What To Do After A Car Accident in Savannah

An automobile accident in Savannah, Georgia, has the power to completely change your life in an instant.

Everything becomes more challenging when you are hurt in a car accident.

Accident injuries have the potential to drastically alter your life and cause persistent, long-term problems.

Your ability to make a full physical recovery and submit an insurance claim will be greatly impacted by the actions you take right away following your accident in Savannah.

Following a car accident, mistakes can be quite costly.

Knowing what to do following a Savannah car accident is crucial since insurance companies frequently look for justifications to reject your claim or lower your settlement.

Auto accidents, however, may be terrible experiences, particularly if you weren't the at-fault driver.

After a high-impact crash, you could be bewildered or in a lot of pain and unsure of what to do or which Savannah car accident chiropractor to see.

We'll go through a few things you should do following your accident in Savannah in the post below.

Stay Calm and Check For Injuries

Immediately following a car accident can be a very stressful time.

You can feel as though everything is moving slowly and be frightened or confused.

A burst of adrenaline will probably also be running through your body.

Stop, breathe, and check yourself for injuries from an accident.

Due to the adrenaline rush, you may not immediately feel wounded, especially if you have soft tissue injuries like whiplash.

Move to a safe area and call emergency services for medical treatment if you or anybody else in the accident has sustained an accident injury.

Once everyone is secure, you can begin gathering the required data.


Document Accident Information

After your accident, you should document it and get as much general information as you can.

Make sure to include details like:

  • The other driver's driver's license number

  • Their license plate number

  • Information from their insurance card, such as their policy number

  • Their address and telephone number

  • The accident's time and date

  • Information on how to reach any accident witnesses

Having this information on hand will be essential when filing claims with the insurance provider.

It may be difficult to get the compensation you deserve without this information.

Call The Police

In Savannah, you must always call the police following an accident.

You should never expect that someone else will call the police; instead, always dial 911 yourself.

You must still call the police, despite any persuasion from the other driver to do otherwise.

Inform the 911 operator of the accident, any injuries sustained, and the location of the accident.

The attending officer will fill out an accident police report that will help set the scene for a potential personal injury lawsuit in the future.

You cannot submit a claim with some insurance providers if there is no formal accident report.

If paramedics are called to the site, let them evaluate your injuries without saying you're alright.

It's important to let medical specialists thoroughly examine you for any signs of whiplash, concussion, and other accident injuries because many auto accident injuries take time to manifest symptoms.

Make sure to tell the police when you call if it looks that the at-fault driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


Note Things Around the Scene

As you wait for the police to come, you should next gather evidence at the location of the collision.

Before moving the automobiles, take pictures of their positions, the cars' property damage, and any injuries you may have sustained.

Take a lot of pictures from different perspectives.

Take pictures of the road conditions as well, especially if there were any obstacles that might have caused the collision.

Additionally, keep an eye out for things like skid marks, broken stoplights, or anything else that can help your auto accident lawyer win your case.

Time is of the essence because if the accident scene is cleaned up, the evidence could be destroyed.

Additionally, you should look to see if the incident was captured on any security or traffic cameras.

Video evidence is crucial in proving your point, but you must keep it safe.

If there were any accident witnesses, ask them if you may take a quick video of what they witnessed.

Ask someone else to assist if you are unable to take pictures or interview witnesses.

Contact Insurance

As quickly as possible following your accident, get in touch with your insurance representative.

You should consult an accident attorney in advance if you have any doubts about whether your insurance company will cover your accident.

The majority of them have insurance policy requirements for how soon after an accident you must contact them, so you shouldn't put off contacting them.

Your claim can be turned down if you don't get in touch with them promptly.

Be careful to wait until you've spoken with a knowledgeable auto accident lawyer before providing any statements or responding to any inquiries from the at-fault driver's insurance company.

Be courteous, but refrain from talking about the accident in any detail until you've gotten legal counsel.

Additionally, your personal injury lawyer can speak on your behalf.

personal injury lawyer consulting with an accident victim in savannah, georgia

Contact An Accident Lawyer

After an automobile accident, speak with a knowledgeable auto accident lawyer to learn more about your legal rights and obligations.

You might not believe that a simple fender-bender calls for the services of an attorney, but even minor collisions can result in grave injury.

If the accident resulted in major property damage or any kind of serious injury, you should always hire an accident lawyer.

Seek Medical Attention

Even if you don't feel hurt, you should get medical help following your accident in Savannah.

It's always a good idea to get medical attention because the accident's adrenaline may disguise significant damage.

In order to get the money you need for your injuries, a formal diagnosis from an accident doctor promptly after your accident is essential if you were hurt.

Be careful to adhere to your doctor's recommendations in full and show up to any follow-up appointments.

If you don't, your insurance provider can contend that your injuries aren't as serious as you say they are.

Your medical professional will be able to identify your injuries and determine how the accident contributed to them.

Your insurance company can assert that your injury was pre-existing or brought on by something else and wasn't worsened or made worse by the event without a thorough medical diagnosis.

Visit Arrowhead Clinic in Savannah

Your wellness is important to the chiropractors at Arrowhead Clinic in Savannah, and they will give you the post-auto accident medical attention you require.

They will assist you not only with your physical requirements but also with your financial needs.

They will refer you to Savannah Car Accident Lawyers to assist you in recouping your financial losses after your initial consultation and treatment by one of our injury chiropractors.

Even after a small accident, hiring a personal injury lawyer to assist you with your case will help you get a fair compensation and guarantee that your medical bills are covered.

Contact Arrowhead Clinic in Savannah, Georgia today to get a free consultation if you were hurt in a car accident.