Week 2A

Scratch program

Week 2B-2: Scratch Jr(Grades PreK-2)

Create a Scratch Jr. account, code a simple interactive game or story. Share your program to the cloud, and

Submit a document with

  • Your name

  • The Scratch Jr. program title

  • The Scratch Jr. program file

  • Screencastify or Loom video of the game or story being played.


  • The game or story should have 3 scenes, which transition automatically

  • There should be at least 2 sprites that move

  • The sprites should each say something with sound or text

From the MA Frameworks:

Programming and Development [K-2.CT.d]

1. Define a computer program as a set of commands created by people to do something.

2. Explain that computers only follow the program’s instructions.

3. Individually or collaboratively, create a simple program using visual instructions or tools that do not require a textual programming language (e.g., “unplugged” programming activities, a block-based programming language).

Programming and Development [3-5.CT.d]

1. Individually and collaboratively create, test, and modify a program in a graphical environment (e.g., block-based visual programming language).

2. Use arithmetic operators, conditionals, and repetition in programs.

3. Use interactive debugging to detect and correct simple program errors.

4. Recognize that programs need known starting values (e.g., set initial score to zero in a game).