Geraadpleegde literatuur

Geraadpleegde literatuur:

Alchemy and Alchemists, Sean Martin, 2006

The Philosopher's Stone: A Quest for the Secrets of Alchemy, Peter Marshall

The Chemical Theatre, Charles Nicholl

The Mirror of Alchemy, toegeschreven aan Roger Bacon, Londen, 1597

Verlossing in de Alchemie , Verzameld Werk deel 6, C.G. Jung

Hanegraaff, W. J. (ed.) Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism. Leiden: Brill, 2006.

The Alchemy Website van Adam McLean, met oorspronkelijke alchemistische teksten, beeldmateriaal en artikelen

The Secrets of Alchemy, Principe, L.M., 2012, University of chicago Press

Newman, W.R. ‘From Alchemy to “Chymistry”.’ In The Cambridge History of Science. Volume three. Early Modern Science.,2006.

The Western Esoteric Traditions, A Historical Introduction, Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, 2008

Prelude to Chemistry: An Outline of Alchemy, Its Literature and Relationships, John Read, 1938