Fishing with your children: A few reminders

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My name is Anouk Govil, and I have picked up quite a number of hobbies over the past few years. One of my favorites is fishing. Not only is it peaceful, but it’s also a great hobby to share with friends and family. Even children can appreciate angling.

Here are a few important reminders if you want to take your kids out fishing.


Don’t go buying your kids toy rods. They’ll only be good for at most, two tries before they break. Buy your kids actual fishing rods that are light and easy to handle. As far as the monofilament goes, three to four pounds should be enough. Hooks should be small as well.


Small bait such as worms and crickets will do. For bobbers, some available stocks are made exclusively for children. Ones with Bugs Bunny, Garfield, and other cartoon characters are always a child’s choice.


Don’t bring your kids out to the lake and teach them the basics there. Days before leaving for a fishing trip, have them role-play the things they need to do at home. This practice makes them confident, not to mention helps them avoid any unnecessary injuries. And they’re kids, so be sure to liven it up. Make it seem like an adventure.

Fishing with your kids may very well be an adventure of a lifetime. Take it from me, Anouk Govil.

Anouk Govil, junior scientist, water sports enthusiast, and queen of open mic, at your service. I'm a biology major attending California State University Channel Islands. Out of school, I am usually at the beach hanging ten, kayaking, or fishing. Come nightfall, I can sometimes be found at the local bar during open mic sessions, hitting the high notes of my favorite power ballads to perfection—most of the time. For more articles like this, visit this page.