How Chiropractic Care Can Help Ease Nerve Pain

Neck Pain Conditions Chiropractors Can Help With

Chiropractors typically are thought of as the doctors that make your back pop. While that is true, there is a lot more to chiropractors than that.

That's true, but there's a lot more to it than that.

There are a lot of different aches and pains that can be treated with chiropractic care, including Neck Pain.

In this blog, we discuss the different Neck Pain Conditions that experienced chiropractors can help with.

Table of contents:

  • How chiropractic care can help your neck pain

  • Nerve damage

  • Neuropathy

  • Pinched nerves

  • Sciatica

  • Time for treatment

  • Schedule a Free Chiropractic Consultation

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Your Nerve Pain

Chiropractors practice a hands-on, drug-free approach to health care that focuses on the nervous system of your body.

The most common and well-known procedures performed by chiropractors is spinal manipulation.

Spinal manipulation increases or restores joint mobility by manually applying a controlled force into the affected joints.

Chiropractors are known to treat back pain, but they can also help with conditions like neck pain, headaches, and joint pain.

If you're suffering from nerve pain, chiropractic care may be the help you need.

Nerve Damage

It's estimated that 20 million Americans, including 70% of people with diabetes, are suffering from peripheral nerve damage.

Chiropractic care can help align muscles and nerves in the spine, allowing the nervous system to function effectively for nervous irrigation and relieving muscle pain in patients suffering from diabetes.

Aside from diabetes, other causes include autoimmune disease, cancer, and drug side effects, nutritional deficiencies, and infectious disease.

If you're one of the 20 million people suffering from this condition, you're probably looking for pain relief.

One of the best things you can do for your nerve pain is to receive chiropractic care.


Neuropathy is the common term used to describe nerve disease or damage.

Some forms of neuropathy are more common than others, and some are more severe than others.

When classifying neuropathy, doctors consider these two things:

  • Functional classification: motor, sensory, autonomic or a combination

  • Type of onset: hours, days, weeks, months, years

They will also take into consideration what part of the body it's affecting. It typically affects your arms, wrists, hands, legs, ankles, and feet.

Common signs of neuropathy are a limited range of motion, headaches, fatigue, and weakness.

If you're looking for relief from your pain symptoms, regular electrostimulation and massage therapy with chiropractic care tend to control symptoms without the need to use medications.

Routine chiropractic adjustments are also effective treatments.

Pinched Nerves

Now that we have a broad understanding of neuropathy, we can take a look at a couple of different types.

One of the most common forms of neuropathy are pinched nerves.

A pinched nerve occurs when the bones, muscles, or tendons surrounding a nerve apply too much pressure to the nerve.

This leads to inflammation of the nerve, disrupting the signals going to and from the brain, and blocks the flow of nutrients meant to keep it healthy and robust.

Muscle weakness, twitching, numbness, and painful spasms are all symptoms.

Common causes are sports injuries, poor posture, overuse, and obesity.

If left untreated, the "pinched" nerve can eventually die.

That's why it's important to visit your chiropractor as soon as any of the symptoms appear.

When you first visit the chiropractor, they will perform a physical exam to determine the likeliest cause of your pain, and they will base your treatment plan on the results of the exam.

If the pinched nerve is caused by a muscle spasm, then physical and massage therapy should address the problem.

If the spasm was caused by a joint that's out of place, a spinal adjustment will be recommended.

If there is a more severe injury, additional testing and more aggressive treatment will likely be needed.


The dictionary defines sciatica as pain affecting the back, hip, and outer side of the leg, caused by compression of a spinal nerve root in the lower back.

Sciatic pain can be caused by slipped discs, pregnancy, tumors, and disorders such as diabetes, and constipation.

The pain caused by sciatica is often described as dull, achy, sharp, or similar to electric shocks.

Since there are a number of things that cause sciatica, your chiropractor's first step will be to determine what caused yours.

The diagnosis will include a review of your medical history and a physical and neurological examination.

Your chiropractic treatment plan may include ice/cold therapies, ultrasound, electrical nerve stimulation, and spinal adjustments.

Your chiropractor will do all they can to diagnose and treat your sciatica, and they are often successful.

However, sometimes your sciatica is caused by something beyond the scope of chiropractic practice.

If that's the case, your chiropractor will refer you to another specialist for further treatment.

Most of the time, you will continue to be treated by your chiropractor, and he or she will work hand in hand with the other specialist to treat your disorder.

Time for Treatment at Arrowhead Clinic

If you're suffering from any of the pain symptoms above, it's time to get your body checked out.

In the event that your nerve pain has been caused by an accident, You may have questions to ask an accident injury doctor. Regardless of the cause, if you have concerns, you should not wait to ask these very important questions.

If you wait too long to get treatment, your nerves could be irreversibly damaged, or they could die.

If you're ready to get your symptoms checked out and your health restored, the chiropractors at Arrowhead Clinic are ready and willing to help.