10 класс

18.05 Monday, the eighteenth of May

Control speaking

Today you'll pass control speaking!

Вам предоставлены несколько билетов. Выбираете любой и готовите тему,раскрывая все пункты. Присылаете голосовым сообщением!(сегодня)


Task 1

Give a talk about your lifestyle.

Remember to say:

· What your usual day is

· What you do in your free time, why

· What you prefer: spending your weekends in an active or passive way (give examples)

You have to talk about 1,5 – 2 minutes.


Task 2

Give a talk about Reading .

Remember to say:

· What reading is for you and for your friends;

· What literature genres you know; which of them you like most of all and why;

· What your favourite writer; why; tell some words about him / her.

You have to talk about 1,5 – 2 minutes.


Task 3

Give a talk about the person you admire.

Remember to say:

· What the person is; name / surname / some biographical facts;

· Why you admire him / her (give examples)

You have to talk about 1,5 – 2 minutes.


Task 4

Give a talk about Food.

Remember to say:

· What food is in your life;

· What your favourite kind of food is; what your favourite dish is; why;

· What British national food you know; if you would like to taste it; why;

· What fast food is for you; if you eat it; how often you eat it; why.

15.05 Friday, the fifteenth of May

Control readingЗадание 1 Чтение, базовый уровень

Прочитайте тексты 1-6 и установите их соответствие рубрикам A-G, которым они могут быть отнесены. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании имеется одна лишняя рубрика.








1. In 2004 Australia was ranked the fourth most competitive economy in the world, up from the seventh place in 2003 and the tenth in 2002.

2. Australia is one of the world’s oldest landmasses and has been populated for an estimated 60 000 years. Before the arrival of European settlers, Aboriginal peoples inhabited most areas of the continent. Australia’s contemporary history is quite short, with the first European settlement established by England in 1788.

3. On average, Australians spend more years in primary and secondary school than in many other countries, including Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom. Each year Australia welcomes an increasing number of international students.

4. Australia’s system of government reflects the British and North American models of liberal democracy, but has uniquely Australian features.

5. A great number of Australia’s native plants, animals and birds exist nowhere else in the world. Australia is committed to conserving its unique environment and natural heritage by a wide range of protecting measures.

6. State and Territory government have primary responsibility under the Constitution for the actual position of health services.

Задание 2 Чтение, повышенный уровень

Прочитайте вопросы 1-6 и тексты, обозначенные буквами A-G. Ответ на каждый вопрос можно найти только в одном тексте. В задании один вопрос лишний. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

What facts from the history of Australia describe

1. born of nation

2. contemporary Australia

3. the impact of war

4. Depression years

5. ancient heritage of Australia

6. a changing society

7. the first European settlement

A. During the Second World War Australian forces made a contribution to the Allied victory. The generation that fought in the war and survived came out of the war with a sense of pride in Australia’s capabilities.

B. Before the arrival of European settlers, Aborigines inhabited most areas of Australia. Each people spoke one or more of hundreds of separate languages, had cultural traditions that differed according to the region in which they lived.

C. Nowadays Australia is one of the most dynamic societies in the world. Over 200 languages are spoken, with English the common language. The nation has ethnic media, an international business reputation, an innovative artistic community, diverse religious and cultural activities.

D. The1960s was a difficult period for Australia, all contributed to an atmosphere of political, economic and social change.

E. The Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901 through the federation of 6 states under a single constitution.

F. In 1770 Captain James Cook reached the east coast of Australia and claimed it for the British Crown.11 ships carried about 1500 people – half of them convicts. The fleet arrived Sydney Harbor on 26 January 1788.

Задание 3 Чтение, высокий уровень

Прочитайте отрывок из романа австралийской писательницы Коллин Маккаллоу ”Поющие в терновнике” и выполните задания с 1 по 6 , обводя букву a), b), c) соответствующую ответу, который Вам кажется наиболее верным.

From the novel “The Thorn Birds” by Colleen McCullough.

There was no help for it, Meggie had to come home. Fee could not manage without her. When Meggie saw her mother, she felt as if an awful weight settled upon her being. Outwardly there was no change, aside from the big belly; but inwardly Fee had slowed down like a tired old clock. And there was no joy in her for the coming baby, not even the rigidly controlled content she had shown over her little son Hal.

That little red-haired fellow was toddling all over the house, constantly into everything, but Fee made no attempt to discipline him, or even supervise his activities. She plodded in her self-perpetuating circle of stove, worktable and sink as if nothing else existed. So Meggie had no choice; she simply filled the vacuum in the child’s life and became his mother. It wasn’t any sacrifice, for she loved him dearly. He cried for her, he spoke her name before all others, he lifted his arms to her to be picked up; it was so satisfying it filled her with joy. In spite of the drudgery, the knitting and mending and sewing, the washing, the ironing, the hens, all the other jobs she had to do, Meggie found her life very pleasant.

There were two new lives in the house. Fee was delivered of twins, two more tiny red-haired Cleary boys, christened James and Patrick. Beyond giving them milk Fee took no interest in them. Soon their names were shortened to Jims and Patsy; they were prime favorites with the women up at the big house, the two spinster maids and the widowed childless housekeeper. It was made magically easy for Fee to forget them – they had three very eager mothers – and as time went on it became the accepted thing that they should spend most of there waking hours up at the big house. Meggie just didn’t have time to take them under her wing because she had to manage Hal. Maggie was the loving nucleus of Hal’s world; he wanted no one but Meggie, he would have no one but Meggie.

1. Why did Meggie have to come home?

a) Her mother couldn’t manage without her.

b) She wanted to see her mother.

c) She had to look after the baby.

2. What inward change did Meggie notice about her mother?

a) She had a big belly.

b) She had slowed down like a tired old clock.

c) Outwardly there was no change.

3. Did Fee take any interest in her son Hal?

a) She made attempts to discipline him.

b) She supervised his activities.

c) He didn’t exist for her.

4. Why did Meggie find her life very pleasant?

a) She had a lot of work to do.

b) She loved Hal dearly and he was fond of her.

c) She became a mother of twins.

5. What was Fee interested in?

a) She was interested in her son Hal.

b) She took interest only in her new-born twins.

c) Only her stove, worktable and sink existed for her.

6. Why did Fee forget about her new-born twins so easily?

a) Meggie took them under her wing.

b) The twins had three eager mothers and spent most of their time with them.

c) Meggie was the loving nucleus of Fee’s world.

Записываем номер и букву! Работу прислать!

14.05 Thursday, the fourteenth of May

Control listening

Today we're going to pass control listening! So be attentive !

Вам нужно пройти по ссылке , прослушать текст и выполнить задания ! Результат пришлите мне!


Good luck!

30.04 Thursday, the thirtieth of April

The best british inventions

Today we shall continuous talking about inventions, their role and place in our life. People’s life has changed significantly in recent years. All of us have got lots of gadgets. It’s not surprising nowadays. We are so much accustomed to the goods around us that we do not even notice them. Due to inventions our life has become much easier than it was a hundred years ago. Today we shall speak about the best british inventions. I would like to start our lesson with the next question: .How do inventions help us in our life?

  1. Now, I would like you to open your books on page 151 . You’ve got a strange invention there. What do you think it is and when it was invented? Your next task is to read the lifetime on the right and while reading, fill in the correct form of the given words in brackets.

  2. Now, I would like you to talk about how our live would differ if there were no these inventions. Your task is to make up a short speech using the given pattern to say The scheme of the short speech

what would be if there were no these inventions. Choose a card to identify the device you will talk about(If there were no __________________ people’s life would be ______________________. )

1. Firstly; to begin with; for example

2. Secondly; in addition; also

3. Lastly; more over; what is more

All in all, however; to sum

  1. watch the video below and write down the rule.Then do the task with it

Fill in the gaps with the correct relative pronoun or adverb.

1. The viewfinder, ____________ is a little bit old, is cracked.

2. 2005 was the year _____________ I bought my firs

mobile phone.

3. That’s the shop _____________ I got a cheap MP3 player.

4. Toshiba, _____ is Japanese, is one of the largest computer companies in the world.

5. The digital camera, __________ I got for my birthday, is still under guaranty.

  1. H/w: Join the sentences below using relative pronoun\adverb.

1. This is the video camera. I bought it yesterday.

2. A man lives next door. He is a photographer.

3. I know a woman. Her sister is an actress.

4. They love their house. They bought it last year.

5. This is the camera. It belongs to my mother.

27.04 Monday, the twenty seventh of April

Opinion essay

The opinion essay is one of the tasks in the Russian National examination, so you have to be able to write it correctly. Our lesson will help you to enrich your vocabulary which you can use in your written tasks as well.

The topic of the lesson is writing an essay.

To be more exact it is an essay, an opinion-essay. And now I am sure that you will be able to determine the aim of our lesson.

-we will learn to write an opinion essay.

Watch the video below!

  1. read the theory box p 148!

How many paragraphs are there in the opinion essay?

What parts does the opinion essay consist of?

What are they called?

What do we write in the introduction about?

What is usually written in the main body?

And in the conclusion?

What style do we use writing an opinion-essay? What means is this style characterized by?

Опорные слова для эссе-рассуждения:

In my opinion/in my view;

I think

Para 2

A main body

We present our viewpoints supported by reasons and examples.

To start with, first of all;

for example/instance; such as

Secondly, in addition, What is more

Para 3

Para 4

We present the opposing viewpoint.

On the other hand/alternatively

As a result/consequently

Para 5

A conclusion

We restate our opinion in different words.

In conclusion, all in all

It seems to me that


Dear children, your task will be to write an opinion-essay at home according to the rubric of ex.10 p 150 make sure you have done everything correctly checking yourselves with the help of ex.7 p 149

24.04 Friday,the twenty fourth of April

Direct speech

Today we are going to learn new grammatical material. This material is one of the most difficult that is why you should be very attentive!

  1. watch the video below and study the rule

  2. Tell me some differences between two sentences.

For example:

- She says: «I see my friends every day»

- She says that she sees her friends every day.

We can say that we are going to talk about Direct and indirect (reported)


Now I will give you a definition of direct and indirect speech.

  1. Let’s open your books on page 144. Will you , please, read the text ex.1. And now answer my questions. Where might you see it? Is the language formal or informal?

- There is another task for you, look at the ex. 1b.

Look at these sentences and find the difference between them.

How do pronoun and tense change in reported speech?

  1. Well let’s do ex. 3 p. 144. Girls and boys, we will do only five sentences. Other sentences will be your home task.(письменно)

Dear students, I’m sure now you know «Reported and direct speech». Please, use your knowledge in your life.

Давайте сделаем выводы. На что нам нужно обращать особое внимание при образовании косвенной речи? Где мы можем допустить ошибку?

Домашнее задание:

Your home task is 3 p. 144(6-12)

23/04 Thursday, the twenty three of April

Grammar. Phrasal verb Bring.

Our theme of the lesson is Phrasal verb Bring.

  1. Firstly you need to watch the video below and write the rule into your copy-book.

  2. Now let's practice our knowledges:

Ex.1. Fill in with the phrasal verb “to bring”

  1. She brings ______ about $600 a week.

  2. They've just brought _____ a new song.

  3. As both her parents had died, her aunt brought her ____.

  4. The new headmaster will bring _____ important changes for the school.

  5. Listening to their story brings _____ a lot of memories from that time.

  6. The nurse brought the patient ______ by using some cold water.

Ex. 2. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Моя работа приносит много денег.

  2. Мои родители воспитывают меня хорошо.

  3. Моя любимая певица выпускает новый музыкальный альбом. (Present Continuous)

  4. Этот фильм напоминает мне о детстве.

  5. Врач привел в сознание пациента. (Past Simple)

  6. Начальник привносит (осуществляет) изменения в нашей работе. (Present Continuous)

3. H/w: learn this verb, do ex 5 p145

17.04 Friday, the seventeenth of April


Today we'll go on speaking about Hi-Tech.

Nowadays different gadgets are created almost every single day. Today we will talk about top 3 most useful gadgets that can be used at home.

Number 3 is a robot vacuum cleaner. This little thing not only vacuums different kinds of floor, but it can mop it as well. So why don't you save you priceless time and stop thinking about boring mopping and vacuuming?

Number 2 is a dishwasher. This thing is definitely not small in size, but aren't you tired of doing your dishes by hands? If you are, than you definitely should think of buying a dishwasher.

Number 1 is an air conditioning system, which is controlled by a special application on your phone. You can create different climate zones in different rooms of your house. Isn't it wonderful?

Nowadays there are a lot of gadgets. Some people cannot imagine their lives without their mobile phones while others say that the most useful gadget in the world is the washing machine.

  1. To talk about high tech gadgets we need some words.

Businesswoman- деловая женщина,

camcorder - видеокамера,

career - карьера,

client - клиент,

collection - коллекция,

convenient - удобный,

device - устройство, приспособление,

digital camera - цифровой фотоаппарат,

edit - редактировать,

embarrassed - смущенный,

freedom - свобода,

gadget - гаджет, техническая новинка,

headphones - наушники,

handy - удобный,

impossible - невозможный,

pastime - хобби, занятие,

PDA (personal digital assistant) - карманный персональный компьютер,

research - исследование,

software - программное обеспечение,

store - хранить,

techno freak - фанат техники,

university lecture - лекция в университете,

video mobile phone - мобильный телефон с камерой,

voice recorder - диктофон,

be hooked on - быть очень увлеченным,

look up - искать,

be (really) into something - быть увлеченным чем-то,

be on the move - быть в движении, на ходу,

it goes without saying - само собой разумеется,

keep a record - вести записи, дневник.

  1. Using new words do ex 4 p 141

  2. read again p 140-141 and answer the questions ex3 p140

  3. Choose the right answer.

Hello, friends and followers, today we will have an 1. ____ video. We are going to have a look at my gadget bag. So, first and foremost is my smartphone. It can 2. _____ a watch, a voice recorder, a notebook, a video camera and a photo camera and even an entire 3. _____. It has got only one con. It needs to be charged quite 4. _____. So, as I always have my phone nearby and I don't have time to sit near the socket, I use another gadget which is a portable 5. ____ bank. This thing helps me to be online 24/7, even if my phone battery is suddenly dead.

  1. encyclopedia

  2. power

  3. unusual

  4. replace

  5. frequently

5. H/w: learn the words

16.04 Thursday, the sixteenth of April


Today we begin a new topic. Guess the name of our topic. What do you think we are going to talk about? Look p140 -141

What are we going to speak about today?

How do you think? Yes? You are right. It`s a high technology.

(Цитаты запишите в тетрадь)

“Technology… is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other” (Carrie P. Snow)

“One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man” (Elbert Hubbard)

“The Internet has become such a great tool not just for chefs but for everyone. The net has given everyone the tools to see and almost experience new and different ideas.”

(Graham Kerr)

- At page 140-141 you can see some gadgets. Could you add some more ones to the list?

- Look at the board and match the pictures and names.

Ex 1a p 140

  • What does each item do?

  • Which ones would you use to?


A camcorder digitally records pictures and sound.

A laptop stores and deals with large amounts

of information.

An MP3 player records and plays music

downloaded from the Internet.

Ex 1b p 140

  • What kinds of high tech gadgets do you own?

  1. Чтение текста с поиском необходимой информации

Ex 2 p 140

  • Look at the profiles of the three people in the article on pp 140-141

  • What interests and hobbies do they have?

  • What gadgets do you think they couldn’t live without?

  1. Ex 3a p 141(письменно)

  • Read the text again and answer the question.

  • Find key words/phrases that will help you match the answers.

  • Complete the task.

  1. H/w: learn the words (8a), write about 3 gadgets you couldn't live without(пришлите эту работу)

13.04 Monday, the thirteenth of April

“The Phantom of the Opera”

I invite you to a magic world of great book, exciting music and beautiful film, and today, based on this story

Some information before we start:

The famous French writer Gaston Leroux wrote his best novel in 1910. It was translated into English in 1911 and brought a great fame to its author. There are many musicals and films based on this novel.

In 1986 Andrew Lloyd Webber, the famous English composer, made a brilliant musical “The Phantom of the Opera” which had a great success. Music compositions became hits and won many awards.( просмотрите видеоролик о биографии писателя)

Оpen your book on the page 128-129

  1. Write out highlighted words from the text and learn them.

  2. Read and translate the text.(просмотрите трейлер)

  3. Choose the correct answer ex3 p 128

  4. H/w: ex7 p129 and learn the words

10.04 Friday, the tenth of April

Control work

Today it's the final lesson by this theme , that's why you'll write a control work.

So open your book on the page138 and do progress check(на двойных листочках)


А теперь пройдите по ссылке и решите онлайн тест . Фотоотчет с результатом отправьте !

За 06.04 мне прислали работы только 2 ученицы!Когда остальные собираются? вам еще говорение нужно сдать!!!

09.04 Thursday, the ninth of April

Spotlight on exams(подготовка к ЕГЭ)

Today we're going to prepare for exams

I. Firstly we'll make use of english p137. To do this task correctly you have to watch two videos (в первом видео объясняется правило словообразования , во втором вы столкнетесь с примером выполнения аналогичного задания)

II. Do the reading task p 136

III. Watch third video and try to do audition task

IV. H/w:Prepare conversation "speaking task" p137 (задание говорение отправьте мне голосовым сообщением)

06/04 Monday, the sixth of April


I. Open your book on the page 134

II. Read fnd translate the text; write highlighted words and learn them

III. Decide if the sentences are true or false ex 2 p134

IV. Choose the odd word out in which the underlined letter isn’t read in the same way as in the others:

1.orchestra, organ, accordion, opera, applause

2.tune, flute, use, music, student

3.music, musician, magic, disco, vocal

4.carol, ballad, band, clap, harp

H/w: learn the words,ex5 p 134

P.S: 4-е задание пришлите мне пож на viber или whats app +79787371055, если есть вопросы, также обращайтесь по данному номеру!


Friday, the twenty seventh of March

«Bolshoi Theatre»

I. Open your book on the page 9 Sp. On Russia

II. Read and translate the text "Ballet at the Bolshoi". Watch the video

III. Write down from the text sentences in the Passive Voice

IV. H/w: Project work(найдите информацию о симферопольском театре и подготовьте презентацию о нем)

26.03 10 кл

Thursday, the twenty sixth of March

Madam Tussaud's museum

I. Open your book on the page 133

II. Write down highlighted words,translate and learn them

III. Read and translate the text p133

IV. Watch the video



Monday, the twenty third of March


I. Learn the words (p WL23 7e)

II. Read the theory box and answer the questions ex2p130

III. Read the film review ex3 p 130

IV. Writing. Write down your favorite film/book review .

V. H/w: learn the words (p WL23 7e),ex 8 p132.