List of Symptoms Caused by Subluxation of the Thoracic Spine

List of Symptoms Caused by Subluxation of the Thoracic Spine

The second section of this three-piece series has to do with thoracic spine subluxation.

The thoracic spine is made up of twelve vertebrae, known as T1 through T12. It is located between the cervical and lumbar levels, right in the middle of the spine at your mid back.

These twelve vertebrae and nerves connect directly to the rib cage, thus allowing easy communication with the central parts of the body.

If you are experiencing back pain, you should see a back pain chiropractor as soon as possible.

When the spinal cord or nerve roots become impaired, they can limit physical function and cause back pain and neck pain.

It can also affect your mid back.

Thankfully, the thoracic spine is heavily protected by the rib cage, so it is much harder to damage and feel pain in this area than the sections of the cervical or lumbar spine. Subluxations are still possible, however.

Sections T9 through T12 of the thoracic vertebrae are known as "transition vertebrae" because of their closeness and similarity to the lumbar vertebrae.

These four vertebrae are most susceptible to damage and trauma due to compression fractures.

The T11 and T12 are particularly vulnerable to damage because of their flexibility. They are the most flexible part of the spine, and they are usually the vertebrae that get damaged most often.

Overall, a spinal injury is different with every case and the completeness of the damage to the spinal cord and discs will determine how severe the injury and the level of recovery that can be realistically expected by the patient. Your body may react differently than someone else's.

What Kind of Symptoms are Experienced After Damage to the Thoracic Spine (T1-T12)?

Although the thoracic spine is the most difficult of the three sections to injury, it can still sustain severe damages that result in life-changing injuries.

Patients with a more severe vertebrae injury may experience:

  • Potential Paraplegia

  • Reduced Function in the Legs and Torso

  • Lack of Dexterity in the Fingers and Hands

  • Reduced Control of Abdominal Muscles or the Trunk of the Body

  • Lack of Bladder and Bowel Control

  • Limited Ability to Stand or Walk with Braces

Individuals who suffered a minor accident or subluxation are more likely to experience less severe injuries like the ones listed below. Although less severe, many could still be life-changing if you don't receive chiropractic treatment.

Here is a list of the T1 through T12 vertebrae and their potential corresponding injuries.

T1: Can affect the arms, elbows, hands and fingers. When misaligned, this can cause pain, numbness, and soreness down the shoulder and into the arm and hands. Other symptoms are:

  • Asthma

  • Cough

  • Difficulty Breathing

  • Shortness of Breath

  • Pain in Lower Arms and Hands

T2: Can affect the heart, coronary arteries, and chest area. Chest pain, tightness, heartburn, and soreness in these areas can occur. You may also experience:

  • Functional Heart Conditions

T3: Can affect the lungs and bronchial tubes. Asthma, difficulty breathing, and tightening of the chest can be symptoms of misalignment. You may also experience:

  • Bronchitis

  • Pleurisy

  • Pneumonia

  • Congestion

  • Influenza

T4-T12: Commonly affect regions of the stomach. The gallbladder, liver, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, kidneys, colon and uterus are specific organs that could cause discomfort, indigestion, and stomach problems when misaligned. Adjustment to this area can also positively affect immunity. Many people also experience:


  • Gallbladder Conditions

  • Jaundice

  • Shingles


  • Liver Conditions

  • Fevers

  • Blood Pressure Problems

  • Poor Circulation

  • Arthritis


Stomach Troubles

  • Indigestion

  • Nervous Stomach

  • Heartburn

  • Dyspepsia


  • Ulcers

  • Gastritis


  • Lowered Immune Resistance


  • Allergies

  • Hives


  • Kidney Troubles

  • Hardening of the Arteries

  • Chronic Tiredness

  • Nephritis

  • Pyelitis


Skin Conditions like,

  • Acne

  • Pimples

  • Eczema

  • Boils


  • Rheumatism

  • Gas Pains

  • Certain Types of Sterility

How Do You Fix A Thoracic Spine Subluxation?

If you were a victim of an accident and have a thoracic spine subluxation, you should contact an experienced chiropractor for chiropractic treatment.

Chiropractors are known for their ability to find and correct these problem spots. They’ll use spinal manipulation to adjust the vertebrae of the spine back into their proper places.

The professionals at Arrowhead Clinic have been providing treatment to hurt individuals for more than 40 years, come to the best in the business to learn more about treatment options for your specific injury. Call us today at 800-961-PAIN to schedule your free consultation.

The chiropractors at the Arrowhead Clinic will help you say goodbye to your subluxations.

Next Blog: How Can a Chiropractor Fix Low Back Pain?