Whiplash Chiropractor Albany, GA

Whiplash Injury Treatment Clinic

Looking for a Albany, GA Whiplash Injury Chiropractor?

Whiplash is a very serious neck injury that is commonly caused by a motor vehicle accident. If you have suffered a whiplash injury after a car accident in Albany, Georgia, our professional chiropractors can help you get the medical treatment and legal help you need.

Georgia has thousands of car accidents each year, and no matter the severity of the crash, a whiplash injury is bound to occur.

Victims of whiplash often experience ongoing neck pain in the days to weeks following an accident, however, you should not let your pain go on for that long before seeing an experienced accident injury chiropractor.

Whiplash injuries can happen to anyone.

Rear end collisions that occur at speeds as low as five miles per hour can even result in serious neck injuries from the unexpected jerking motion.

The sudden backward and forward movement can cause a hyperextension to the muscles and ligaments in the neck. This type of trauma can cause permanent damage is not properly treated in a timely manner.

Arrowhead Clinic is experienced in treating these types of accident injuries specifically. If you have been in a Car Accident and believe you may be suffering from a Whiplash Injury, contact our accident injury chiropractic clinic today for your free consultation with the chiropractor.

Common Symptoms of Whiplash

Whiplash injuries can result in a variety of pain symptoms, and many individuals may not even realize they are suffering from a whiplash injury.

Some of the most common signs that an accident caused you to suffer a whiplash injury include: w

  1. Tightness in the Neck

  2. Back Spasms

  3. Upper Back Pain

  4. Neck Pain

  5. Jaw Pain

  6. Shoulder Pain

  7. Migraines

  8. Dizziness

  9. Headaches

  10. Tingling Sensatio

How Do Our Albany Chiropractors Evaluate Whiplash Injuries?

Our Albany, Georgia Chiropractor will evaluate the extent of your injuries by first assessing which spinal structures and muscles have been injured.

During the first examination, your chiropractor will test your spinal joint mobility and pain response. This exam typically consists of:

  1. X-rays

  2. Motor Skills Test

  3. Motion Palpation

  4. Cranial Nerve Examination

  5. Compression Testing

  6. Reflex Testing

Whiplash Recovery in Albany, Georgia

Whiplash injuries are extremely serious, and victims of auto accidents should seek chiropractic treatment immediately following their accident, regardless of the presence of pain.

If treated quickly and correctly, most victims of whiplash injuries will heal within six to nine months. However, more serious cases can cause individuals pain, restricted movement, and weakness for two years after the date of the accident.

In cases that individuals do not seek the treatment that they require, whiplash pain symptoms can last for many years and even the rest of their life.

You do not want to live with this disability for the rest of your life, so schedule a free consultation with Arrowhead in Albany, Georgia now to have your whiplash injury diagnosed and treated properly.

Diagnosing and properly treating a Whiplash injury takes the skill and experience of a highly trained chiropractor who is trained to diagnose and treat these types of accident injuries.

If left untreated for an extended period of time, some long-term symptoms of a whiplash injury may include:

  1. Chronic Pain

  2. Migraines

  3. Loss of Cervical Curve

  4. Fatigue

  5. Temporal Mandibular Degeneration

  6. Degenerative Joint Disease

  7. Tinnitus

  8. Vision Problems

  9. Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

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What is the Treatment for Whiplash Injuries at Arrowhead Clinic?

  1. Posture Correction: It is extremely important to keep your neck, back, and upper body in alignment after suffering a whiplash injury. Poor posture, or a misalignment, can cause additional pain and soreness to the back and neck. Proper alignment is essential to healing and stress relief on the neck.

  2. Chiropractic Adjustments: On-going chiropractic adjustments are necessary to realign the spinal bones. This helps to restore the structure and integrity of the joints, muscles, and ligaments.

  3. Electrical Stimulation: Electrical stimulation therapy entails gentle stimulation on particular sensory trigger points. This helps to improve pain and muscle function.

  4. Therapeutic Neck Stretches: This stretch is primarily used to increase range of motion in the neck and improve muscle strength. Our Albany Chiropractors will even show you exercises and stretching techniques to use at home to help facilitate a faster recovery.

Contact Our Albany Chiropractic Clinic Today

If you believe you are suffering from a whiplash injury after a car accident in Albany, Georgia, do not wait another minute to contact a personal injury chiropractor.

Our professional and experienced chiropractors at Arrowhead Clinic in Albany can help you recover physically and financially after an injury caused in a personal injury accident that was not your fault.

Our chiropractors offer a free consultation to evaluate your injuries and determine how we can best serve you. Click on the button below now to schedule your Albany, GA chiropractic appointment today.

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