Annotated Bibliography

At first, I thought this essay was going to be difficult and I felt frustrated which led me to procrastinate and wait until the last day before due date. However, when I finished the first annotation then, the writing process and annotating went pretty smoothly.

Finding credible and reliable was the most difficult part for this Annotated Bibliography essay. I spent much of my time to find credible, reliable and relevant sources which had authors with clear credentials. However, in this essay finding or making sure that if the source is credible was a bit easier than before. Because I already knew what to do in terms of finding credible sources. When I was searching, I looked in the author area and the date all the way at the bottom of the page to ensure that the webpage has been updated recently.

I came across many sources that were not credible but they had the look of credible source. For example, medical or research websites which did not have authors which made them not as credible, but they looked credible. Because some of them had statistic tables, charts and pictures which had numbers that made them seem as credible.

Preparation of this essay made me to realize about what I already know and what I want to know? While I was searching I have read many sources had great insight about my topic which made me to think more and in depth. Also, it helped me to organize my question and insights about my research topic. I learned many more things about my topic.

The process of writing this essay taught me a lot about my topic which I did know before. I did not simply find a source and annotate it, I looked into its insights, main idea to see if its fits my discussion as well as the credibility of source, and doing so made my opinion and arguments even stronger in order to make my readers believe in what I research and discuss in my research project.