Physical Therapy for Auto Accident Injuries

Experienced Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Treatment for Car Accident Injuries

Are you looking for Physical Therapy for your Auto Accident Injuries?

If you were involved in a car accident, it's important to get your injuries diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

At Arrowhead Clinic, we provide physical therapy for victims of auto accident injuries.

We have clinics throughout the state of Georgia and South Carolina. If you are looking for a physical therapist near you, we may be able to help.

Auto accident injuries can cause serious pain and suffering, especially if injuries go untreated. You should always seek treatment for your car accident injuries within 24-48 hours after the accident.

If you're injured, call us today, and we will schedule you for a free consultation with one of our experienced accident doctors. Call now (800) 961-7246.

Common Car Accident Injuries

Car Accidents can cause many different types of injuries. Some of them are so severe that they require immediate medical attention and hospitalization; others are best treated with physical therapy.

Physical therapy can help with any of the following car accident injuries:

  • Neck Injuries

  • Whiplash

  • Back Injuries

  • Headaches

  • Sprains or Strains

  • Muscle, Joint, or Ligament Problems

Getting your injuries treated before they cause serious pain and long-term suffering is crucial to your recovery.

Symptoms of Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash is hands down the most common car accident injury, which is why it's so important to have an understanding of the dangers this injury can cause.

Whiplash is so common because it can occur even in a "minor" accident. Your vehicle may have only been going 5 or 10mph at the time of the crash, and you may still end up with whiplash.

Anytime the neck and head are whipped or jerked in a backward and forward motion, it will cause pressure and stress on the ligaments, muscles, and nerves in the upper back and neck, potentially causing a whiplash injury to occur.

Symptoms of whiplash can be very deceiving, which is why immediate treatment is always your best option. Whiplash symptoms often take hours or sometimes days before they manifest, which may give the accident victim a false sense of hope.

When symptoms of whiplash do appear, you may experience any of the following:

  • Neck Pain

  • Shoulder Pain

  • Headaches

  • Numbness and Tingling

  • Limited Range of Motion

  • Dizziness

  • Nausea

If your whiplash injury is left untreated, your symptoms may turn into chronic pain and long-term suffering.

Some car crash victims end up suffering from whiplash symptoms for months before they receive any treatment. Your best chance of recovering quickly is to get physical therapy as quickly as possible.

What To Expect With Physical Therapy After a Car Accident

Getting physical therapy after being involved in a motor vehicle accident can help prevent chronic pain and long-term suffering.

When you come to Arrowhead Clinic, you will be given a free consultation before we proceed with treatment. During the consultation, we will ask questions regarding your injury, as well as your current and past medical history.

After your initial consultation, we will perform an in-depth physical exam to determine the precise cause and reason for your pain. Getting a proper diagnosis is crucial in providing the most appropriate treatment plan.

One of the benefits of coming to our clinic is that we provide personalized treatment plans to all of our car accident injury patients. Once you have been examined and diagnosed, you will be given a treatment plan that is tailored to your particular recovery needs.

It is our goal to help all of our injury victims avoid surgery and the need for addictive pain medications. It is our hope that with physical therapy tailored to your needs, you will be able to make a quick and optimal recovery.

Physical Therapy Techniques To Treat Auto Accident Injuries

Since all of our patients receive their own unique physical therapy plans, some patients may require more extensive therapy than others.

At Arrowhead Clinic, we offer all of the following physical therapy techniques to help assist with optimal recovery:

Traction and Decompression Therapy works by gently stretching the spine by using a traction table. The goal is to help relieve back and/or leg pain, as well as promote optimal healing for herniated discs, bulging, or degenerating discs.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation is the use of electrodes placed in different locations on the body, near to the source of pain. Signals are sent through nerve fibers to block or reduce the pain signals that travel to the brain. This helps to break the muscle spasms or tension in the injured area.

Strengthening Exercises are specifically designed to help increase the strength of specific muscles or groups of muscles that may have been weekend at the time of the accident.

Ultrasound creates sound waves that help heat the deep tissue as well as causing micro-vibrations. This therapy technique will help increase circulation and is best used for deep tissue injuries.

Resistance Bands are used to isolate strength training to specific muscles that were affected during the accident.

Ergonomics Training may be suggested if the therapist believes that you could benefit from lifestyle modifications.

The type of injury you have sustained will be a determining factor in which types of therapy you need. Your physical therapist will determine which therapy techniques you will benefit from the most.

Getting physical therapy after a car accident might be your best option when it comes to recovery.

Contact Arrowhead Clinic for a Free Physical Therapy Consultation

If you were injured in a car accident in Georgia or South Carolina, you may need physical therapy in order to recover fully from the damage that was caused during your accident.

The benefits of physical therapy after a car crash can be life-altering. Many accident victims avoid surgery and recover fully after completing their physical therapy treatment.

If you were involved in an auto accident, make sure you come to Arrowhead Clinic for a free consultation.

Let us provide you with the care you need to return to your normal daily life and physical function.