Weak Value review

Post date: Jun 4, 2013 6:04:51 PM

We have another paper on the arXiv recently that reviews and gives some new insights into weak values, and what they are good for. The paper is written by Justin Dressel as first author, together with my friend, Robert Boyd, and some of his team, Mehul Malik, and

Filippo M. Miatto, notably one from each of his research groups.

The paper is an accessible review of some of the interesting (and important) experiments that use the weak value in various ways. First, as a large interaction parameter it can amplify small signals above technical background noise: my group has been involved with this research, working with John Howell's group in the original interferometric amplification work, as well as our recent paper with Paul Kwiat's group.

Second, as a measurable complex value it enables novel techniques for quantum state tomography and geometric phase determination. Jeff S. Lundeen, Charles Bamber, et al., demonstrated a technique where one can "directly measure" the wavefunction. It is essentially a new kind of tomography technique using post-selection. We show how this can be used to find the polarization state of a photon in this new approach. Bob's group has also been involved in this work.

Third, as a conditioned average of generalized observable eigenvalues it provides a measurable window into nonclassical features of quantum mechanics. In my paper with Justin, we show in what sense the weak value is a conditioned average, effectively giving a definition. We apply this here to the polarization example, and review some of the applications of the conditioned averages of an operator.

In the past, the weak value has been discussed in a rather idiosyncratic way, and one of our goals in this review paper was to present the manifestations of the weak value in an accessible way. This was done by using a single physical system to present the physics in a new and unified way. We used a simple operational definition which captures all these features that I think will be helpful to the community:

Weak values characterise the relative correction to a detection probability due to a small intermediate perturbation that results in a modified detection probability.