Important safety tips for those interested in kayaking

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Kayaking is, in a big way, a rigorous and challenging water sport, but one that likewise provides both loads (or boatloads) of exhilaration and health benefits as it’s a complete body workout. Many kayakers will insist that it’s a sport that’s very safe and user-friendly. However, we understand that it’s not easy to just jump into the water, so to speak. We’ve prepared a list of safety tips below for beginners.

One, you’ve to understand the hazards of maneuvering through rapidly moving currents, particularly the presence of rocks and other obstructions along the way. So, go into your first kayaking adventure completely sober and thus alert. Again, never drink and paddle.

Dress up appropriately for the occasion. If your kayaking adventure is going to be on the cold months, the water will be close to freezing and can give your hypothermia. In fact, it’s best not to try out kayaking on cold or cool waters if it’s your first time. Paddle with a certified expert or instructor and choose relatively warmer waters that’s close to shore. Never, ever try kayaking alone if it’s your first time.

Of course, it goes without saying that you should be wearing a life jacket. No matter how uncomfortable it is and how much you think it’s impeding your movements, never take it off. Moreover, there are regular life jackets, and there are ones made specifically for kayaking. Make sure that you get the kayak-specific one, as it would be more customized for paddling and remove most of the discomfort.

Hey, there. I’m Anouk Govil, a 19-year-old student based in Venice, CA and pursuing a degree in biology. I’m a huge fan of water sports, particularly kayaking, angling, and surfing. Visit this page to know more about my interests.