Included below are our methodologies for fly collection, running locomotor tests, and our cross set-ups, respectively.
Fly Collection
Vial of flies to be analyzed
CO2 source (including CO2 gun & pad)
Variety sized brushes
Fly morgue (tub of soapy water with funnel on the opening)
Turn on microscope light & CO2 gas
Hold vial horizontally while inserting CO2 gun into vial
Flip vial onto CO2 pad
Hold vial upside-down on CO2 pad for 5 seconds or longer
Repeat steps 3 & 4 until all viable flies are on the CO2 pad
Sort flies based on view under microscope and determined desired traits
Dispose of flies with undesirable traits
Create tube of flies with desirable traits
Locomotor Tests
Fly vial to be tested
Camcorder & Stand
Graduated cylinder
Cushioned pad
Apply tape above 110 mL line on the graduated cylinder
Cut a piece of parafilm and slightly stretch it out
Place the funnel into the opening of the graduated cylinder
While tapping the vial so the flies are on the bottom, quickly flip the vial upside down into the funnel
Take off funnel and stretch the parafilm over the opening of the graduated cylinder- make sure it is completely sealed
Let the flies rest for at least one minute
Create a label of the strain name, number of flies, their birthdate, date tested, & team name
Adjust camera to face the taped portion of graduated cylinder
Start recording
Tap graduated cylinder 6 times randomly and place into view of the camcorder
Film for 2 minutes
Remove parafilm
Place funnel on the vial opening
Flip the flies from the graduated cylinder onto the funnel while tapping the entire system
Close the vial with the cotton top while tapping to keep the flies at the bottom
Recount flies
Upload video and analyze results
We carefully set up a plan of our crosses that we would be completing in lab. We took into account the the strains to manipulate the genes and the types of cells that these strains played a part (glial, neuronal, or both).
Next: Results
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