Exhibit 2

Fall Leaves

This graphic was designed to celebrate fall and practice the Photoshop techniques that we have learned in the first five weeks of class. I wanted the leaves to be the focal point of this design, so I used a color overlay to bring more warmth into the photo and create greater contrast with the gray tones of the sweater and brown tones of the background.

Design Elements:

  • I chose to leave the image centered as I felt it maintained an emphasis on the leaves.

  • I applied a layer blending mode to the leaves to increase the red tones and draw more focus to the leaves.

  • Leaf brushes were used to apply some texture and visual interest to the background. Opacity was lowered so that focus would remain on the central leaves.

Photoshop Skills Used:

  • Gradient: A gradient was applied to make the outer corners of the photo darker and direct more focus to the lighter center.

  • Brush Tool: The brush tool was used to add leaves to the background.

  • Selection Tools: Selection tools were used so that brushes and colors would only be applied to the desired area.

  • Layer Blending Modes: Layer Blending Modes were used to apply the visual effect I wanted my color overlays to produce and allow for the texture of the original photo to remain present.

Credits: Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay, Falling Leaves brushes from Brusheezy