Team 2


Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

ALS is a progressive, chronic, irreversible disease. Multiple gene sets are found to be involved in the expression of ALS, each with varying degrees of toxicity, as evinced in the survival rates and locomotor performances of each fly group and stock.

 J.C. Wang, G. Ramaswami, D.H. Geschwind (2021) found and classified different modules with gene sets related in function. All of our genes were selected from the SC. M4. module, defined by Wang et alia.

For our research purposes, we selected three different genes (and/or their corresponding Drosophila Melanogaster ortholog genes) which were found to be relevant to ALS phenotype expression in human beings: OTUD5, ARID1B, and STRADA. All three gene sets pertain to gene regulation and RNA processing. 

+CyO (curly)

OTUD5: OTU Deubiquitinase 5 

This is a gene that codes for Deubiquitinizing Enzyme A, which breaks down ubiquitin proteins in the cell (FlyBase). Although it is currently unknown as to how it is implicated in ALS, we hypothesize that it is downregulated in ALS, as ubiquitin-proteasomes degrade proteins. Additionally, downregulation could make chromatin more easily accessible, which would make more transcription of DNA possible. This could cause protein aggregation, either directly or through epigenetic factors.

ARID1B: AT-rich Interaction Domain 1B

This gene contains instructions for a protein that will partake in the formation of a family of complexes responsible for chromatin remodeling, DNA damage repair, and replication. ARID1B is thought to act as a tumor suppressor, and is directly related to Coffin-Siris syndrome. ARID1B0-deficient neurons have been shown to lead to decreased dendrite branching, and fewer and shorter dendrite spines, which could potentially underpin the neuromotor phenotypes present in ALS.

STRADA: STE20 related adaptor alpha

As with ARID1B, the STRADA gene (Stlk in Drosophila) codes for a protein that forms a heterotrimer with MO25 and STK11, which is directly related to mTOR pathways, and, through such pathways cell growth and translation (which is shared by gene sets in the SC M4 module/cluster). STRADA mutations are linekd to Pretzel Syndrome (also known as Polyhydramnios, Megalencephaly, Symptomatic Epilepsy Syndrome -PMSE-). 


Pictured below: Vials with a cross in progress
Pictured below: Flies that are missing at least one trait for the double-balancer


To successfully make a cross, it is vital that you are able to track the genetics of the flies you are crossing into their progeny. As mentioned in the introduction, flies have three main chromosomes. Balancer genes are used to maintain mutations and to more easily track traits. The main balancers we used in our crosses were Curly (CyO), Serrated (Ser), Scutoid (ScO), TM6bTbSb, and Lyra (Ly). It's important that you use a virgin female to ensure that you are able to properly track the genetic line.

Creating a Double-Balancer

Some of the crosses that we needed to make had our genes on the third chromosome. Due to the placement of the UAS/RNAi genes and the ALS genes, we needed to create a double balancer stock to cross our genes with to ensure they had all of the traits necessary. To start, we crossed a virgin female with the genotype +/+ ; ScO/CyO ; MKRSTM6b,SbTb with a male with the genotype +/y ; UAS-TDP43/UAS-TDP43 ; +/+. Additionally, we crossed a virgin female with the genotype +/+ ; +/+ ; alrmGAL4/alrmGAL4 with a male with the genotype +/y ; ScO/CyO ; MKRS/TM6b,SbTb. The progeny kept with both of these crosses were curly-winged that hatched from tubby pupae cases. To verify that the flies were hatching from tubby pupae cases, the cases were looked at before they hatched and separated based on whether they had the wild-type phenotype or the Tubby phenotype.

They were then crossed with flies with a genotype of +/+; IF/CyO ; Ly/TM6bTbSb. We picked against flies with the IF genotype and for flies with Ly, CyO, and TM6bTbSb. Unfortunately, we were unable to find any flies with all of the characteristics of a double balancer, so this will have to be restarted for next semester.

Testing Locomotor Behaviors

In the beginning of class, we were following the protocol set up by Madabattula et. al. We followed these steps:

As we worked with this, though, we realized that the majority of our wild-type flies were not crossing the 190mL line. This was concerning in terms of our data, as flies with ALS genes are worse at locomotion. Due to this, we decided to alter the protocol so that the line that flies had to be crossed in order to be counted was at the 110mL line instead of the 190mL line. Additionally, we placed a piece of cardboard behind the beaker to make it easier to see the flies as they climbed. We were also not always able to use 20 flies, as some of them would die as they got older. Finally, we started adding a labeling section at the beginning of the video that stated the number of flies, their date of birth, and their genotype. Unfortunately, this last change was not implemented until about halfway through the semester, when the majority of our work was focused on our individual genes rather than group data. This meant that we didn't have a very solid stock of analyzed videos that we were able to use to find the percent that crossed the line, rendering them (mostly) useless in the long run.

Pictured below: Various images taken while running locomotor behavior assays


Control Data


We compared the average percentage of flies that crossed the 110 mL line between Weeks 1-2 and Weeks 3-4. There is a marginal decrease in average percentage of flies climbed between the two time spans.


We compared the average percentage of flies that crossed the 110 mL line between Weeks 0-1, Weeks 1-2, Weeks 2-3, and Weeks 3-4. During Weeks 1-2, zero flies climbed up. However, there is still a marginal decrease in the average percentage of flies climbed between Weeks 2-3 and Weeks 3-4.


The control gathered data during the study showed that flies expressed a higher level of locomotor function during Weeks 1 and 2 than during Weeks 3 and 4. This aligns with our prediction that the locomotor function of Drosophila with the vglutGAL4 and alrmGAL4 genotypes decline with age. 

Due to issues with setting up a double-balancer cross for our Chromosome 3 genes (OTUD5, STRADA) and a lack of progeny from the vglutGAL4/+ ; UAS-TDP43 x UAS.osa cross, we do not have data based on our genes to analyze. However, we can provide what we predict to see from further testing of our genes. In testing the locomotor function of flies that possess the down-regulation of our select genes (which we hypothesized to be associated with ALS and its symptoms), we expect to see a decline in locomotor function in comparison with the vglutGAL4 and alrmGAL4 controls. 

Each of our genes will require further testing to determine if its down-regulation presents ALS-like symptoms in Drosophila, and what that means for the expression of that gene in humans.

Future Steps

In a broad sense, the next step for our group is to finish the crosses with our ALS genes and see how they behave in comparison to the group data that we have collected. In order to do that, however, there needs to be a higher number of controlled data trials that are properly labeled and analyzed. Additionally, the double balancer cross needs to be continued, as this is a very specific cross that has a low likelihood of producing the progeny that we desire.


FlyBase gene report: Dmel\Duba. FlyBase. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Ka, M., Chopra, D. A., Dravid, S. M., & Kim, W. Y. (2016). Essential Roles for ARID1B in Dendritic Arborization

and Spine Morphology of Developing Pyramidal Neurons. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 36(9), 2723–2742.

Madabattula, S. T., Strautman, J. C., Bysice, A. M., O'Sullivan, J. A., Androschuk, A., Rosenfelt, C., Doucet, K.,

 Rouleau, G., & Bolduc, F. (2015). Quantitative Analysis of Climbing Defects in a Drosophila Model of Neurodegenerative Disorders. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, (100), e52741. 

Orlova, K. A., Parker, W. E., Heuer, G. G., Tsai, V., Yoon, J., Baybis, M., Fenning, R. S., Strauss, K., & Crino,

P. B. (2010). STRADalpha deficiency results in aberrant mTORC1 signaling during corticogenesis in humans and mice. The Journal of clinical investigation, 120(5), 1591–1602.

Scharf, D., Fruit Fly (Vinegar Fly) Drosophila melanogaster - wild type, Science Source, accessed 30 April
