What Should You Not Do After An Accident in Duluth, GA

Not every car accident can be prevented, and we are bound to be involved in a few accidents during our life.

Most accidents will have property damage, and sometimes injuries will occur.

It’s important that you know what to do and say after an accident, but it's just as important to know what NOT to do.

If you've been in a car accident, it's important to contact a Duluth Car Accident Chiropractor to receive necessary medical treatment.

Never Forget to Stop and Check For Injuries

Everyone involved in an accident must first stop. Leaving the scene of an accident can be considered a felony.

Once you're pulled over, don't forget to check yourself for visible injuries.

With the rush of adrenaline, you might feel fine, but sometimes injuries can be lying dormant until the adrenaline wears off.

Many accident victims experience pain in their neck, shoulders, back, legs, and other areas.

If you experience any pain, call 911, or have someone else do it if you aren't able to.

Never Forget To Call The Police

No matter how minor the accident is, you should always call the police so you can have a police report.

An official police report to document the exact circumstances of your crash.

A police report can be a vital piece of information if you have to file a personal injury claim.

Your injury law firm will need the information in this report to help you win a settlement.

Duluth, Georgia car accident doctor

Never Forget To Exchange Information with the Other Driver

Everyone should exchange contact and insurance information with everyone else involved in the accident.

You should get the full name, home address, email address, telephone number, date of birth, driver’s license number, vehicle information, VIN, insurance company, and policy number from the other driver before leaving the accident scene.

If the other party doesn't cooperate, this information should be on the police report.

Never Forget to Speak To Eyewitnesses

If anybody close by witnessed the accident, you should also get their names and contact information so you will have someone else that can verify your account of the accident.

Never Forget To Notify Your Insurance Company

Once you've reported the accident to police and handled everything at the scene of the accident, you need to notify your insurance company.

Your insurance will need the details of the accident to determine who was at-fault, how your rates will be affected, and what claim you can file for vehicle damage.

But be sure never to admit guilt.

Be aware of the statute of limitations of a claim with your insurance in Georgia.

If you wait too long, you might not be eligible for compensation.

Car accident doctor in Duluth, Georgia

Never Refuse Medical Care

No matter how you feel after a car accident in Duluth, you should always see a medical professional.

If you feel fine after the accident, you can schedule an appointment with a car accident chiropractor.

An experienced chiropractor can perform a physical exam to diagnose or rule out any injuries.

If necessary, they will design a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Contact Arrowhead Clinic in Duluth

If you have been injured in a car accident in Duluth, an experienced car accident chiropractor with Arrowhead Clinic can treat your injuries so your life can return to normal.

Our chiropractors can diagnose your injuries and design a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

To schedule your Free Consultation, click the button below.