Travel; lots of it

Post date: Jun 1, 2018 7:20:02 PM

I have been having a very busy spring, despite my sabbatical status.

I went to some fine conferences:

SPICE workshop: Quantum Thermodynamics and Transport

was in Mainz, Germany. I enjoyed seeing old friends from Geneva there.

My invited tutorial should appear on their video stream at some point.


was in Paris, France at the Institut Henri Poincaré. This was a very nice workshop; I had a chance to see collaborators and meet some interesting new people.

I am currently coordinating:

Thermodynamics of quantum systems: Measurement, engines, and control

at the KITP in Santa Barbara, which is off to a good start.

See also our informal program site.

Online talks are posted here as they are given, so people can follow remotely.