
17 April 2018

I felt skeptical for one word out 20 in the quiz, but did my best guess and it was correct. Since, I have taken this quiz over and over again last semester I was familiar with all of them. I don't remember if I have seen them in the materials I have used in my essays, but if they come up I would already know their meanings. I'm not quite sure if I have used them in my essays, but I have used them when speaking. I learn the vocabulary words related to my major (IT) through doing labs for multiple sections of the content.

10 April 2018

When I think about the topic I'm writing about, I'll assume I know a lot about that topic. However, during research I usually find a lot more information and develop my background knowledge about that topic, and it will change the way I look at the topic.

When speaking, I will have more facts and information to prove that I know a lot about the topic. It helps me to retain the information better, because my writing equal my knowledge and thought.

Writing and reading are considered as active ways of perceiving information. Therefore, reading and writing help to retain the information better and recall.

5 April 2018

I usually decide to write based on the prompt or when I come across a topic that is related to me or is interesting.

I will have a purpose or question to answer.

I decide which format I should use based on my major.

Kind of language I will choose/use will be based on the audience that I'm intended to read about my writing. Also, deciding audience helps me to choose the correct language format.

29 March 2018

After I learned about evaluation of sources, I look in credibility in articles when I search online. Therefore,

In my personal life, if I need some information I usually search the web first and then, go to youtube to have a better picture of what it might look like. I think, this helps me to retain the information better even though listening and watching are considered to be passive way of

27 March 2018

Determining the direct audience and changing the tone of voice I had in my head when I started my first infographic.

In my portfolio I will put my sources in APA format below the infographics, but in my infographics I will use the links as resources to more information.

I learned that it is very difficult to combine all the arguments into one infographic, and therefore I might create two infographics. I have not come across any information that is potentially new to me about my topic.

22 March 2018

I learned about what exactly I should be focusing on on the infographics, and add

I will talks about the parents' concerns, solution and the benefits that come along with multilingualism.

Based on the survey I might add information about the languages that are spoken and used the most, and why should someone believe multilingualism is beneficial for everybody.

20 March 2018

Good — It has all the proper information presented in logical with images to emphasize reader or make it easier to read.

Bad — It does not have relevant and reliable information or it is just throw in a page of infographic.

Informal survey suggested:

  • Why would someone believe that multilingualism is not beneficial?
  • Will being multilingual benefit everyone?
  • If yes, how does it benefit?
  • What languages are on the top rate to learn now?

Based on these points, I would like to focus on what is multilingualism? Why is it beneficial? Why parents think it's too hard for children to learn two languages at the same time? Then,

Why would someone believe that multilingualism is not beneficial?

Will being multilingual benefit everyone?

If yes, how does it benefit?

What languages are on the top rate to learn now?

First infographic is going to be about multilingualism for childhood, and the second one is going to be about multilingualism in adulthood; what are the problems and the benefits in both infographics.

8 March 2018

I need to use specific technical language in order to persuade people to read. We used academic language in the research report, and non-professional audience will not be interested in this. Therefore, I need make changes such as, adding graphics or making a video.

The changes in ethos are

The changes in pathos are that parents should not feel frustrated about their children living in a bilingual environment and learning two languages at the same time.

6 March 2018

The parents of young children will probably be interested in this research report, but they might not read it because it is in academic/technical language. Therefore, I need to come up with another way to persuade the parents to read or know the context I talked about.

I want to persuade my audience to read my research, understand the content and trust it.

I want my audience to think about what kind of benefits they can get from my solution in the research report.

I am a multilingual person, and I've gone through the same process and aware of its benefits/consequences. Additionally to make my audience believe me, I will use credible and reliable sources to back up my arguments so, I'm not the only one saying that something is true.

My genre will either be a website or an infographic. If I create a webpage I will include a video that I already know will be very helpful. The ethos for my genre is that the parents should not be afraid to teach another language for their children at an early age. The logos is that it has been proven that multilingualism has many benefits on many aspects of life. The pathos is the credibility of the research, which I will use credible and reliable sources in order to prove that my claim is true.

1 March 2018

  • Analyzing your work and stating your implication
  • Help to revise your essay
  • Grammar/Punctuation check
  • Proofreading or advice on how to improve your essay

Peer reviewer will be able to tell what your implication are, and based on those implications he/she can suggest what improve. This is very important part because it shows where you have issues or difficulties.

27 February 2018

For annotated bibliography we needed to have more than five sources, and I began with six then I added one more and revised my annotation after I received feedback from the instructor. In annotations, I mostly focused on the main ideas and key points of the articles when summarizing. However, it was different when I started drafting research report. In research report I had to add more alternative perspectives and one or more sources to back up those perspectives. Revision is much challenging in research report in my opinion because I had annotate more and analyze sources to see if they have anything in common.

22 February 2018

Chatham-Carpenter, Seawel, and Raschig (2010) report, "Learning through reflection provides the students with a powerful, lifelong skill applicable to all facets of life" (p. 437). As a result, student will assess what they have accomplished in their works or what they still have to work on more.

19 February 2018

Tuesday: Maybe

Wednesday: around 5pm.


Friday: around 7pm.

Saturday: 4pm-7pm.

Sunday: Noon-3pm.



15 February 2018

In a monolingual country as United States people think that bilingualism causes confusion between languages for children and they tend to stick with the most spoken language, which is English, in order to not cause a confusion. The one reason can be that, they think it is difficult for children to grow up as bilinguals.

The cause is people ignore

The effect is no support

13 February 2018

In order to persuade people to read and believe in your research you must put your arguments by order so that it is clear to see what you are talking about, and what is your main approach to the topic. An example of strong argument or to make your argument relevant and credible you have to use credible sources to back up your arguments. A weak argument would be that you're not sure or you cannot persuade people to read and believe in your arguments, and when you use

8 February 2018

Talking about my topic ensured that I need to order my sources to engage the reader better and it ensured how much I actually know or learned about my topic. Of course, I need to find one or more source to broaden my argument and prove why my argument is credible, reliable and relevant in current times.

6 February 2018

Helpful peer reviewer tend to point out your implication in moderation because mostly they help you to clean-up and revise your essay. An example of unhelpful peer review can be when they simply say your essay was good enough but not go in depth and explain whether if it is actually good. They even can say that without reading your essay.

1 February 2018

The problem of using too many quotation is you have to explain and make sure that quotes are relevant to your main idea. If your reader wanted to know about what you're talking they could've gone or will go to that source and read that article where those quotations come from.

The problem of using not enough quotation is that your source becomes less credible. If you include one evidence or quote to backup your argument in each paragraph that's how you make your essay more credible.

30 January 2018

Before drafting I usually research the topic and summarize the articles or sources I have researched and then I start the draft. It helps me to stay focused, have a purpose and make my essay organized. It also helps to expand my point view or argument I'm proposing in my research project.

25 January 2018

The main question I want to answer is what are the benefits of bilingualism or multilingualism? It's interesting for me because I am a multilingual person. I speak four languages. I want to research this question in depth and discover what is beneficial and what is not beneficial of being multilingual.

This question might be interesting for those who are monolingual and bilingual because they both might want to know the benefits as well or how they can learn more than one language.

  • It prevent or delays Alzheimer's
  • If you're bilingual you adapt to the new environment quickly
  • You memory will be stronger
  • You can travel easily
  • You are more likely to be smarter than monolinguals

23 January 2018

This article migh be relevant for my research because it talks about the importance of bilingualism and compare two languages that seems similar.

Vanhove, Jan and Raphael Berthele. "Interactions between Formal Distance and Participant-Related Variables in Receptive Multilingualism." IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, vol. 55, no. 1, Mar. 2017, pp. 23-40. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1515/iral-2017-0007.

This source is credible and reliable because it is up to date and has author with clear credentials. Also, it has useful and relevant references.

18 January 2018

The source I have has the definition of multilingualism, and information about how it is beneficial and somewhat better than monolingualism. It has an author and it is from a scholarly journal. Therefore, I think it is a credible and reliable source for my topic.

16 January 2018

When I search for sources I will read the summary and the abstract, if available, to ensure if the source is credible. For example, a good source contains the information I need to research and learn. However, an example of a bad source may not contain relevant information or it can be rigid, and it may cause confusion.

11 January 2018

I would like to write about how multilingualism is beneficial for life and how people learn more than one language. What possible benefits it has to health? This topic is very interesting for me because I speak four languages and I am aware about some of its benefits but want to learn more in depth.