will be beneficial for everyone. Some challenges for me were that I could not think of any perspectives at the beginning of this assignment.