9 класс

13.05 Wednesday, the thirteenth of May

Control speaking

Today you'll pass control speaking!

Вам предоставлены несколько билетов. Выбираете любой и готовите тему,раскрывая все пункты. Присылаете голосовым сообщением!(сегодня)


Give a talk about English-speaking countries

Remember to say:

  • What English-speaking countries there are

  • Whether people speak the same language in these countries

  • Whether there are American equivalents for the British words

You have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes.


Give a talk about animals in danger

Remember to say:

  • Why you find the names of some animals in the Red Book

  • What animals are disappearing nowadays, why

  • What people must do to save animals

You have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes.


Give a talk about problems of our planet

Remember to say:

  • What we should protect on our planet

  • Whether water is very important for life on the Earth, why/why not

  • Whether you can swim in each sea, why/why not

You have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes.

12.05 Tuesday, the twelfth of May

Survive. Control reading

Today you'll pass control reading. So make tasks and send me results!

Economy wasted trip

An Englishman who was in France wanted to go back to England by sea. But he had very little money. He had so little money that he could pay only for the ticket. As he knew that the trip would last only two days, he decided not to eat during these days.

As he took a ticket and got on the ship the next morning, he tried not to hear the bell for breakfast. When dinner time came, he was very hungry; but he didn’t go to the dining-room. In the evening he was still more hungry, but when the waiter came to invite him to have supper, the Englishman said that he was ill.

The next day the Englishman was half-dead and couldn’t stand the hunger any longer. “I shall go and eat even if they kick me out into the sea”, said he to himself. So he went to the ship dining-room and had his dinner. In the evening he had supper but was very much afraid of his future because he didn’t pay for the meals. At last he addressed the waiter and said: “Bring me the bill, please”. – “What bill?” asked the waiter. – “For the supper and dinner I had in your dining-room”. – “Don’t trouble, Sir. You paid for your meals when you bought the ticket”.

  • Выберите вариант a,b,c, соответствующий ответу:

  • The Englishman wanted to go back to England

  • by air

  • by sea

  • by car

  • The Englishman decided not to go to the dining-room because

  • he wasn’t hungry

  • he cooked meals himself

  • he had no money to pay for meals

  • When the waiter came to invite him to have supper

  • the Englishman said that he was ill

  • the Englishman pretended that he was sleeping

  • the Englishman didn’t answer

2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих выражений:

  • заплатить только за билет

  • пригласить его на ужин

  • не мог терпеть голод

  • принесите мне счет

  • длиться только 2 дня

3. Выясните, верно ли высказывание:

  • The Englishman had very little money.

  • The Englishman wasn’t hungry during the journey.

  • The next day the Englishman went to the dining-room to have dinner.

  • The Englishman had to pay for the meals.

29.04 Wednesday, the twenty ninth of April

Reported speech

Today we are going to learn new grammatical material. This material is one of the most difficult that is why you should be very attentive!

  1. watch the video below and study the rule

  2. Tell me some differences between two sentences.

For example:

- She says: «I see my friends every day»

- She says that she sees her friends every day.

We can say that we are going to talk about Direct and indirect (reported)


Now I will give you a definition of direct and indirect speech.

  1. Let’s open your books on page 126. Will you , please, read the text ex.1. And now answer my questions. Where might you see it? Is the language formal or informal?

- There is another task for you, look at the ex. 1b(theory box)

Look at these sentences and find the difference between them.

How do pronoun and tense change in reported speech?

  1. Well let’s do ex. 2 p. 126. (письменно)

Dear students, I’m sure now you know «Reported and direct speech». Please, use your knowledge in your life.

Давайте сделаем выводы. На что нам нужно обращать особое внимание при образовании косвенной речи? Где мы можем допустить ошибку?

Домашнее задание:

Your home task is 4p. 152

28.04 Tuesday , the twenty eighth of April

Taking risk

Do you have a healthy lifestyle? What does it mean to you to be healthy?

What do you do to be healthy?

-eat a lot of fruits and vegetables

-don't eat junk food

-don't smoke and drink alcohol drinks

-do sports

and especially

-don't put myself in danger/ at risk

  1. Look at the activities in the pictures p.124-125

What do they all have in common? Why?

You’re right. All these people must be extremely brave. They are all involved in activities that could be dangerous.

Can you guess the topic of our lesson?

The topic of our lesson is Taking risks

  1. Write and learn new words from vocabulary module 8b


Choose one of the activities and imagine you are going it. What can you see, hear, feel, and smell? How do you feel: excited, scared, thrilled, terrified? Tell your partner.

E.g.: I'm trying to imagine now I'm skiing in the mountains. So, the air smells clean and fresh. I like it and I feel excited.

Now your turn.

-Every time when something happens in our life we want to share our emotions with friends and relatives or even ask for or give some advice.

But how can we do it in English?

Look at Ex. 2 p. 124.


- Use the language in the table and ideas below to make exchanges, as in the example.

-Doing such extremely sports we can be seriously injured. Look at the screen (slide 6)

There are the most common injuries. Let’s read and translate them

Ex. 3 p. 124 READING

-Read the first two exchanges in the dialogue. How do you think Brian got his black eye?

- Brian had an accident doing an extreme sport.


Ex 4 p. 124

-Look through the dialogue and match the highlighted words/ phrases to their meanings.

obviously – clearly; stick to – stay with; accidentally – not on purpose

Предполагаемый ответ:

1 She was obviously angry or she wouldn’t have screamed at us.

2 You need to stick to your diet if you want to lose weight.

3 I didn’t realise and I accidentally locked the door to the house and left the key inside.


-Your home assignment for the next lesson is

Ex. 5 p. 125.

Imagine that you go to school with scratched face. Act out similar dialogue as in Ex. 3 to tell what happened. Record yourself.

24.04 Friday,the twenty fourth of April

Never give up!

Now we are going to study the new module. We will have a lot of interesting themes to read and to talk about, but today’s lesson we will start with reading.

Now let’s watch the video and try to guess what is the topic of our lesson.

( watch the video SIA “Never give up”)

That’s right today we’ll speak about difficult situations and how to deal with them.

3. Работа по учебнику. Чтение текста

a) Before reading activities

Open your books on page 122-123.

Look at the pictures and read the introduction to the text. Try to predict the content of the text.

What do you know about these people? What challenges do you think each person faced?

Both of these people have overcome huge challenges. They are both strong people.

I would guess that Bethany had a surfing accident and Tom obviously struggles with being in a wheelchair because of a handicap.

We are going to read and discuss stories about people who had troubles and find out how never give up.

But before you read the text, write and learn new words :

furiously: energetically – неистово, яростно

carefully: with caution – осторожно

ripping off: tearing off with force – отрывать

motto: a meaningful saying – девиз

spine: the bones in your back that hold you upright – позвоночник

brain damage: an injury to the brain – повреждение головного мозга

share: to be used between two or more people – делиться

strapped: fastened – связывать ремнем

disability: a condition in which a person is not able to use a part of the body or brain – бессилие

bumps: things that slow you down – преграды, ямы на дорогах

b) While reading activities

a) Now your task is to:

Listen and read the text A please, be prepared to answer the questions on it.

Who is this story about? This story is about Bethany.

What has happened to her? Shark attacked her.

How did she live after the accident? It wasn’t easy but she was getting back on her surfboard

Great, now I see that you understood the text, so let’s have a simple check on the facts of the text.

c) After reading activities

Read the statement aloud and answer if it is True/False or Not Stated in the text A.

1. Bethany was a professional surfer by 2003

2. Bethany didn’t see the shark before it attacked her

3. People were surprised when Bethany started surfing again soon after the accident.

4. Bethany doesn’t worry about the sharks anymore

5. Bethany never questions why she lost her hand

3.2. Listen and read the text B

a) While reading activities

Be ready to answer the questions.

Who is this story about? This story is about Tom.

What has happened to him?

When he was 3 years old his spine was seriously bruised and now he can’t move without a wheelchair.

How does Tom spend his free time? He films animals.

Great, now I see that you understood the text, so let’s have a simple check on the facts of the text.

b) After reading activities

Read the statement aloud and answer if it is True/False or Not Stated in the text B.

6. Tom can’t move his legs and arms.

7. Tom’s dad has always loved film making

8. Tom’s dad controls the camera for him

9. Tom believes his disability gave him an advantage when filming

That’s right, this is why it is important for us not to let ourselves be depressed, annoyed or angry if we have troubles. Because they all are just “bumps on the road” and we will pick up the pieces and succeed anyways.

There are so many examples of people who dealt with suffering and losses but still never gave up. What would you advice people in such situations, looking at Tom’s example?

To stay positive, like Tom. To find a hobby

7. Now let`s do ex5. Find opposites (antonyms) for these words

Text A

1 quickly; 2 unusual; 3 professional; 4 depressed; 5positive

Text B

1 still; 2 noisily; 3 natural; 4 up close

8. Закрепление материала

Still, there are so many things a person should contain in his character, in his mind to realize how to look on the bright side, how to suck it up!

Now that we read both stories. Can you make a list of qualities that a person should have never to give up? Let’s make a mind-map.

(strong, wise, clever, kind, positive, brave, energetic etc)

Do you think that we may use these qualities, features, characteristics only with huge tragedies?

Can we use them in our daily, ordinary life? When can you use them?

Yes, and we should.

Now watch the video and say what should we put as a recipe of a strong person?

Family, friends, love, hobby, job, internal qualities, don’t lose hope, think positive

7. Рефлексия

We had a great lesson, thank you for it. Now, I want you to think, what does this theme/topic means for you? How will you remember this topic when you come home, express your thought in no more than 3 words. You may make up a sentence using our expressions.

I will try to look on the bright side and never feel blue.

I will try to see all the problems as little bumps on the road.

8. Домашнее задание.

Your home task is do ex5, (а для сильных учеников)-to do ex. 8 p. 123. Imagine you are either Bethany or Tom. Your partner is a radio interviewer. Prepare questions and act your own interview.

22.04 Wednesday, the twenty second of April

Correct work

Ребята,сегодня у нас работа над ошибками. Те ребята,которые выполнили и прислали работу на проверку, исправляют ошибки(согласно замечаниям) .Как обычно , записываете на листочках с к.р число и тему!

Те ребята,которые еще не выполнили контрольную, поторопитесь !!! Работы обязательно высылайте на проверку!

21.04 Tuesday, the twenty first of April

Control work

Ребята, мы изучили 9 модуль и сегодня пишем по нему контрольную работу!

Возьмите двойной листочек,подпишите титульный лист, раскройте,запишите число и приступайте к выполнению(лист вложите в тетрадь)

1. Match the idioms in column A to the correct emotion in column B.

1. be green with envy a. anger

2. be over the moon b. nervousness

3. have a long face c. jealousy

4. go through the roof d. happiness

5. have butterflies in one’s stomach e. sadness

2. Choose the correct item.

1. If I were you, I would take / will take an emergency kit on holiday.

2. When I go to Venice next year, I attend / will attend the Carnival.

3. If I had more time, I would join / would have joined the gym.

4. I wish Tom came / had come to your party.

5. If only I weren’t doing / am not doing my test on English now!

3. Complete the sentences using the correct tense

1. If we __________ (mix) blue and blue, we get green.

2. If we all _________ (use) public transport, pollution will be reduced.

3. If I wasn’t on a diet, I __________ (order) a dessert.

4. If you __________ (play) a team sport, you would be a lot fitter.

5. If you stop eating so much junk food, you _____________ (lose) weight.

4. Fill in : out of, up with, off, back, on :

1. Keep ………. the latest on home security systems to make sure your house is protected.

2. Ask your children to keep …….. the kitchen while you are cooking .

3. Keep ……….. wet floors, as they are quite slippery.

4. If a small fire starts in the kitchen or other part of the house tell children to keep ……. .

5. Keep ……….. reminding everyone in the family to lock all doors.

5. What’s the English for:

1. общественное место

2. чрезвычайная ситуация

3. сделать ложный вызов

4. первая помощь

5. оставаться на линии

А теперь пройдите онлайн тест (по ссылке )и результат,полученный в конце теста ,вышлите!


16.04 Friday, the seventeenth of April

The most dangerous animals of America

Today we go on speaking on this theme.

  1. Read and give the Russian variant.

1. to save endangered animals

2. to fight against cruelty to animals

3. to fight for endangered animals

4. to join a society

5. all over the world

6. endangered animals

7. the animal’s world

8. the natural world

9. carry diseases

10. feeding time

  1. Complete the sentences :

1. Over a million alligators live in slow-moving rivers, lakes, … and swamps in the southern states of Florida, Louisiana, Texas and Georgia.

a) squares

b) places

c) marshes

d) fields

2. They are usually 3 to 5 metres long and eat almost anything, swallowing it … .

a) whole

b) hole

c) heel

d) wheel

3. The alligators often hide motionless, usually waiting to … their prey.

a) catch

b) take

c) find

d) snatch

4. The alligators … their prey under the water.

a) pull

b) drag

c) drive

d) push

5. Never try to feed alligators or walk too close to the edge of the water – you can become an alligator’s next …!

a) meal

b) meat

c) male

d) mate

6. Alligators have about 80 teeth … are replaced continuously.

a) which

b) what

c) whose

d) when

Grizzly bears

1. Grizzly bears live … streams, lakes and rivers in Alaska and northwestern states such as Idaho, Montana, Washington and Wyoming.

a) among

b) alongside

c) nearby

d) besides

2. Although sightings are not very common, these huge animals are the most … of all bears.

a) fabulous

b) strange

c) harmful

d) dangerous

3. These bears can … kill or seriously injure humans.

a) easily

b) calmly

c) lightly

d) quietly

4. Grizzly bears can be unpredictable and ferocious, especially when they are … , injured or with their cubs.

a) thirsty

b) tired

c) hurried

d) hungry

5. If a bear approaches you , don’t run and if you are attacked, lie face down and … dead!

a) play

b) stay

c) sit

d) show

6. Grizzlies can run much faster than humans and even … trees!

a) count

b) cut

c) climb

d) root out


1. Rattlesnakes live mostly in the southwestern states such as California and Arizona and are the most common type of … snake in the country.

a) poisonous

b) nasty

c) ugly

d) worst

2. There are 16 different species, but they all have one thing in common – a rattle on their … that is used to warn other creatures and people to stay away.

a) tail

b) head

c) legs

d) nose

3. A rattlesnake bite is very … and the venom can be fatal.

a) painted

b) painful

c) patient

d) prudent

4. When you are walking in an area where there could be snakes, watch where you … .

a) stamp

b) stay

c) stand

d) step

5. If you know there are rattlesnakes around, wear strong leather boots!

a) wooden

b) rubber

c) leather

d) cotton

6. Baby rattlesnakes are able to attack prey minutes after they are born!

a) ready

b) able

c) eager

d) going


1. Raccoons might look cute and cuddly, but they can actually carry many … , including rabies, a deadly virus.

a) problems

b) pains

c) diseases

d) aches

2. They are often found in … or garages.

a) ceilings

b) walls

c) roofs

d) attics

3. They are found … for food in rubbish bins which they can open with their paws.

a) looking

b) searching

c) finding

d) taking

4. If you see a raccoon do not … it.

a) push

b) hug

c) touch

d) kick

5. If you are ever scratched by one, wash the scratch well and see a doctor … .

a) immediately

b) not at all

c) slowly

d) quickly

6. Some raccoons … to get into kitchens through cat flaps.

a) like

b) enjoy

c) hate

d) manage

  1. H/w: reapit the words, read the text p117

15.04 Wednesday, the fifteenth of April

The most dangerous animals of America

The theme of todays lesson will be very interesting , because today we'll speak about the most dangerous animals of America!

  1. Firstly watch the video and write out 10 animals(по степени опасности!)

  2. Now open your book on the page 117 and write out highlighted words from the text. Translate and learn them.

  3. Read and translate texts p117

  4. Answer the questions ex2 p117

  5. H/w:Learn the words

14.04 Tuesday, the fourteenth of April

Word formation

The topic of the lesson is phrasal verb – keep and word formation. Our today’s lesson will help you to enrich your vocabulary which you can use in your written tasks as well. For example phrasal verbs can be used in informal letters, phrases with dependent prepositions will be useful in many other tasks, as well as the word formation rules which you are going to learn today.

  1. watch the video below and write out phrasal verb – keep into your copybook

  2. Do ex1 p116( fill in prepositions)-пришлите фотоотчет этого задания!

  3. Now , let's speak about en -prefix!(правило запишите в тетрадь!)

Нравятся мне эти две буквы – хотя бы потому, что они обозначают английскую раскладку клавиатуры. Но это не единственная причина и даже не первая. Первая же, имеющая большее значение, заключается в том, что, поставив эти две буквы перед словом или за ним, можно сделать глагол буквально из чего угодно – существительного, прилагательного, причастия. Согласитесь, здорово? У морфологии английского языка, безусловно, есть свои прелести, не менее (но и не более) своеобразные, чем в языке русском.

Итак, начнем с переднего EN. Эта приставка может произноситься и как [ɪn] (британский вариант), и как [en] (американский вариант).

1. Глаголы из прилагательных. В этих случаях приставка en- придает слову значение буквально «сделать таким-то».

Enable = en + able (способный) – наделить силой, умением, полномочием что-либо сделать

Endear = en + dear (родной, дорогой, милый) – внушить расположение, любовь

2. Глаголы из существительных. Ставя en- перед существительным, мы придаем предмету, явлению или чувству, которое оно выражает, направленность на какой-либо объект.

Endanger = en + danger (опасность) – подвергнуть опасности

Enforce = en + force (сила) – принудить, заставить силой

Enrage = en + rage (гнев) – разгневать

Теперь давайте посмотрим на глаголы, которые образуются добавлением EN в конце слова.

Глаголы из прилагательных. В этих словах конечное –en является суффиксом и имеет значение «становиться или делать таким-то».

Harden = hard (зд. твердый) + en – затвердевать, закостеневать

Darken = dark (темный) + en – темнеть

Tighten = tight (узкий, тесный) + en – затянуться, стать уже, теснее

Бывает и так, что ‘en’ окружает слова со всех сторон, занимая доминирующие позиции приставки и суффикса. Вот некоторые из них (возможно даже, единственные, поскольку случай редкий):

Enliven = en + live (жить) + en – оживлять, ободрять

engolden = en + gold (золото) + en – позолотить

enlighten – en + light (свет) + en – просветить

H/w: выучить фразовый глагол, правило. преобразовать слова упр 2 с 116

10.04 Friday, the tenth of April

For-and-against essays

Today you'll write an essay.

  1. Firstly you have to study theory box ex 1 p 114. Then watch a video, which helps you in writing

  2. You can use a template(шаблон) :

Argument (Opinion) essay (Do you agree or disagree, form an opinion and support it)?

- Introduction

Over the last X years ..... has become remarkably popular (thanks to the technological progress) all over the world and is now an essential part of modern society (everyday life).

This is especially true about ....

Around the globe, almost in every sphere of human activity the ..... is apparent in ..... today (on these days) considering the high level of media coverage of this issue.

Although some may argue that .... have some downsides, it is agreed that {restated thesis}.

This will be proven (shown) by analyzing .. {some related to topic 1} as well as { related to topic 2}.

- 1 paragraph

The first thing(vital aspect/fact/idea) that should be mentioned is that {topic 1}.

One specific example of this is {example 1} , according to the recent research.

This is clearly illustrate that </better solution/{example 1} is related to the {topic 1}>.

Thus, there is an obvious link between {topic 1} and {restated thesis}.

- 2 paragraph

Furthermore, another substantial argument in favour of (positive aspect of)... is that {topic 2}.

Take {part of example 2} , for instance. {example 2}.

This example makes it clear that <{example 2} is related to the {topic 2}>.

Therefore, it is obvious <link {topic 2} and {restated thesis} >

- Conclusion

In conclusion, taking these points into consideration/taking into account (after analyzing) {topic 1} and {topic 2}/, I am inclined to believe that {restated thesis} although the ... have drawbacks, the best course of action would be to support the ... for prosperity of present and future generations.

Further, it is expected (predicted) that ...

Это сочинение будет вашим контролем письма,поэтому возьмите двойной листочек подпишите его и приступайте к написанию сочинения согласно инструкциям! Затем вложите в тетрадочку. Сдадите в школе!

Тема сочинения: "E-learning :pros and cons"(200-250 слов)

08.04 Wednesday, the eighth of April


I. Write and learn the words 7d (WL19)

II. Using this words make ex3 p 112

III. Watch the video about bad and healthy habits. Think about your habits!

IV. H/w: Write 5 sentences about your healthy habits.(фотоотчет д/з отправьте на viber/whats app +79787371055

07.04 Tuesday,the seventh of April

Conditionals 0,1,2,3

I. Запомните правило, просмотрев видео ниже(обязательно!)

II.Заполните табличку(просмотрев видео) ,запишите в тетрадь

III. Пользуясь таблицей выполни ex4 p 110

IV. H/w: Learn the rule, do ex 5 p111


Friday, the twenty seventh of March


I. Learn the new words 7b and write them into your vocabulary

II. Read and translate the dialogue ex 4 p 109

III. Complete the sentences ex 5 p 109

IV. H/w: complete your own dialogue “In an emergency”

25.03.20 (Записываем число,тему и начинаем работать)

Wednesday, the twenty fifth of March

Fears and phobias

I. Open your books on the page 106-107. Look to the pictures. Which of them do you afraid mostly?Have you got any fears?

II. Match the highlighted words/phrases with their synonyms below.


III. (ex.5,p.106)

Fill in: human, fight, public, shake, beats, scream, nervous, come.

1 scream, 2 shake, 3 human, 4 nervous, 5 fight, 6 beats,7 public, 8 come.

IV. H/w: Write essay about your fears(5 sentences)


Tuesday, the twenty fourth of March

Fears and phobias

I. Write new words and learn them(7a)

II. Open your books on the page 106-107. Look to the pictures. Which of them do you afraid mostly?Have you got any phobias?

III. Now listen the text and fill in the gaps A-G(p 107) устно!

(по ссылке можно найти аудиотекст http://www.school-russia.prosv.ru/umk/Spotlight/info.aspx?ob_no=16495)

IV. H/w: learn the words, translate the text p 107