5 класс

18. 05 Monday, the eighteenth of May

Control speaking

Today you'll pass control speaking!

Вам дана карточка ,изучив ее, готовите тему,раскрывая все пункты. Присылаете голосовым сообщением!(сегодня)

Give a talk about Food.

Remember to say:

· What food is in your life;

· What your favourite kind of food is; what your favourite dish is; why;

· What British national food you know; if you would like to taste it; why;

· What fast food is for you; if you eat it; how often you eat it; why.

Вы составляете текст самостоятельно ,но если вам удобно пользоваться готовым текстом -вот пример!

British food has traditionally been based on beef, lamb, pork, chicken and fish and usually served with potatoes and vegetables. The most typical foods eaten in Britain include the sandwich, fish and chips, pies, trifle and roasts dinners.

Do you know a person who has never been to McDonald's? McDonald's restaurants sell what is called "fast" or "junk" food — hamburgers, chips and so on. Such food is very popular, especially with children and teenagers.

Personally, I adore hamburgers, cheeseburgers, apple pies, muffins and fruit cocktails. This food is tasty, cheap. What is more, going to McDonald's saves much time and effort. Besides, I like the holiday atmosphere of McDonald's. There I can relax, enjoy the food and celebrate some event with my friends and relatives.

But experts say that fast food makes people overweight and obese. If you eat a lot of hamburgers, chips, hot dogs, pizzas and fizzy drinks like Coke, Pepsi, Sprite and others, you can have serious problems for your health. Such food is full of chemical additives.

Can we live without food? The answer is surely "no". Food is important for our body.

To my mind, food is our friend if it is healthy. I believe that if you eat the right food, you can manage your mood. For example, when I feel blue, I can eat a bar of chocolate or an ice-cream and become more cheerful and energetic.

To sum up, food that contains vitamins gives you a lot of energy to live and helps you improve your health. I’m sure that if you take control of your food, you will be able to take control of your life.

14.05 Thursday, the fourteenth of May

Control listening

Сегодня вы сдаете аудирование!Вам нужно пройти по ссылке, прослушать аудиозапись, ответить на вопросы и прислать мне результат! В тетрадь переписывать не нужно, выполняете все на сайте!


Good luck!!!

12.05 Tuesday, the twelfth of May

Control reading

Ребята, начинаются семестровые виды деятельности :аудирование, чтение, письмо и говорение

Сегодня вы сдаете чтение! Прочитайте текст и выполните задания по нему !(пришлите работу на проверку!


There are many mice in the house and they are not happy. There is a cat in the house too. Every day the cat kills many mice.

One day the oldest mouse says, “Come to my hole, mice. Let us think what we can do about the cat.”

All the mice come to the hole of the oldest mouse. They begin to speak. They say that the cat is very bad. Many mice speak but nobody knows what to do about the cat.

Then the youngest mouse says, “We do not hear when the cat comes to us. Let us

put a bell on the cat’s neck. The bell will ring. We shall run away.”

All the mice are very glad.

“Our young friend has a good plan,” they say. “Let us run and get a bell.”

But the oldest mouse says, “We can get a bell. Let us think who can put it on the cat’s neck.”

“I can’t do that,” says the youngest mouse.

“We can’t do that,” say all the mice.

“Well,” says the oldest mouse, “I think the plan is not good if we can’t fulfil it. I have another plan. Let us give the cat a nice bell as a birthday present.”

The cat’s birthday is some days later. On this day the cat finds a beautiful box in the corner of the kitchen. There is a nice bell and a red ribbon in it. There is a note in the box too: “Happy Birthday to you, dear Cat!”

The cat is glad, he puts the bell on his neck. And the mice are glad too. The bell rings and the mice always know when the cat is near.

  1. Read the text and put “T” to the true sentences and “F” to the false ones.

  1. The mice are happy.

  2. Every day the cat kills only some mice.

  3. The cat is very good for mice.

  4. The cat does not know what to do about the mice.

  5. The mice do not hear when the cat comes to them.

  6. The plan of the youngest mouse is not good.

  7. The cat finds a beautiful box on the table of the kitchen.

  8. There is a little bell and a pink ribbon in the bell.

  9. The mice put the bell on the cat’s neck.

  10. The bell rings and the mice do not know when the cat is near.

  1. Read the text and choose the best alternative in each case

  1. The cat kills … .

  1. one mouse a day

  2. many mice

  3. no mice

  1. The oldest mouse says to the mice

  1. come to the house

  2. come to the cat

  3. come to my hole

  1. … says to put a bell on the cat’s neck.

  1. The youngest mouse

  2. The oldest mouse

  3. Many mice

  1. All the mice are … .

  1. sad

  2. glad

  3. surprised

  1. … can put a bell on the cat’s neck.

a) The youngest mouse

  1. The oldest mouse

  2. Nobody

  1. The mice give the cat … as a birthday present.

  1. a ribbon

  2. a box

  3. a bell with the

  1. There is a nice bell …

  1. In the box

  2. Under the table

  3. In the hole

8.What colour is the ribbon?

a) blue

b) pink

c) red

30.04 Thursday, the thirtieth of April

Just a note

Today we shall have a lesson according to our topic “Just a note”

  1. Firstly watch the video and do exercises after teacher!

  2. Now open the presentation, write down cluster !Answer the questions at the slides(устно)

  3. Have a look to the slide 10, write out the rule into your copy-book

  4. There's a note at the 14 th slide. Read it and translate.

  5. H/w: learn new words, write a note to your friend as in example !


28.04 Tuesday , the twenty eighth of April

Summer fun

- Today we shall have a lesson according to our topic “Summer is fun” and we shall speak about seasons.

- And now let’s start our work.

- Let’s train our tongues and practice the English sounds.

to lie in the sun, fun, until, go for a walk, autumn, summer, winter, spring, to pick up wood, to ride a bike, to play chess, tennis,badminton, to swim, to run, to jump

  1. Open your book on the vocabulary page module 10b . Write out new words and learn them

  2. Read the dialogue ex2 p 118. What is iit about?

  3. Grammar. Future Simple.Watch the video below to understand the rule!

  4. Do ex 5 p 119

  5. H/w: learn the words and do ex 6 p 119(вставить пропущенный глагол, употребляя его в будущем времени!)

27.04 Monday, the twenty seventh of April

Travel and leisure

Let’s start the lesson with the tongue twister.

She sells seashells on the seashore of Seychelles.

The shells she sells are seashells, I'm sure.

For if she sells seashells on the seashore,

Then I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

  1. How do you think what about we are going to speak today?

About holidays, travelling.

You are right. What should we learn in order to speak about travelling?

We should know the type of holidays, the means of travelling, the activities.

How clever you are! And today we will learn about all these information.

How do you think why people travel?

Have you ever travelled abroad?

Do you like to travel around our republic?

(Устные ответы)

3. There are some people that what to go travelling.ex3 p 116. Read the text p 116-17 and choose the appropriate variant of advert for them.

Imagine that you are a travel agent. Your partner wants to speand his holiday abroad. Use the information in the adverts to advise him. Act out a dialogue. (Ex. 4. p. 116)


In conclusion, I would like to show you a video about travelling.

So, Should we travel? How can we travel? How can we spend our holidays?

5. H/w: make holiday adverts ex. 9 p. 117

21.04 Tuesday, the twenty first of April

Control work

Ребята, мы изучили 9 модуль и сегодня пишем по нему контрольную работу!

Возьмите двойной листочек,подпишите титульный лист, раскройте,запишите число и приступайте к выполнению(лист вложите в тетрадь)

1 Write the words in English.(переведите)

  1. булочная

  2. аптека

  3. овощной магазин

  4. ювелирный магазин

  5. газетный киоск

  6. картинная галерея

  7. парк аттракционов

  8. фильм ужасов

  9. боевик

  10. музыкальный магазин

  11. магазин одежды

2 Fill in the correct word.(вставьте пропущенные слова)

• music • aspirin • buy • clothes • pair • fast • floors • florist’s • games •

  1. The ………. shop has got the dress I like.

  2. What do you want to ………. ?

  3. You will find ………. at the chemist’s.

  4. I’m hungry. Let’s eat at the ………. food restaurant.

  5. I need some flowers. Where's the ………. ?

  6. I want to buy a ………. of shoes.

  7. Brown’s has six ......... and a basement.

  8. You can find .......... at Toyland.

  9. U2’s new CD is at the ......... shop.

3 Fill in a, an or the.

  1. Every year, Sam gets ..... electronic game for his birthday

  2. Kate always has ..... party on her birthday.

  3. Is there ..... toy shop in this town?

  4. I have ..... apple every day.

  5. I'm going to the chemist's on ..... fifth floor.

4. Put the verbs in brackets in Past Simple.

  1. Kate ....... (buy) a dress yesterday.

  2. The cat ........ (not/eat) any fish last week.

  3. Tom and Jane ......... (be) at the theatre last month.

  4. ..... you ....... (watch) TV last night?

  5. Jill ........ (cook) meat yesterday.

5. Read the text and mark the statements as T (true) or F (false).

Nanny Mc Phee is a great fantasy film and you can see it at the Odeon in Leicester Square. In the film, Mr. Cedric Brown has got seven children. They are very bed and he doesn't know what to do with them. Every nanny he gets for them runs away. When Nanny Mc Phee comes to work at the house, everything is different. She teaches the Brown children some lessons and they become good and kind. She is the perfect nanny. Is she the perfect woman for their father too? This is a funny film for the whole family! Don't miss it!

  1. Nanny Mc Phee is a film only for teens. .....

  2. The Brown children are very good. .....

  3. The Brown children become bad. .....

  4. The film is about six children. .....

  5. Nanny Mc Phee is a fantasy film. .....

  6. Nannies don't like staying with the Brown children. .....

16.04 Thursday, the sixteenth of April

Asking for/giving direction

Today we are going to learn phrases which we use to ask for and give directions.

  1. First of all let's practice the English sounds. Try to read the tongue-twister:

To begin to toboggan first, buy a toboggan.

But do not buy too big a toboggan!

Too big a toboggan is too big a toboggan

to buy to begin to toboggan.

  1. Now answer my questions.

— If you don't know how to get anywhere, what do you do in this case?

What do you need to know to ask the direction?

Правильно, нужно спросить! А как?Для этого нужно выучить соответствующие фразы!

«Как спросить и дать направление».

So let's learn some phrases. ex1 p 112(воспользуйтесь словарем учебника с 12 english in use 9 и выпишите фразы)

  1. Now watch the video . Try to understand it

  2. read and translate the dialogues p112

  3. H/w: complete your own dialogue(посмотрите на картинку с 112 ,вы находитесь около аптеки, спросите ,как добраться до сквера)

14.04 Tuesday, the fourteenth of April

Sergiev Posad. Toy museum

Today we’ll have a bit unusual lesson . So, I invite you to visit one of the toy museums in Russia!

  1. Let’s watch a short film about it and try to answer two questions: Where the museum is? How old is it? What are these toys made of? What toys do you have at home? What toys do you like most?

  2. You can use the article about the museum in your Students’ Books (Spotlight on Russia – p.11) and look at hand-outs.

  3. Answer the questions:

- Do you know about the Toy Museum now?

- Would you like to visit this museum?

- Can you now tell about your trip to museum?

H/w: побывав в музее сегодня,попробуйте отобразить увиденное на рисунке!

13.04 Monday , the thirteenth of April

Busy spots in London

Today we have an unusual lesson. The topic of our lesson is "Busy spots in London”. I invite you to London!

Even if you lived in London your whole life you wouldn’t have time to see everything. But of course there are some places that you shouldn’t miss while in London.

  • The London Eye on the Thames. It’s a huge observation wheel and you can see as far as to 25 miles.

  • St Paul’s Cathedral. It is one the most beautiful buildings in London. It was rebuilt several times to reach its modern beauty.

  • Buckingham Palace, the official residence of the queen. Lots of people come here to see the changing of the guard.

  • Big Ben. It’s the symbol of London but it’s the name of the bell, not the tower.

  • Trafalgar Square. There is the Nelson’s Column in the center of the square. It’s the heart of London.

  • The Tower of London. Perhaps it’s the most haunted place in the world.

  • Westminster Abbey. This is the place where kings and queens were crowned.

So, London is the place where you always find something to do.

I. Read about few London landmarks!

1: Buckingham Palace is the official home of the queen. It can be visited when the Royal Family is not in the palace. There you can see the Queen's Gallery with famous works of art. The palace's stables can also be visited. The changing of the guard takes place daily at 11 o'clock in front of Buckingham Palace. It is very interesting and colourful.

2: The Tower of London is on the river Thames. It has got four towers. It is the history of Great Britain. The Tower of London was a king’s home, a prison and now it is a museum. You can see here a lot of crows. They are the symbol of the Tower of London and they live here. And men dressed up in historic clothes are called Yeomen. You can see the Royal Jewelers in one of the towers.

3: Westminster is a complex consisting of Westminster Abbey and Westminster Palace. Westminster Palace is the place where the British Parliament sits. The most famous part of this palace is Big Ben. But we know that Big Ben is not the name of the tower but the huge bell that is inside. Westminster Abbey is the place with tombs of British kings and queens.

II. Now look to the ex 1 p 111. Red and complete the text Leicester square(посмотрите видео)

Ответьте на вопросы по тексту письменно и пришлите фотоотчет!

Now, guys, answer my questions:

  • Where is Leicester Square?

  • What is it famous for?

  • How many theatres are there nearby?

  • How many seats has Odeon got?

  • What is there in the middle of the square?

  • And what id in the center of the park?

  • Who is William Shakespeare?

  • What else is there in Leicester Square?

  • When are restaurants and cafes especially busy?

  • Is Leicester Square worth a visit?

Объяснение домашнего задания

T: Your hometask will be exercise 5 on page 111. I want you to think at home tell me about any famous area in the capital of our country. You have to speak about its name, location, what is it famous for and what things you can see and do there. For example…

Tsaritsyno is a big park in Moscow. It is located in the south of Moscow. It is famous for its beautiful landscapes and amazing palaces. It is the ideal place for having a good rest, enjoying Russian history, feeding ducks and squirrels and taking photos.

09.04 Thursday, the ninth of April

Don't miss it

Today we’ll have a really interesting lesson “Don’t miss it!” We’ll read and talk about different types of films, share ideas about your favourite ones and practice in usage of the past forms of some irregular verbs.

  1. Open your book on the page 110. Видите e-mail . Ваша задача выписать и выучить выделенные слова:

star: играть главную роль (be the main character in a film)

face: встретиться лицом к лицу (deal with, confront)

secret journey: тайное путешествие (a trip which other people are not allowed to know about)

witness: свидетель (sb who sees a crime or an accident)

battle: битва (fight)

good: добро (sth which is right) evil: зло (sth that is bad or harmful)

acting: игра актеров (the job of performing in plays or films)

must-see: обязательно стоит посмотреть всем (sth that is so good that people should see it)

  1. Read the e -mail and answer the question ex2 p110 .

  2. Ребята, помните ,на прошлом уроке мы разбирали простое прошедшее время?! Так вот, как и в любом правиле,здесь есть исключение! Т. е есть такие глаголы ,которые не относятся к правилу. Их так и называют - неправильные! В прошедшем времени они меняют свою форму, поэтому их просто нужно запомнить!В ваших учебниках имеется таблица неправильных глаголов(на обложке в конце)- посмотрите!(посмотрите видео ,чтобы понять правило!)

  3. А теперь, пользуясь этой таблицей,подберите к глаголам упр 4б с 110 их прошедшую форму и запиши в тетрадь!

  4. H/w: learn irregular verbs, make 5 sentences with verbs from the ex4b p110(составить 5 предл. с глаголами из упр 4 с110).Дополнительно по желанию написать e-mail по образцу.

Д/з отправьте мне на viber/ whats App +79797371055! На оценку!

07.04 Tuesday, the seventh of April

It was great!

I. Read and translate the e-mail ex2 p 108

II. Answer the questions ex 2b p 108(письменно)

III. Ребята, далее вам нужно познакомиться со следующим правилом, кот вы поймете , если просмотрите видео ниже!обязательно смотрите до конца!

IV. Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple ex 5 p 109

06.04 Monday, the sixth of April

Going shopping

  1. Learn the new words module 9a(выпишите новые слова и выучите их)

  2. Read the dialogue ex2 p 107

  3. Mark the sentences true or false ex2 p 106

  4. Ребята, далее вам нужно познакомиться со следующим правилом, кот вы поймете , если просмотрите видео ниже!обязательно смотрите до конца!

  5. Просмотрев видео ,вам нужно выполнить задание ex 3b p 107 .Отправьте фотоотчет на viber или whats App +79787371055(на оценку)

класс 26.03

Thursday, the twenty sixth of March

Ребята, мы закончили изучать тему Особенные дни. Поэтому сегодня мы повторяем и закрепляем все,что прошли!

I. Отгадай загадки(устно)

1. It` s red, it`s a vegetable, we make jus of it

2. It`s yummy, it is very sweat and it can be black, white and milk

3. It`s a fruit. Monkeys like it. It`s yellow

4. It`s also yellow, fruit, we can`t eat it without sugar. We put it into the tea.

II. Найди в словаре и выпиши слова в разные колонки: fruit, vegetables, meat, dairy product

III Впиши слова в правильную колонку

Elephants, milk, snakes, sugar, bread, meat, glasses, coffee, lion, dresses, trains, lemonade, bananas, beds, hats, cheese, shoes, butter, money, boxes, apples, children, doctors, water

Countable Uncountable



Ребята , сегодня заключительный урок по теме «Special days», поэтому сегодня пишем модульную к.р.

Т.к ваши тетрадочки в школе,берем двойные листочки в линию,подписываем.

Далее листочки раскрываем и записываем:

Tuesday, the twenty fourth of March

Сontrol work

Далее начинаете выполнять задания

I. Choose the correct item.

1. Let’s have __________ for dessert/

a) bread

b) ice cream

c) rice

2. My mum is _____________ a special dish for my birthday.

a) making

b) taking

c) eating

3. I don’t like ___________cakes.

a) water

b) tea

c) chocolate

4. A typical English meal for breakfast is a bowl of _______________ .

a) soup

b) rice

c) cereal

5. The Chuseok _________ lasts three days.

a) festival


b) parade

6. We decorate the house with ____________.

a) crisps

b) fireworks


7. Children ___________ up in bananas costumes.

a) get

b) dress

c) set

8. Can I have a ___________ of juice?

a) packet

b) pairt

c) glass

9. How _____________ sausages on sticks for the party?

a) about

b) you think

c) many

10. That _____________ great!

a) idea

b) sounds

c) would

II. Fill in the gaps with some, any, much or many.

1. How _____________ milk have you got?

2. There are ____________ eggs in the fridge.

3. Is there ___________ olive oil in the cupboard?

4. How _____________ tomatoes do you need?

III. Complete the sentences with a\an or some.

1. Can I have _____ loaf of bread?

2. You need ________ butter.

3. Everyone has _________ good time.

4. There’s _________ orange in my lunch box.

Листочки с заданиями пока вкладываете в тетрадь!

23.03 Monday, the twenty third of March

Class work

When I cook in the kitchen…

I. Learn the words (p WL 11 , 8 PSHE)(выуч. слова)

II. Read the text p103(прочитать с 103)

III. Do ex 1 p103

IV. H/w: уч слова,упр 4 с 103