11 класс

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18.05 Monday, the eighteenth of May

Control speaking

Today you'll pass control speaking!

Вам предоставлены несколько билетов. Выбираете любой и готовите тему,раскрывая все пункты. Присылаете голосовым сообщением!(сегодня)


Task 1

Give a talk about your lifestyle.

Remember to say:

· What your usual day is

· What you do in your free time, why

· What you prefer: spending your weekends in an active or passive way (give examples)

You have to talk about 1,5 – 2 minutes.


Task 2

Give a talk about Reading .

Remember to say:

· What reading is for you and for your friends;

· What literature genres you know; which of them you like most of all and why;

· What your favourite writer; why; tell some words about him / her.

You have to talk about 1,5 – 2 minutes.


Task 3

Give a talk about the person you admire.

Remember to say:

· What the person is; name / surname / some biographical facts;

· Why you admire him / her (give examples)

You have to talk about 1,5 – 2 minutes.


Task 4

Give a talk about Food.

Remember to say:

· What food is in your life;

· What your favourite kind of food is; what your favourite dish is; why;

· What British national food you know; if you would like to taste it; why;

· What fast food is for you; if you eat it; how often you eat it; why.

15.05 Friday, the fifteenth of May

Control reading

Задание 1 Чтение, базовый уровень

Прочитайте тексты 1-6 и установите их соответствие рубрикам A-G, которым они могут быть отнесены. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании имеется одна лишняя рубрика.








1. In 2004 Australia was ranked the fourth most competitive economy in the world, up from the seventh place in 2003 and the tenth in 2002.

2. Australia is one of the world’s oldest landmasses and has been populated for an estimated 60 000 years. Before the arrival of European settlers, Aboriginal peoples inhabited most areas of the continent. Australia’s contemporary history is quite short, with the first European settlement established by England in 1788.

3. On average, Australians spend more years in primary and secondary school than in many other countries, including Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom. Each year Australia welcomes an increasing number of international students.

4. Australia’s system of government reflects the British and North American models of liberal democracy, but has uniquely Australian features.

5. A great number of Australia’s native plants, animals and birds exist nowhere else in the world. Australia is committed to conserving its unique environment and natural heritage by a wide range of protecting measures.

6. State and Territory government have primary responsibility under the Constitution for the actual position of health services.

Задание 2 Чтение, повышенный уровень

Прочитайте вопросы 1-6 и тексты, обозначенные буквами A-G. Ответ на каждый вопрос можно найти только в одном тексте. В задании один вопрос лишний. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

What facts from the history of Australia describe

1. born of nation

2. contemporary Australia

3. the impact of war

4. Depression years

5. ancient heritage of Australia

6. a changing society

7. the first European settlement

A. During the Second World War Australian forces made a contribution to the Allied victory. The generation that fought in the war and survived came out of the war with a sense of pride in Australia’s capabilities.

B. Before the arrival of European settlers, Aborigines inhabited most areas of Australia. Each people spoke one or more of hundreds of separate languages, had cultural traditions that differed according to the region in which they lived.

C. Nowadays Australia is one of the most dynamic societies in the world. Over 200 languages are spoken, with English the common language. The nation has ethnic media, an international business reputation, an innovative artistic community, diverse religious and cultural activities.

D. The1960s was a difficult period for Australia, all contributed to an atmosphere of political, economic and social change.

E. The Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901 through the federation of 6 states under a single constitution.

F. In 1770 Captain James Cook reached the east coast of Australia and claimed it for the British Crown.11 ships carried about 1500 people – half of them convicts. The fleet arrived Sydney Harbor on 26 January 1788.

Задание 3 Чтение, высокий уровень

Прочитайте отрывок из романа австралийской писательницы Коллин Маккаллоу ”Поющие в терновнике” и выполните задания с 1 по 6 , обводя букву a), b), c) соответствующую ответу, который Вам кажется наиболее верным.

From the novel “The Thorn Birds” by Colleen McCullough.

There was no help for it, Meggie had to come home. Fee could not manage without her. When Meggie saw her mother, she felt as if an awful weight settled upon her being. Outwardly there was no change, aside from the big belly; but inwardly Fee had slowed down like a tired old clock. And there was no joy in her for the coming baby, not even the rigidly controlled content she had shown over her little son Hal.

That little red-haired fellow was toddling all over the house, constantly into everything, but Fee made no attempt to discipline him, or even supervise his activities. She plodded in her self-perpetuating circle of stove, worktable and sink as if nothing else existed. So Meggie had no choice; she simply filled the vacuum in the child’s life and became his mother. It wasn’t any sacrifice, for she loved him dearly. He cried for her, he spoke her name before all others, he lifted his arms to her to be picked up; it was so satisfying it filled her with joy. In spite of the drudgery, the knitting and mending and sewing, the washing, the ironing, the hens, all the other jobs she had to do, Meggie found her life very pleasant.

There were two new lives in the house. Fee was delivered of twins, two more tiny red-haired Cleary boys, christened James and Patrick. Beyond giving them milk Fee took no interest in them. Soon their names were shortened to Jims and Patsy; they were prime favorites with the women up at the big house, the two spinster maids and the widowed childless housekeeper. It was made magically easy for Fee to forget them – they had three very eager mothers – and as time went on it became the accepted thing that they should spend most of there waking hours up at the big house. Meggie just didn’t have time to take them under her wing because she had to manage Hal. Maggie was the loving nucleus of Hal’s world; he wanted no one but Meggie, he would have no one but Meggie.

1. Why did Meggie have to come home?

a) Her mother couldn’t manage without her.

b) She wanted to see her mother.

c) She had to look after the baby.

2. What inward change did Meggie notice about her mother?

a) She had a big belly.

b) She had slowed down like a tired old clock.

c) Outwardly there was no change.

3. Did Fee take any interest in her son Hal?

a) She made attempts to discipline him.

b) She supervised his activities.

c) He didn’t exist for her.

4. Why did Meggie find her life very pleasant?

a) She had a lot of work to do.

b) She loved Hal dearly and he was fond of her.

c) She became a mother of twins.

5. What was Fee interested in?

a) She was interested in her son Hal.

b) She took interest only in her new-born twins.

c) Only her stove, worktable and sink existed for her.

6. Why did Fee forget about her new-born twins so easily?

a) Meggie took them under her wing.

b) The twins had three eager mothers and spent most of their time with them.

c) Meggie was the loving nucleus of Fee’s world.

Записываем номер и букву! Работу прислать!

14.05 Thursday, the fourteenth of May

Control listening

Today we're going to pass control listening! So be attentive !

Вам нужно пройти по ссылке , прослушать текст и выполнить задания ! Результат пришлите мне!


Good luck!

30.04 Thursday, the thirtieth of April

Airports and air travel

As you can see, the topic of our lesson is travel. Watch the video and repeat after the teacher

  1. write down new words into your vocabulary

  2. Do ex 2 p140 after the teacher

  3. Read and translate the dialogue after the teacher

  4. Answer the questions ex6 p141

  5. H/w: form your own dialogue on this theme using ex4 p 140

27.04 Monday, the twenty seventh of April

Mystic places

Today we are going to visit some famous mystic places and learn about them .

interesting, wonderful, beautiful, unusual, strange, horrible

We are going to talk about mystic places. Watch the video below.

Open your books at page 138. Here you can see a text. … read the title, please

Look at the pictures. What do you know about these places? (Do you know any interesting facts about them?)

Before we start reading the text, pay attention to unknown words. (В тексте).They are from the text. These words will help you to understand the main idea.

Mystic places

They are……

Easter Island

Island, remote , magnificent, Moai , carve

Kailasa Temple

Cliff, Mumbai , worship, unique, ancient

Machu Picchu

Invisible, invaders, feat, property


Apollo, consult, wealthy, offerings

Let’s read the text p 138-139 . During the reading tick off the words we have translated. Try to understand the main idea

Was is difficult to understand?

Let’s do ex. 2 ….read the task, please. Look through the task. Underline key words. You have 5 minutes to complete the task

Yes, it was/no, it wasn’t

Read the text again and say which places….

Your hometask is:

1) Add the new words to your dictionary;

2) Write which place you would like to visit and why

2)*Prepare a story about a mystic place in Russia, choose a photo and tell about it according to the plan:

• where and when the photo was taken

• what is in the photo

• why you keep the photo in your album

• why you decided to show the picture to your friend

(12–15 sentences)

24.04 Friday,the twenty fourth of April

Correct work

Ребята,сегодня у нас работа над ошибками. Те ребята,которые выполнили и прислали работу на проверку, исправляют ошибки(согласно замечаний) .Как обычно , записываете на листочках с к.р число и тему!

Те ребята,которые еще не выполнили контрольную, поторопитесь !!! Работы обязательно высылайте на проверку!

23/04 Thursday, the twenty three of April

Control work

Работу выполняем на двойных листочках, вкладываем в тетрадь, а мне высылаете фотоотчет!

1.Fill in: long, achieve, attend, drop out, overcome.

1. She wants to … the Oxford University.

2. Anna … to become a figure skater.

3. My brother … many obstacles to succeed as a lawyer.

4. If they work hard, they can … their goal.

5. Every year some students…a course of study.

2.Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense.

1. If my parents were on business trip, I … (invite) some friends round.

2. I …(stop) and talked to you if I had seen you.

3. If it was my birthday, I …( have) a party.

4. We could go to the park if it …(not rain).

5. I wish I …(get) better exam results, but I didn’t study hard enough.

3.Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct particle.

1. We have the experience to carry… any tasks in this branch.

2. Pam carried … a diploma in the writing competition.

3. Don’t carry … staying out late!

4. Her kindness carried me … a difficult moment of my life.

5. She gives me one or two errands to carry… every day.

5. Match the form exchanges.

1. How are you getting on at university? a Really well, thanks.

2. I’m going really well. b I can’t imagine.

3. Have you heard from Dan recently ? c I love it.

4. It’s really difficult. d That’s great.

5. How is your brother now? e He phoned me yesterday.

17.04 Friday, the seventeenth of April

Dian Fossey

Today we 're speaking about environmental protection «Dian Fossey».

watch the video below.

Open your book on the page 133 and look to the pictures. Describe the pictures. How do you think this woman made a difference to our world?

  1. Write out highlighted words and translate them.

worked miracles: was extremely effective (был чрезвычайно эффективным)

disabled: lacking a physical/mental ability (не хватает физических/умственных способностей)

save up: keep money to use in the future (копить деньги, чтобы использовать в будущем)

behaviour: way of acting (способ действия) earned their

trust: became their friend (стал их другом)

met the same fate: ended up the same way (в конечном итоге - то же самое)

declared war: stated intention to fight (заявил о намерении бороться)

outspoken: giving opinion(s) freely without worrying about offending people (Разбрасываться мнением(ями) свободно, не беспокоясь обидеть людей)

target: focus of attack (цель атаки)

murdered: unlawfully killed (незаконно убитый)

buried: put under the ground after the death (положить под землю после смерти)

endangers: puts at risk (ставит под угрозу)

extinction: no longer in existence (as a species) (уже не существует (как вид)

Read the article and put the sentences A-E ex 2 in the right place to complete the text. There is one extra sentence you do not need to use. Explain the words/ phrases in bold. (Прочитайте статьи и поместите предложения A-E в правильное место, чтобы закончить текст. Есть одно дополнительное предложение, которое вы не должны использовать. Объясните слова / фразы выделенным шрифтом).






Дайан Фосси


Дайан Фосси любила животных, училась на профессионального врача и творила чудеса (worked miracles) с детьми-инвалидами (disabled children). 1) (Тем не менее, у неё всегда было желание увидеть мир.) После прочтения нескольких книг Джорджа Шалльза она решила поднакопить (save up) и поехать в Африку на 6 недель, чтобы увидеть диких животных. Когда она впервые увидела некоторых горных горилл, она была очарована ими и начала наблюдать и записывать ихповедение (behaviour). Она вернулась домой, выучилась на зоолога, а затем вернулась в Африку, чтобы провести остаток своей жизни в изучении горных горилл.

2) Со временем, Дайна познакомились с гориллами как с людьми, и дала им всем имена. Однажды, молодой самец гориллы, которого она назвала Peanuts, подошел и прикоснулся к ее руке. После некоторого времени, Диан заработала их доверие (earned their trust) и могла сидеть с гориллами и играть с ними и их детьми.

Любимым гориллой Дайан был молодой самец по имени Digit. 3) (Трагично, что в первый день Нового 1978 Года, Диан обнаружила, что он был убит браконьерами.) Браконьеры были местными жителями, делающими деньги от продажи рук, голов и ног горилл. Они продавали их головы в качестве украшения на стены, а руки и ноги, как пепельницы. Нескольких других горилл постигла та же участь (met the same fate). Дайна объявила войну (declared war) браконьерам. К сожалению, она была настолько откровенной, что она стала мишенью для расправы.

26 декабря 1985 года, она была найдена убитой в своей хижине. Её похоронили на кладбище рядом с ее любимыми гориллами. Ей было 53 года. 4) (Ее убийца, вероятно, браконьер, не был найден.)

То, что случилось с любимыми гориллами Дайан, может случиться с любыми животными, части тел, которых используются для изготовления сувениров. Итак, быть в курсе и никогда не привозить любые экзотические подарки вместе с прекрасными воспоминаниями. Покупка сувениров, сделанных из слоновой кости, шкур животных, зубов, костей, кораллов или панцирей черепах ставит под угрозу (endangers)животных и поддерживает бизнес браконьеров. Не помогайте гнать невинных животных к исчезновению (extinction).

  1. Подумайте! Послушайте и прочитайте текст снова. Какое из этих прилагательных лучше всего описывает Дайан? (THINK! Listen and read the text again. Which of these adjectives best describe Dian?)

Tell your partner. Give reasons, sensitive, dishonest, caring, patient, nervous, determined. (Скажите Вашему партнеру. Приведите причины: чувствительная, нечестная, заботливая, терпеливая, нервничающая, определенная).

I think Dian was a very sensitive person because she worried a lot about the fate of animals. (Я думаю, что Дайан была очень чувствительным человеком, потому что она волновалась много о судьбе животных)

.Домашнее задание:

5 Project: collect information about Dian Fossey or another environmentalist. Проект: соберите информацию о Дайан Фосси или другом защитнике окружающей среды.

16.04 Thursday, the sixteenth of April

University life

Today we're going to speak about University life.

Education is very important for us. It's true.

I. What is important for you when you choose a University?

May be :

1. City/ place

2. accommodation

3. teachers

4. free time activities

II. Answer my questions, please.

  1. What do you want to be?

(I want to be a ……….. )

  1. Have you already chosen a University for further education?

(Yes, I want to study at ……..University.)

Thank you! I hope your dreams come true.

III. Формирование навыков чтения с поиском нужной информации.

T: Now open the student’s books p.131.

Read, translate the text and answer: Which student(s) mention(s): (письменно)

  1. a special dress code?

  2. a nighttime snack?

  3. self-study?

Look through the text and find all words related to the headings :

Places /Lessons /Accommodation /Teachers /After-school activities

IV. Домашнее задание.

p. 131 ex. 5.

Think of the most prestigious university in our country. Write a short article about it. Include:

  • were students live;

  • academic life;

  • social life.

13.04 Monday, the thirteenth of April

Volunteer movement

The topic of our lesson is “Volunteer movement”. What do you know about it? Watch the video below.

I. Answer the questions, please.(устно)

1. Who are the volunteers?

2. Why do people become volunteers?

3. Who can be a volunteer?

4. What work is done by volunteers?

5. Have you ever met a volunteer?

6. Are there any volunteer organizations?


Do you have any ideas why people become volunteers?

• Making new friends

• Feeling needed and important

• Gaining important skills and experience that will help you later in life

• Exploring what you want to do with your life

• Feeling satisfaction at the getting done and helping others

• Feeling like you’re a part of a community

• Have a good time

III. Ex.1 p132

T: Read the equation above. How can small actions change the world?

Small actions when done by lots of people build up to become large actions and this leads to real change.


а) Pre-reading. Этап подготовки к чтению. Ex. 2 p132

Фонетическая отработка слов . Запись слов в словарь.

volunteer[ ˌvɒlənˈtɪə ]доброволец, волонтёр

retirement home[ rɪˈtaɪəmənt həʊm ]Дом престарелых

get a lot back-Получать много взамен

light up[ laɪt ʌp ]светящийся

wise[ waɪz ]умный

community[ kəˈmjuːnəti ]общество

b) Reading. Этап чтения.

Read the case study below to find out what Jacob does.

с) Post-reading. Этап проверки понимания прочитанного.

Why does he do it? What does he feel that he achieves?

Jacob does volunteering at a retirement home for many reasons. First of all, he wants to change the world for the better. Secondly, Jacob always gets wise advice from the elderly. And he knows he wouldn't have got them anywhere else. Finally, he likes chatting with people, reading to them, telling them some jokes and just making their faces light up.


Read the case study again and explain the words in bold.


offer to do something without being asked and/or without being paid (предложить что-то сделать, когда не просят и/или без оплаты)


accommodation especially designed/ run for the retired/elderly (жилье, специально предназначенное/работает для пенсионеров/пожилых)


funny stories (смешные истории)

get such a lot back:

receive plenty in return (получить много взамен)

faces light up:

expressions appear happier/ more excited (выражения лиц становятся счастливее/более возбужденными)


clever (with the experience of age) (умный, сопытомлет)


people living in a particular area (люди, живущие в определенной области)

VI. There are six sentences about volunteer work. Three sentences are true and three are false.

Circle the correct answers.( письменно с фотоотчетом)

1) The most common reason why people don’t volunteer is “I don’t have enough time”. True / False

2) Older people are more likely to volunteer than young people. True / False

3) A young person who has a parent who volunteers is less likely to volunteer themselves. True / False

4) Students who volunteer usually have better school grades and are happier. True / False

5) More people volunteer for religious organizations than any other kind of organization. True / False

6) Most of the time, people volunteer simply because they want to help. True / False

VI. Writing

Complete the text with the words in the box:

by/ while/ after /before /when/ in

(1) _______ January last year, schoolchildren in the UK raised money for cancer. The organizers called the campaign “The Big Hush”. The children’s friends and families sponsored them to be silent for one week. The children didn’t speak (2) ______ they were working in class.

They were also silent (3) _______ they were playing in the playground! (4) ______ the week, they collected the money that their friends and families had sponsored. They counted the money (5) _______ handing it in to the charity. (6) ______ February, they had managed to collect thousands of pounds – without saying a word.

VII. Homework

Письменно выполнить упр.5 на стр.132. Выучить новые слова. Повторить лексический и грамматический материал Модуля 7.

10.04 Friday , the tenth of April

Formal letters/ emails

Today we're going to write an email.

Firstly you have to study the theory box p 128. Now watch the video below.

Then read the example of email p129 and answer the questions above it.

After all you need to write an email requesting information about an event. Вышлете фотоотчет !

09.04 Thursday, the ninth of April

R. Kipling "if"

I. Watch the video about Kipling's biography(письменно составьте хронологическую таблицу )

II. Read the Poem p126 and watch the video

III. H/w: learn two columns jf the poem p126(отправить голосовым сообщением)


Monday , the sixth of April

Conditionals type 1,2,3

  1. Еще раз просмотрите видео за 27.03,повторите правила.

  2. Пройдите онлайн тест по данной теме,пройдя по ссылке


и пришлите мне фотоотчет результата на viber или whats App +79787371055

(оценка выставится в журнал-отнеситесь серьезно)


Friday, the twenty seventh of March

Conditionals type 1,2,3

I. Learn the rule ex1 p 124, p GRL16. Обязательно просмотрите видео и выпишите в тетрадь 4 основных правила, объясняемые в нем!!!

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense ex2 p 124

III. H/w: complete the sentences ex3 p176


Thursday, the twenty sixth of March

Education and training

I. Write and learn new words 7b

II. Complete the sentences ex 2 p 122

III. Read and complete the dialogue ex 5 p 123

IV. H/w: Complete your dialogue using language in the box ex 4 p 122


Monday, the twenty third of March

I have a dream

I. Learn the words 7a

II. Do ex 4 p 120

III. Read and translate the text p121

IV. Match the underlined words with their meanings below(ex 3 p 120)

V. H/w: learn the words 7a, write an essay about your plans on the future