7 класс

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18. 05 Monday, the eighteenth of May

Control work

Today we're going to do control work!

1. Fill in: have, feel, wash with, non-profit

1. charity

2. exhausted

3. cold water

4. stomachache

  1. Put the words in the correct order and write full sentences.

1. practice/I/go/Can/tomorrow/basketball/to?

2. feel/How/will/long/I/this/like?

3. is/the/matter/What?

4. new/A/to/girl/our/come/school.

  1. Translate the sentences from Russian into English

1. Что произошло?

2. Ощущать головную боль

3. Удариться спиной

4. С тобой всё в порядке?

4. Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns.

1. Can you do many things _________?

2. Do you believe in _________?

3. Did the pupils answer all the questions _________?

4. Did you make the dress ______________ .

5. Choose the odd word out.

1. cut, break, sprain, wrist, hurt

2. myself, itself, yourself, ourselves, himself

3. hospital, patient, operate, assistance, emergency

4. gossip, stressful, hurtful, daily, mean

Пришлите на проверку!

13.05 Wednesday, the thirteenth of May

Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe"

Today you'll meet famous English writer Daniel Defoe and his story "Robinson Crusoe"

  1. Firstly open please your dictionaries and write new words p WL13

  2. Now watch the video below and read after the teacher

  3. Try to retell this story

  4. H/w: project work ex5 p 103

12/05 Tuesday, the twelfth of May

At the school doctor.Control writing

Good day, children! Our today theme is "At the school doctor" and we're going to write control writing!

  1. Firstly watch the video, repeat after teacher and write down information into the copy book

  2. Read and translate the dialogue ex 2 p 102

  3. Control writing. Make similar dialogue and send it to me .

29.04 Wednesday, the twenty ninth of April

Control speaking

Today you have to pass control speaking! You can choose any theme you liked , learn it and tell me by voice message!

Представьте, что вы на экзамене. Вытянете любой билет, подготовьте монологическое высказывание. Запишите и отправьте голосовым сообщением!

Task 1

Give a talk about your lifestyle.

Remember to say:

· What your usual day is

· What you do in your free time, why

· What you prefer: spending your weekends in an active or passive way (give examples)

Task 2

Give a talk about the person you admire.

Remember to say:

· What the person is; name / surname / some biographical facts;

· Why you admire him / her (give examples)

Task 3

Give a talk about your favourite sport.

Remember to say:

- Why we should do sport or any physical activities, what sport you do and how often;

- What your favourite sport is, why;

- What your famous sportman in this kind of sport you know.

28.04 Tuesday , the twenty eighth of April

Control listening

Today we're going to pass control listening! So be concentrate and listen carefully to the conversation!

Пройдите по ссылке https://ok-tests.ru/audio-quiz-47/

,прослушайте беседу , ответьте на вопросы и проверьте себя! Результат пришлите!

H/w: Read and translate the text " Health matters" Spotlight on Russia p 12

27.04 Monday, the twenty seventh of April

Control reading

1. Read the text and write if the statements below are true (T) or false (F).

Gulliver’s Travels

Gulliver was born in a large family of a farmer. At school the boy learned well, so his father sent him to the University for three years. When the young man left the University, he worked with a doctor and learned the doctor’s profession.

Gulliver wanted to travel, so he decided to learn navigation too. After four years of hard learning Gulliver began to work on a ship as the ship doctor. One day, after many days of fine weather, there was a terrible storm. The ship broke to pieces and the people were drowned. But Gulliver could swim very well and he was not drowned. When he saw a shore which was very far, he swam to it. Gulliver was very tired. When Gulliver got out of the water he slept for many hours.

When Gulliver woke up, he found that he was in a country where very small people lived. The name of the country was Lilliput. The little people were afraid of the big man and wanted to kill him. But when they saw that Gulliver was kind and did not want to kill them they let him live with them. Gulliver lived there for two years.

After many adventures he got back to England.

1. Gulliver’s father was a doctor.

2. Gulliver was a sailor on the ship.

3. The ship was at sea for a long time.

4. The ship broke to pieces because of a terrible storm.

5. Gulliver was not drowned because he could swim very well.

2. Read the text and complete the gaps.

G. to live in London

H. a little surprised

I. the Englishman took the menu card

J. to have lunch

K. of fish soup on the table

L. so he ate the meat soup

An English tourist, who was staying at a hotel in Rome came to the hotel restaurant 1._________. He could not speak Italian, but he did not want to show it to people. He sat down at the table. When the waitress came up to his table, 2. _______ and pointed to the first line. The waitress nodded and walked away. Very soon she returned and put a plate 3._________. The Englishman was very pleased with himself. He ate the soup and, when the waitress came up to the table again, pointed to the third line on the menu card. The waitress looked 4._________, but did not say a word. She walked away and soon returned, bringing the Englishman a plate of meat soup. The Englishman did not want to show the waitress that he did not know Italian, 5.__________. Then he pointed to a line in the middle of the menu card, hoping that he would get some second course at last. This time the waitress brought him a plate of pea soup. In despair, the Englishman pointed to the last line on the menu card. And the waiter brought him a package of tooth-picks!

4. Read the dialogue and match the people to places where they were yesterday.

Tony: Hi, Bill. How are you?

Bill: Ah Tony. I’m fine, thanks. I was looking for you yesterday afternoon. Where were you?

Tony: Well, it was lovely and sunny so I went for a swim to the river with my brother. What was the problem?

Bill: No problem. I was just trying to find Ann and thought you might know where she was.

Tony: Well, I’m sure she had to go to the bank in the afternoon.

Bill: Oh, that’s probably why I couldn’t find her.

Tony: Yes, probably.

Bill: Do you know if Mary and John are around or they have gone away for the summer?

Tony: Well, I saw Mary in the baker’s yesterday morning and I know John was on his way to catch a bus to see his friend in London when I spoke to him.

Bill: Oh, dear. I’m not having much luck.

Tony: Why do you want to know where everyone is anyway?

Bill: It was my birthday yesterday and I was in a cafe on my own!

Tony: Oh, dear, Bill. I am sorry!

22.04 Wednesday, the twenty second of April

At the doctor

I have some questions to you.

  • Do you have breakfast every day?

  • Do you get up early?

  • Do you like sport?

  • How do you feel? (good or terrible)

- We live in very difficult time which is full of everyday life's problems. But people's life and health are the most important things in the world. Today we’ll speak about our health.

  1. - There are a lot of proverbs about health.

  • Read please these proverbs!

An apple a day keeps a doctor away. (Кто по яблоку в день съедает, у того врач не бывает)

Eat with pleasure, drink with measure. (Ешь в удовольствие, пей в меру. Хорошего по немногу)

Good health is above wealth. (Здоровье дороже денег)

Wealth is nothing without health. (Богатство – ничто, без здоровья)

2. Работа по теме урока.

- But sometimes we feel not so good. Our Mood can be terrible; we can tired at school, for example. We can have some diseases.

- Look at the pictures p100 .Write and learn new words:

have a headache-ощущать головную боль

have a stomachache-.....боль в желудке

have an earache-........боль в ухе

have a sore throat-....боль в горле

have a sore eyes-....боль в глазах

have a toothache-......зубную боль

feel exhausted- чувствовать себя истощенным

have a high fever- иметь высокую температуру

- We can feel some pain that’s why we can give advices each other.

- Sometimes each person has some problems. That's why we need go to the doctor!

- Open your books at page 100, Ex. 1a. Look at the extracts. What is each person’s problem? Read and answer! 4 minutes for this task.

- What can you advice WORN OUT? (drink a hot cup of coffee, lie down to get some rest)

- What can you advice Computer Freak? (to get some rest in 20 minutes)

3. Заключительный этап.

- Ex. 1b. Listen the letter. Which is extract does it match? Who is it to?

- Wich paragraph gives advice? Which phrases does the writer use to give advice? (2 абзац дает советы)

- Your homework is Ex. 5. Write a letter of advice to Computer Freak. Use ex. 1b and ex. 3. You can use the sentences in this ex. Lera read please the task.

21.04 Tuesday, the twenty first of April

Нow's your health

Сегодня поговорим о здоровье,а точнее о том, как сохранить его, как вести здоровый образ жизни!

В начале просмотрите видео, пройдя по ссылке! https://resh.edu.ru/subject/lesson/2792/main/

1. Выпишите при просмотре новые слова

Now, please , match the words with their translations;

1. Junkfood- нездоровая пища

2. Health benefits- польза для здоровья

3. Nutrition- пища, питательный

4. To gain the weight- набирать вес

5. Saturated fat- насыщенный жиром

6. Heart attack- сердечный приступ

7. Vital- жизненный

8. To have a snack- перекусить на ходу

2. Составьте свою диету(по видео)

3. Заполните пропуски :

(Now we need to revise adverbs and their degrees of comparison: little, much, many, a lot of.)

Don’t Forget:

Too ––– activity makes you slim.

Too ––– food makes you fat.

Spend ______time in the open air.

Have ______friends and spend time together.

Too ––– sweets are bad for you, especially for your teeth.

Eat ––– high fat food and ––– fiber.

–––– fruit and vegetables keep you healthy.

4. Исправьте ошибки в советах

Correct the mistakes.

1. Eat more sugar .

2. Don’t run much.

3. Eat many fat .

4. Eat less fresh fruit .

5. Have a smoke .

6. Watch TV a lot .

Проверь себя:

Eat less sugar

Run much

Don’t have a smoke

Don’t watch TV a lot

H/w: выучите слова!Отметьте предложения по своему усмотрению -guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F).

  1. Eating junk food is a great passion of people.

  2. A lot of people have ever enjoyed a hamburger.

  3. The American habit of eating popcorn at the movies is not well-known.

  4. Junk food is rich in vitamins and minerals.

  5. Junk food has poor nutrition and that’s why is unhealthy.

  6. Junk food doesn’t cause diseases.

  7. Junk food is attractive.

15.04 Wednesday, the fifteenth of April

Accident - prone

Today we'll speak on the theme Accident - prone!Firstly open your book on the page 98, look to the pictures. What can you see there?Of course there are accidents!

  1. Let's write new words and learn them:

Break your leg - Сломать ногу

Cut your finger - Порезать палец

Chip a tooth - Сломать зуб

Sprain your wrist - Растянуть запястье

Bang your head - Удариться головой

Twist your ankle - Вывихнуть лодыжку

Hurt your back - Повредить спину

Попробуйте составить 2 предложения с любой фразой.

  1. Read and translate ex 2 p 98

  2. Grammar.Reflexive pronounce. Watch the video below and write the rule!

Do ex 5b p99 using reflexive pronounce(пришлите мне)

  1. H/w:выучить правило,слова

14.04 Tuesday, the fourteenth of April

Stress free

Today we begin studying the theme "Healthy body, healthy mind"

  1. Open presentation,please, and write new words into your vocabulary (slide 2)

  2. Do ex 2 p96(slide 3)

Fill in the gaps using the words in ex. 2, p. 96 SB.

· I always feel nervous when I ________ _______ with my friends.

· Helen cannot go for a walk today as she has ______ _______ _____________ .

· When I am 25 I will ___________ a cool birthday _____________.

· Have you ever __________ anything ___________? – Yes, I have. It was my i-phone.

· I find _____________ ________________ the most stressful for a teenager when you have to make new friends and be on the same page with new teachers.

  1. Make up the sentences , check yourselves with slide 4

Use the words to make up sentences.

· Nick/ time/ has/ no/ enough/ sit/ to/ around.

· always/ are/ my/ and/ brother/ I/ fighting/ silly/ about/ things.

· spreading/ they/ all/ are/ kinds/ about/ of/ rumours/ her.

· like/ people/ gossip/ to.

· is/ management/ time/ answer/ the.

  1. Grammar.


shouldn't-не должен

Make up the sentences, using phrases and pictures ( ex4 p97)check yourselves with slide 5

  1. Слова sore/ache. Как разобраться когда какое употребить, если оба слова означают боль?! sore- воспаление, ache- боль

А теперь попрактикуемся на упр 7 с 97 !Вам поможет следующий слайд!

  1. H/w: выучить слова и правила!

Жизнь без стрессов.ppt

13. 04 Monday, the thirteenth of April

Today we'll repeat all the theme.

I. Firstly watch the video and try to remember why do you need eating healthy food! Then look to the ex 1 p 86 and divide the words into two columns : healthy and junk food

II. Fill in the correct quantifier.

1. There aren’t ….pens on the desk.

2. We have ….time, so hurry up.

3. There is ….milk in the fridge.

4. We haven’t got ….notebooks.

5. There isn’t …..tea left.

6. I always have ….milk with my tea.

7. The shopkeeper says there aren’t …..apples left.

8. Can I have ….sugar, please?

Some (2), a little, any (2), little, many, much.

III. Choose the correct item.

1. I will take my sister in/out for dinner on her birthday.

2. The biscuits were not good, so I took them away/back to the shop.

3. Don’t take off/out your coat. You will catch a cold.

4. The mirror had a big crack in it, so we took it back/away to the shop.

IV. Complete the sentences using Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous.

1. They …..(buy) a cake for your birthday.

2. She ….(plan) her weekend for the last two days.

3. You ….(pack) all day!

4. I …(know) Jenifer for ten years now.

5. My mum …(cook) dinner for two hours.

6. She …(join/ just) the Art club.

7. We … (study) for exams for the last four days.

8. I …(not/be) to the new clothes shop yet.

9. She …(work) at the clothes shop for two years.

08/04 Wednesday, the eighth of April

Shopping time. Control work.

Сегодня у вас итоговый урок по теме, т.е контрольный.

Берем двойной листочек, подписываем титульный лист ,разворачиваем , записываем число и выполняем progress check 9 p94

Выполнив задания в учебнике, вкладываете лист в тетрадь. По возвращению в школу, сдадите!

Далее переходим по ссылке https://iq2u.ru/tests/test/run/40 и выполняем онлайн тест. Результат высылаете в виде фотоотчета на viber или whats App +79787371055.

Good luck!

07/04 Tuesday, the seventh of April

I. Open your book on the page 93. Write out highlighted words from the text , translate and learn them(выпишите, переведите по словарю и выучите выделенные слова в тексте)

II. Read and translate the text p 93(устно)

III. Обратите внимание на глаголы ниже . Все они переводятся , как подходить. Давайте выучим,выяснив разницу!

match- подходить(соответствовать с чем -либо, юбка подходит к блузке)

suit- подходит( идет, к лицу, по фигуре)

fit- подходить по размеру

Iv. H/w: learn the words, ex 4 p 93


Monday, the sixth of April

Party time

  1. Read and translate the text p 11( sp on Russia)

  2. Пройдите по ссылке и посмотрите, как отмечают дни рождения в Великобритании


  1. Make a project work on the following theme " My party"(сделайте проект в виде презентации или стенгазеты на тему " Моя вечеринка" о том как вы проводите мероприятия.

25.03 (Записываем число,тему и начинаем работать)

Wednesday, the twenty fifth of March

Expressing thanks and admiration

I. Write new words and learn them p 92

II. Read the dialogue p 92

III. H/w : complete the dialogue “at the shop”(составьте диалог «В магазине»)


Tuesday, the twenty fourth of March

Idioms about food

I. Write new words and learn them(9d)

II. Read and complete ex 2 p91

III. Writing: write the recipe of your favoritedish

IV. Learn two idioms from: https://reallanguage.club/anglijskie-idiomy-pro-edu/


Monday, the twenty third of March

Class work

Gifts for everyone!

I. Learn the words 9c

II. Describe objects ex1 p90

III. Read the e- mail ex3 p90 and answer the questions ex 3b p90

IV. H/w: learn the words 9c, ex4 p90