How Can I Speed Up My Whiplash Recovery?

Imagine being at a stoplight and getting hit from behind.

Head and neck move backward.

There are times when this will make you hurt right away, but it can also take hours, days, or weeks before you start to feel pain and other things.

This is called whiplash. A Whiplash Chiropractor can help with this kind of pain.

Millions of people in the United States get whiplash from car accidents every time a year. This is only second to back injuries.

How quickly you get better from whiplash depends on how bad your injury and accident were.

As long as it doesn't take too long for you to get better.

Below, you can read about it.

What's Whiplash?

During a car accident, your cervical spine (neck) quickly moves backwards. Whiplash is caused by sudden stress, like a bump in the road.

It can happen even if the car in front of you is going less than 14 mph.

You don't have to be in a high-speed accident to get whiplash.

Whiplash hurts the soft tissues in your neck, causing a lot of pain and making it hard to move.

This can happen right away, or it can take a long time for the symptoms to show up.

If you get good medical care and treatment for whiplash, you should be back to your old self in a few weeks or months, depending on how bad your injury is.

Whiplash injury treatment

Common Symptoms Of Whiplash

It is very common for people who get whiplash injuries to have pain in their neck and neck stiffness, as well as a limited range of motion.

Some other symptoms of whiplash can be:

  • Headache

  • Tenderness

  • Stiffness

  • Unclear vision

  • Ringing in the ears

  • Shoulder pain

  • Spinal cord pain

  • Back pain

  • Arm pain

  • Numb or tingly feeling in arms

  • Fatigue

  • Dizziness

As well, there are also more subtle, less common signs of the injury.

Many people don't know that there are other symptoms that come with your injury. Whiplash can cause cognitive problems, such as:

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Concentration and memory issues

  • Irritability

  • Depression

Two Factors Affecting Recovery

It also depends on how much pain you are in.

People who have less pain are more likely to get better faster than people who have more.

The more pain you feel, the longer it will take to get better.

Your mood also has a big impact on how quickly you can get better.

You're also more likely to get better faster if you think positive and set realistic goals for yourself.

Positive thinking leads to positive results, and negative thinking leads to negative results.

whiplash injury doctor

How Long Does Whiplash Recovery Typically Take?

Most people who have whiplash can get better in one to three weeks if they get the right treatment.

The problem is that there isn't a way to know for sure how long your own recovery will take.

Days to weeks is how long it takes for minor injuries to heal.

People who have more severe injuries may have symptoms that last for a long time.

Some patients may never fully recover from their neck injuries, especially if they don't get help right away.

It's thought that about 10% to 20% of people who get whiplash will have a lot of pain for a long time.

As we said before, your mental health and how you feel about pain also play a role in how quickly you can get better.

People who have the following things are most likely to have a bad recovery:

  • Pain at a higher level

  • Disabilities that are more severe

  • P.T.S.D.

  • Signs of depression

  • Low hopes for recovery

Age is also a factor to think about.

Younger people who get into car accidents usually get better faster than people in their 60s or 70s.

People who already have things like back pain, bone spurs, or a previous whiplash injury may also take longer to heal.

Self-Care Speeds Up Recovery

If you have mild to moderate whiplash symptoms, there are ways you can help yourself while you work with your doctor to get better.

Some ways to help yourself with whiplash:

Rest: Staying active will help you keep your neck from becoming too stiff. The first few days after you get hurt, you should take it easy. If you notice that a certain movement or activity makes your neck hurt, don't do it or limit it.

Ice and heat: You can use ice to help with pain and swelling in your neck in the days after you have a whiplash accident. After a few days, ice or heat can be used in different ways.

Prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs: Tylenol and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Advil, Aleve, and Motrin are some of the most common over-the-counter pain relievers. Acetaminophen can block pain receptors, and NSAIDs can cut down on the inflammation. However, over-the-counter pain relievers and prescription medications like muscle relaxers should only be used for a short time. They aren't good long-term.

Putting on a cervical collar to keep the neck in place after a whiplash injury can make things even worse.

It makes the neck muscles weaker, which makes the cervical spine more difficult to move.

Woman being treated for whiplash pain

Chiropractic Treatments Heal Whiplash Quickly And Completely

In the past, traditional pain medications only made you feel better for a short time, and sometimes self-care wasn't enough.

It is the goal of chiropractic care to put your body in a healthy state so it can heal itself.

A whiplash chiropractor will do a physical exam and check your medical history to be sure that you have a whiplash injury.

They can also order imaging tests, like x-rays or MRIs, if they need to.

After they figure out what's wrong, your chiropractor will come up with a treatment plan that fits your needs.

Unlike other doctors, chiropractors don't prescribe painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, or muscle relaxants. They don't use any of these things.

Chiropractic medicine looks at the whole person, not just their symptoms.

Pain and injury symptoms can be relieved, and your neck and shoulders can move again. You can also learn how to relax.

People's healing times will vary, but chiropractic medicine can speed up your whiplash and help you avoid or lessen severe pain and long-term symptoms.

Contact Arrowhead Clinic

There is no quick way to heal from a whiplash injury. It takes time and patience, and there is no quick fix.

When you work with a chiropractor, you'll get better faster and make sure you don't hurt your neck again while it's healing.

The neck will heal if you rest and exercise, and if you get chiropractic care, many people can go back to their normal lives in a few weeks.

Arrowhead Clinic has a group of chiropractors who help whiplash victims get better and get back to their normal lives after a car accident.

Each person who goes to Arrowhead Clinic gets a free consultation to have their injury looked at and a treatment plan drawn up.

If you want to get rid of your neck pain after a car accident, click the link below to set up your free consultation and start chiropractic care today!