Hip Pain Treatment Savannnah

Hip Pain Treatment Savannah, GA

Are you one of the thousands of Savannah residents experiencing hip pain and are in need of Savannah hip pain treatment? Hip pain is a recurrent symptom experienced by a populace of people. Hip pain is one of the leading causes of people being unable to carry on with daily activities such as tying your shoes, getting dressed, walking up stairs and even bending over.

What are the pro's of chiropractic adjustments for hip pain?

Regularly specified as "adjustments," these scientific manipulations are utilized for treatment of various musculoskeletal conditions. By realigning the body's structure and joint ranges of motion, doctors of chiropractic aim to reduce pain, improve mobility and function, and initiate the body's self-healing abilities.

There are a large number of chiropractic manipulations practiced to treat hip pain, the treatment selected is based upon the preferences and inferences of the patient.

The most basic chiropractic technique involves manual therapy of the spine, joints, and soft tissues. Many times in conjunction with spinal manipulation; nutrition management, stress management, and lifestyle goals will be used in combination with treatment to help reduce chronic inflammation of the hip joint.

Many times too much or not enough motion in hip joints causes irritation or discomfort, treatment of soft tissue or joint structures commonly reduces pain in patients. Some doctors administer high velocity force (manipulation) to realign the spine and others use a low aptitude (mobility) approach.

We offer each of our patients a Free Consultation at our Savannah Treatment Center to see if we might be able to relieve your hip pain without drugs or surgery.

Hip Pain as a Result of an Auto Accident

An auto accident can play all sorts of havoc on a persons physical being. The blunt force trauma associated with a traffic collision can have debilitating consequences on a persons day to day life. There are many painful ailments that can develop due to such an accident. However, injuries to the hip can be especially difficult for a person to deal with without help. An auto accident can cause your hips to be pushed out of alignment. This can affect a great deal of your well being, including your ability to walk. That is why it is so important to visit a health care provider following an accident.

Provided you are not in any immediate life threatening danger, a chiropractic care professional is a great resource for overcoming your pain. An experienced chiropractor, like those at Arrowhead Clinic Savannah, have a plethora of tools for diagnosing your specific condition. These range from hands on examinations to x-rays. An accurate diagnosis will help your chiropractor develop your optimum recovery treatment plan.

If you are experiencing pain as a result of a car accident, contact us. The chiropractors at Arrowhead Clinic Savannah specialize in these types of accidents. Call and schedule a free consultation with our skilled chiropractors today!

Common symptoms of minor and severe Hip Pain:

There are many common causes to irritation in the hip region, some causes can be minor, such as a sprain or strain, and other causes can be more problematic, such as a disk injury or fracture. Other symptoms that go along with hip pain are as follows:

  • Lower back pain

  • Sore pain down legs

  • Herniated discs or bulging discs

  • Pinched nerves

  • Irritated hip flexor

  • Severe pain after prolonged sitting

  • Repetitive movements causing strain in the hips.

We are a Personal Injury and Chiropractic Clinic with a location in Savannah that specializes in finding effective and natural solutions for acute and chronic hip pain caused by injury.

Our practice features a team of physicians and chiropractic specialists who are highly qualified to diagnose and treat a variety of different types of hip pain and other sport conditions. Our physicians are deeply committed to helping our patients get long-term relief from their hip pain and return to a healthy and active lifestyle.

In addition, our individualized treatment plans are focused on preventing hip injuries and pain from reoccurring in the future by balancing the pelvis which acts as the stabilizing aid of the spinal column. Avoid the dangers of hip surgery and Get your Free Hip Pain Consultation today.

How Can Our Savannah Clinic Naturally Provides Relief for Hip Pain?

Chiropractic is a health care profession and type of alternative medicine that balances the body's musculoskeletal and nervous systems. If you become a chiropractic patient during your initial visit you will be given a physical examination and asked questions pertaining to your current medical status and personal history.

A thorough hip exam will be administered carefully pinpointing the source of the pain. If your doctor determines you are an appropriate candidate for chiropractic therapy, he or she will create a specialized treatment plan.

Typically treatment plans consist of:

  • Manual manipulations of the spine and other parts of the body

  • Exercise therapy

  • Nutrition plan

  • Hip stretches

  • Electrical stimulation

  • Heat/cold applications

  • Rehabilitation

Why our doctors in Savannah offer the best Hip Pain Relief?

  1. Quick recovery and pain relief

  2. Proven treatment options not experimental surgery

  3. Increased full body range of motion

  4. Lasting overall health improvement

  5. Cost effective approach to treatment

Caution of Hip Surgery

Many people that experience hip pain are quickly instructed to undergo costly surgeries and risky pain medications. More times than not, patients are left with high medical bills, increased levels of pain, and a reliance on prescription medications.

Chiropractic techniques allows patients an outlet to such extreme measures and expensive procedures. It is an option that is equally effective, costs less, and quickly delivering results.

Specialized hip pain treatment plans gives patients a natural remedy to pain while avoiding the costs and risks associated with surgery and drugs.

Visit Our Savannah Hip Pain Treatment Clinic Today

Our trained doctors will improve your functionality and mobility to a healthy level.

Many patients come to our Savannah Clinic experiencing significant pain that deeply impacts their lives.

Our doctors will carefully design a distinct treatment plan targeted to your pain levels and needs. Don't keep living in continuous pain.