8 класс

14.05 Thursday, the fourteenth of May

Letters based on written input

Watch the video and repeat after the teacher!

  1. Firstly repeat new words after the teacher and write them into your dictionaries!

  2. Answer the questions ex1 p 130 with the teacher's help(устно)

  3. Listen to the conversation ex 2 p 130 and complete the table

  4. Read the information box ex 4,5 p131

  5. H/w: learn new words, fill your own information to the table ex2 p 130( заполните анкету упр2 с 130 своими данными)

13.05 Wednesday, the thirteenth of May

Fifa world cup

Today you have to know about Fifa world cup! You'll make all tasks with the teacher .

  1. Write new words into dictionary

  2. read and translate text on the p128

  3. Complete the sentences ex2 p 128

  4. H/w: ex 5,6 p 129 , learn new words

P.S: all these tasks you'll find in the video below, watch them all!

30.04 Thursday, the thirtieth of April

Control speaking

Today you have to pass control speaking! You can choose any theme you liked , learn it and tell me by voice message!

Представьте, что вы на экзамене. Вытянете любой билет, подготовьте монологическое высказывание. Запишите и отправьте голосовым сообщением!

Task 1

Give a talk about travelling.

Remember to say:

· If you like traveling, why yes, why no;

· What your favourite way of traveling (plane / train / car / boat) / why;

· What journeys you like most of all; why; what an ideal journey for you;

Task 2

Give a talk about your favourite sport.

Remember to say:

- Why we should do sport or any physical activities, what sport you do and how often;

- What your favourite sport is, why;

- What your famous sportman in this kind of sport you know.

Task 3

Give a talk about Food.

Remember to say:

· What food is in your life;

· What your favourite kind of food is; what your favourite dish is; why;

· What British national food you know; if you would like to taste it; why;

· What fast food is for you; if you eat it; how often you eat it; why.

29.04 Wednesday, the twenty ninth of April

Control listening

Control listening

Today we're going to pass control listening! So be concentrate and listen carefully to the conversation!

Пройдите по ссылке https://ok-tests.ru/audio-quiz-15/

, прослушайте беседу , ответьте на вопросы и проверьте себя! Результат пришлите!

H/w: Read and translate ex1 p 128

24.04 Friday,the twenty fourth of April

Control reading

Cегодня вы сдаете контроль чтения!Прочтите текст и выполните задания по нему!

Teenagers have their own TV channels, websites and magazines. So what about books?

Last year one publisher, Martins, started publishing a series called Waves. We spoke to the director Julia Smith. She explained, ‘Teenage fiction has been published since the 1970s but publishers have never been particularly successful in getting teenagers to buy and read books. Now they're realising that teenagers aren't just older children but they're not adults either and often aren't interested in adult fiction. For this series we're looking for new writers who write especially for teenagers.'

Athene Gorr's novel was published in the series last year and is selling well. Its title is The Purple Ring. She says, ‘The important thing is to persuade teenagers to pick up your book. I'm a new writer so, although I've got an unusual name which people might remember, nobody knows it yet! But my book has a fantastic cover which makes people want to look inside. Then they realise what a brilliant story it is!'

And what do teenagers themselves think about the series? We talked to Sophie Clarke, aged 15. She said, ‘I've read a few books in the Waves series. They say they're for 14-19 year olds and I agree with that. We're not interested in the same things as people in their twenties and thirties. I like them and I think they look really good too. The only thing is that because bookshops put them in the children's section, lots of teenagers won't find them so they may not do very well. And it's a shame there's no non-fiction in the series as I think lots of teenagers, especially boys, might buy that.’

Level A

I.Read the text and find the right variant to complete the sentence.

1) The director Julia Smith explained that publishers …….

a) don’t think about teenagers.

b) are successful book sales.

c) aren’t successful at book sales.

d) have never been successful at book sales.

2) The publishers are looking for ….. to create a new book for teenagers.

a) poets b) musicians c) writers d) editors

3) The important thing is …… to persuade teenagers to buy the book.

a) an interesting title b) a fantastic cover c) a new writer d) an unusual name

4) Sophie Clarke is …… .

a) a girl b) a boy c) a child d) a writer

5) Teenagers are not interested in …… .

a) the series of interesting books b) the same things as other people

c) the fantastic title and cover d) the reading nowadays

6)Teenagers won't find the books in the bookshops because they are in ….. .

a) the same things b) 14-19 year olds

c) children’s section d) the series of non-fiction

Level B

II Read the text and answer the questions.

1) Why did Martins started publishing a series called “Waves”?

2) Are teenagers like chidren or adults?

3) What makes people to look inside any book?

4) What should bookshops do to attract teenager’s attention to “Wave’s series”?

5) What do boys-teenagers prefer in reading?

Level C

III Read the text and find the right variant to complete the sentence.

  1. The writer is trying to

A persuade authors to write more teenage fiction

В explain why teenage fiction is easier to write than adult fiction

С give information about a new series of books

D compare different series of teenage fiction

  1. Julia Smith says publishers now recognise that teenagers

A can enjoy the same kind of stories as adults.

В are neither children nor adults.

С grow up more quickly nowadays.

D are more interested in reading nowadays.

  1. Athene Gorr thinks teenagers were attracted to her book because of

A her name.

В the story.

С its title.

D its cover.

  1. According to Sophie Clarke’s opinion about the books in the Waves series

A they shouldn’t be kept with children’s books.

В she would prefer to read adult fiction.

С A lot of teenagers will buy them.

D She is keen on the design.

  1. Sophie Clarke believes that

A teenagers are not keen on non-fiction.

В boys might buy non-fiction more often than girls.

С non-fiction won’t be very popular.

D she will write non-fiction for the Waves series.

  1. The best title of the article is

A “Teenage fiction”

B “How to choose a book”

C “Reading skills”

D “Young writers”

23/04 Thursday, the twenty three of April

Sport in my life

Today we're going to speak about sport!

Do you like sport? what is your favorite?

  1. Firstly open your book on the vocabulary page module 8b. Write them into your dictionary and learn

(устно)now guess what is in common between these kinds of sports:

a) swimming, water polo, scuba diving

b) ice hockey, baseball, basketball

c) tennis, badminton, squash

d) jogging, javelin throwing, snowboarding

  1. Read and complete the dialogue ex6 p124. What sport does bob like?

  2. Watch the video below. Write this text into your copy-book.

  3. H/w: learn the text from the video(пришлите голосовым сообщением выученный текст)

22.04 Wednesday, the twenty second of April

Out of the ordinary

- Hello? How are you?

- Look at these pictures. What are these people doing? Слайды №2-4

- They are relaxing.

- They are going in for sport. Слайды №5 - 7

- What is our lesson about?

- Sports.

- Pastimes.

- Well, you are right. We’ll discuss about pastimes, sports, hobby. Слайды №8

I. Write and learn new words module 8a

II. Основная часть

Task №1: развитие навыков аудирования, чтения с выбором информации.

текст [1; упр.№1 с.122 - 123], посмотреть слайды презентации, затем прочитать текст и заполнить таблицу. Слайды №11 - 14



Country of origin

How long

General idea


Task № 2: физкультминутка: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vgyer0IauyQ.

H/w: проект "My favourite sport", развитие и совершенствование навыков письменной и монологической речи.

Проект «My favourite sport»

1. My favourite sport is…..

2. I do (go, play)…….. twice a week.

not very often.

all the time.

3. I have been doing (going, playing) it about a year (7 months; quite a long time…..)

4. I need a special equipment…. [1; упр.№5 с.129].

5. I like it because it makes me (strong, brave, healthy, beautiful, be in a good shape, be in a good mood, happy……)

6. I do my sport just for fun (to be fit, for my parents…..)

Досуг. Спорт. Хобби.8 класс.pptx

17.04 Friday, the seventeenth of April

Correct work

Ребята,сегодня у нас работа над ошибками. Те ребята,которые выполнили и прислали работу на проверку, исправляют ошибки(согласно замечаниям) .Как обычно , записываете на листочках с к.р число и тему!

Те ребята,которые еще не выполнили контрольную, поторопитесь !!! Работы обязательно высылайте на проверку!

16.04 Thursday, the sixteenth of April

Control work

Мы закончили изучение темы Образование,поэтому сегодня вы пишите контрольную работу! Возьмите двойные листочки,подпишите и приступайте к выполнению. Выполненную работу вложите в тетрадь.

(Записываете только ответы и присылаете фотоотчет)

1.Form the compound nouns(образуй сложные слова,соединив 2 части)

  1. Cup a) room

  2. note b) paper

  3. bed c) cut

  4. head d) ache

  5. basket e) end

  6. hair f) paste

  7. news g) board

  8. book h) books

  9. week i) ball

  10. tooth j) shop

2. Underline the correct modal verb

  1. You can / must raise your hand and wait before you ask a question.

  2. In Britain, all teens have to / may stay in school until they are 16 years of age.

  3. In the old days, teachers could / should hit students with a ruler if they misbehaved in class.

  4. In certain schools, students may / must stand when their teacher enters the room.

  5. You should / might spend time studying if you want to get good marks.

  6. Steven wants to go out but his mum said he needn’t / can’t go until he has finished his homework.

  7. We need / mustn’t to decide who will be class president.

  8. I didn’t see Bill today, he should / must have taken the day off.

  9. Can / May I leave early today, please?” Sarah asked.

  10. Kate looked pale in the doctor’s office. She may / might be ill.

3. Complete the sentences correct preposition (back, out, up, away).

  1. Ann, can you give ________ these photocopies to the class?

  2. I gave ___________ all my clothes to the charity shop.

  3. I know you can do it! Don’t give ________!

  4. She enjoys giving ________ other people’s secrets.

  5. I have to give _______ some books I borrowed.


  1. Подсоединиться к Интернету, 2. Установить программу, 3. Загрузить файл, 4. Табель успеваемости, 5. Расписание, 6. Посещать, 7. Влиять, 8. Справляться с, 9. Провалить экзамен, 10. Недостатки.

15.04 Wednesday , the fifteenth from of April

Russian educational system

You remember that our theme is: “Russian Education system”. Some facts about primary education you have already learnt. On the previous lessons you became to know some information about education in the UK from the text in your text books. Now let’s summarize our knowledge and add some more information about Russian education system.

  1. Firstly lets study educational system. Open your book on the page 9 spotlight on Russia. Read and translate the text. Then watch the video №1

  2. Let’s revise our vocabulary. write these words and word combinations and learn them:

  • co-educational-совместное обучение

  • compulsory education-обязательное образование

  • внеклассные занятия

  • персонал

  • boarding school-школа-интернат

  • graduate teacher-учитель высшей категории

  • to fail an exam-провалить экзамен

  • degree-ступень

  • broad curriculum-широкая учебная программа

  • extra-curricular activities-внеклассные занятия

  • the staff-персонал

  1. Read the text below and answer the questions:

The Russian education system

In Russia children go to school at the age of six or seven. They spend four years at primary school, five years at secondary school and two years at senior school.

School normally starts at 8:30 am and finishes at 3 pm though this may vary slightly from school to school. Young students have 3-4 lessons a day and older students have up to 7 lessons a day. This means that the school week can be either 5 or 6 days long. In large cities where there are a lot of students attending the same school, there are sometimes separate morning and afternoon sessions. There are usually around 20-30 students in a class.

There is a wide range of school subjects for students aged 12-17. These include Russian, Literature, Maths (including Algebra and Geometry) History, Social Science, Biology, Geography, Physics, ICT, Chemistry and others. English is the main and most popular foreign language although students can also learn Spanish, German or French. Almost all classes involve the use of computers and media technology. Some schools may specialize in certain subjects, Maths and Science, for example. There are also vocational schools that train students in a specialized profession, such as music or dance, alongside their usual lessons.

The school year is usually divided into four terms with three breaks. School starts on 1st September and finishes on 31st May. The summer holiday starts on 1st June and lasts for three months but Year 9 and Year 11 students take their exams in June. The Russian National Exam is an innovation as a final exam for school-leavers. It’s a national test combining school-leaving exams and entrance exams to universities.

The British Education System. State Education in Britain.

All state schools in Britain are free, and schools provide their pupils with books and equipment for their studies.

Nine million children attend 35.000 schools in Britain. Education is compulsory from 5 till 16 years. Parents can choose to send their children to a nursery school or a pre-school playgroup to prepare them for the start of compulsory education.

Children start primary school at 5 and continue until they are 11. Most children are taught together, boys and girls in the same class. At 11 most pupils go to secondary schools called comprehensives which accept a wide range of children from all backgrounds and religious and ethnic groups. Ninety per cent of secondary schools in England, Scotland and Wales are co-educational.

At 16 pupils take a national exam called «G.C.S.E.» (General Certificate of Secondary Education) and then they can leave school if they wish. This is the end of compulsory education.

Some 16-year-olds continue their studies in the sixth form at school or at a sixth form college. The sixth form prepares pupils for a national exam called «A» level (advanced level) at IS. Yon-need «A» level to enter a university.

Other 16-year-olds choose to go to a college of further education to study for more practical (vocational) diplomas relating to the world of work, such as hairdressing, typing or mechanics.

Universities and colleges of higher education accept students with «A» levels from 18. Students study for a degree which takes on average three years of full-time study.

Most students graduate at 21 or 22 and are given their degree at a special graduation ceremony.

(пришлите ответы)

Now, with the help of this scheme, compare two systems of education: in Russia and in Great Britain.

1.Children go to school at the age of ____

2.Primary school is divided into ______________

  1. Children finish primary school at the age of __________

  2. Pupils go to the first form at the age of _______

  3. Pupils finish secondary school at the age of ________

  4. Pupils take the GCSE Exam at the age of _________

  • I’ve told you some facts about Russian Education system. The further information you’ll find out from the text at page 9 (фронтальное чтение текста)


  1. When do British children start schooling?

  2. How do they call schools for five years old children?

  3. When do Russian children start schooling?

  4. Is primary school compulsory for children or not?

  5. In what types of schools is primary education given in Britain?

  6. Is Russian primary school divided into parts?

  7. At what age do British children usually finish infant & junior schools?

  8. When do the British children take a national exam?

  9. How is the national exam called?

  10. After finishing primary school children go to secondary schools, don’t they?

IV. Your home task is: write a short article about Russian or British education system.(написать небольшую статью о рос. или брит. системе образования

10.04 Friday, the tenth of April

Best russian universities

Ребята, меня не все услышали! Тест прислали только 10 человек, остальным что ставить??? Я жду!!!

Today we're going to speak about best russian universities.

  1. What do you know about universities i Russia?

  2. And now let's speak about best russian universities. Watch the video №1. write down a list of the best universities into your copybook.

  3. Do you know about Moscow state University? Now you'll watch the video about it. But the video without text only pictures! Why? because it will be your home work!

  4. H/w: find information about Moscow state University and make a report !

09.04 Thursday , the ninth of April

Trinity College Dublin: 400 years of history

Начнем с того, что работу за прошлый урок прислали только 8 учеников! Где остальные???

Today we're going to speak about Trinity College Dublin. Firstly watch the video about it!

I. Open your book on the page 117 . Write out highlighted words translate them and learn!

II. Read and translate the text p117

III. Answer the questions ex1 p117(устно)

IV. H/w: learn the words, through the internet write about famous russian college

08.04 Wednesday, the eighth of April

Phrasal verbs: give

I. Learn the verbs , watching the video. Write them into your copybook.

II. Practice : fill in ...ex1 p116

III. Решите онлайн тест, пройдя по ссылке https://banktestov.ru/test/67990

Фотоотчет с результатом отправьте на viber/ whats app +79787371055

Оценки выставляются в журнал!Отнеситесь серьезно!

IV. H/w : learn the phrasal verb!

27.03 Friday, the twenty seventh of March

Advantage and disadvantage of e-learning.

I. Study The theory box of writing essay p 114

II. Read the example of essay p 114

III. H/w: write for and against essay on the theme "Advantage and disadvantage of e-learning."

(Написать сочинение-рассуждение на тему "Дистанционное обучение. За и против". Сочинение написать на двойном листочке и вложить в тетрадь!)

P.S План

  1. Introductory paragraph – здесь вы сталкиваетесь основными задачами: во-первых, вы четко оговариваете тему. Помните о том, что вам необходимо перефразировать утверждение, которое служит темой вашего сочинения, но ни в коем случае не повторять его слово в слово. Во-вторых, вам следует помнить о том, что здесь вы не выражаете свою точку зрения, а лишь констатируете факт того, что рассматриваемый вопрос может иметь несколько точек зрения, которые вы и будете рассматривать далее в своем эссе.

  2. Main body – основная часть как правило будет состоять из двух абзацев, каждый из которых будет представлять одну из возможных точек зрения. Помните о том, что вам следует четко придерживаться одной идеи в одном абзаце. Т. е. один из них будет предоставлять аргументы «за», в то время как во втором будут обсуждаться аргументы «против». Ну и, конечно же, не забывайте о topic sentences, речь о которых шла в предыдущей статье.

  3. Conclusion – заключение является единственной частью вашего эссе, в которой вы можете все же высказать свою точку зрения, но вы также можете придерживаться нейтральной позиции, продолжая тон всего эссе.

  4. Итак, что еще необходимо взять во внимание, приступая к написанию “for and against” essays?

    • Составьте список аргументов «за» и «против» для того, чтобы приступая к написанию, у вас уже имелись сформулированные идеи, и вам осталось только выбрать те, которые вы считаете более удачными или убедительными.

    • Постарайтесь подкрепить свои аргументы примерами.

    • Помните о том, что параграф не может состоять только из одного предложения.

    • Используйте исключительно формальный стиль.

    • Постарайтесь использовать какие-либо цитаты, которые подходят к теме вашего эссе.

  5. И, конечно же, фразы, которые помогут вам выразить свои идеи:

    • Чтобы представить идеи: one major advantage / disadvantage, a further advantage / disadvantage, one point of view in favour of / against.

    • Чтобы перечислить идеи: to start with, to begin with, firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, in the first place, last but not least.

    • Чтобы добавить информацию к уже представленной идее: apart from this / that, besides, in addition to, furthermore, what is more, there is another side to the issue / question / argument of, not to mention (the fact) that, also, not only … but also / as well.

    • Чтобы представить противоположные идеи: it may be said / argued / claimed that, nonetheless, nevertheless, however, still, yet, but, whereas, despite / in spite of (the fact that), although, though, even though, while, whilst, regardless of the fact that, even so, on the other hand.

    • Чтобы привести примеры: for example, for instance, such as, like, in particular, particularly, especially, this is (clearly) illustrated / shown by the fact that…, the / a clear / striking / typical example of (this)…, the fact that ... shows / illustrates that…

    • Чтобы сделать вывод: in conclusion, on balance, all things considered, to sum up, all in all, finally / lastly, taking everything into account / consideration, to conclude.

26.03 8 кл

Thursday, the twenty sixth of March

Media jobs

I.Now you will listen the text and do exercise. (ex.2p112).

A теперь устно ответьте на вопросы:

1 Откуда вы получили новости?

2 Что вы любите читать, смотреть и слушать?

3 Какое самое популярное средство массовой информации среди вашего поколения?

4 Вы считаете, телевизор приносит вам пользу? Почему?/Почему нет?

II.Введение новых слов по теме «Профессии в СМИ»

Write and learn the words 7d

III.Do ex.4p.112. (Соотнести предложения с профессиями).

IV.H/w: match the idioms with their meanings ex7 p113

8 класс


Wednesday, the twenty fifth of March

Schools in England. My school

I. Изучите модальные глаголы,пройдя по ссылке и просмотрев видео https://yandex.ru/video/preview/?filmId=3996966739154317526&path=wizard&text=модальные+глаголы+в+английском+языке

II. Read the text(p110) and find modal verbs (прочтите текст и найдите мод.глаг)

III. Do ex 1 p 110

IV. H/w: make a leaflet “School rule”(Используя мод. Глаг. Составьте лифлет « Школьные правила»