identify frameworks

Unit Plan Introduction and MA Frameworks

(1) Complete Part I of the Unit Plan(below)

Select the Massachusetts Frameworks that will be the basis for your Unit Plan. The Unit Plan is the benchmark assignment for the course, and will be revised and added to throughout this course.

Slightly different formats are acceptable as long as they contain substantially the same information.

See example in Google Classroom:  cfwcpg4  join code; also in Student Work Examples

The Unit plan will be posted and shared with your classmates through Google Classroom.

Frameworks to be included:

Submit to Google Classroom with this assignment,

Save in your Google Drive STEM unit folder

Attach to the beginning of your Classroom as per the example Classroom

These documents may be revised during the course as your unit develops.

PBL Ideas: 

 Search for "PBL (yoursubject)  Projects (Your Grade)"

What topics are you currently doing?

(1) Choose a science/engineering  framework that will be the basis for your unit

(2) Choose a real-life or literature-based problem that relates to the science  standard

(2) Choose a design technology principle that relates to the problem

(3) Choose a math standard that relates to the design technology

Example 1( Grade 3):

Clarification Statements(math)

Submit Part I to  Google Classroom

These documents may be revised during the course as your unit develops.

See past student work and examples under Documents, Forms, and Examples.

Example 2: Grade 6 Math


For another example, a Grade 4 project on transformations of energy could be titled "Playground Physics" and could investigate energy and motion as experienced in the schoolyard:

For another example, a Grade 3 unit on weather could include creating weather maps, looking at climate change, building weather instruments, graphing temperature and rainfall, learning cloud types, etc.- each of these would be an activity as part of answering a larger question about weather and climate.

Form Instructions: Delete/replace  all items in red; complete all items

Part I- Project-Based Learning Unit Plan Template Revised 7-30-2020 Replace this with your title.  All items in red are explanatory and should be deleted from final document


Your Unit plan document should be saved with the following title:

yourname Unit Plan 



Teacher-Candidate:  James Bond                     Email Address: James.bond@


Course Name: Grade(s): Grade 5


Primary Subject Area and Grade:  English Language Arts Grade 10


Part I- General Expectations



“I want students to know how to shoot and edit a 3-minute video using WeVideo”

Project Ideas:

PBS Design Squad.  https://pbskids.org/designsquad/

KidWind.                    https://www.kidwind.org/

Teach Engineering    https://www.teachengineering.org/

Exploratorium.          https://www.exploratorium.edu/education/teaching-resources


Literature-Based Prompts:

A Long Walk to Water


The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind


October Sky(Rocket Boys)


Hidden Figures


Extreme By Design(Video)

If You Build It (Movie)

Mike Mulligan And His Steam Shovel by Virginia Lee Burton



Oregon State STEM Teacher Resources


The Science Teacher(UK)


Science Sandbox


STEM Works                                             






Terrific Websites for Science



Course Name: STEM Education for the 21st Century Grade(s): Second Grade 

Core Content Area: Literature and Engineering 

Part I- General Expectations 

             What carriage design will bring Cinderella to the ball the fastest?   

Each group of students will have access to the same materials but will choose to use the materials differently depending on how they chose to engineer their carriage.  

Students will use the engineering design process to design, build, and test  a carriage using a variety of items.  Students will test its performance, and evaluate and share the results. Using both their own results and those of other student groups, they will then revise their design, going through a minimum of two design cycles. 

Using Ipads, students will create a video in which they document their design, building, testing, and revision process, and reflect on the results. 

2.ETS.1.3 Analyze data from tests of two objects designed to solve the same design problem to compare the strengths and weaknesses of how each object performs.* Clarification Statements: Data can include observations and be either qualitative or quantitative; Examples can include how different objects insulate cold water or how different types of grocery bags perform. 

7.Targeted Massachusetts ELA Frameworks(Include at least one Critical Thinking statement from Frameworks) 

RL.2.2Retell stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral. 

8.Targeted Mathematics Frameworks: 

2.MD.C.7Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using a.m. and p.m. 

2.MD.A.1Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes. 

9 .Assessment(s): Using your Driving Question or Design Goal, what sort of baseline, formative, and summative assessments are you going to use to both reinforce and measure student learning? 

The formative assessment will be the design plan that the team sketches out. The design plan will be submitted to the teacher and the students will orally explain their plan and why they think it will work best. Once the teacher says that the plan is good the students will build their model, test, and re-design. The summative assessment will be the submission of the final product that successfully brings the Cinderella doll 20 feet in a straight line while a student pulls it. 

10. Addressing the needs of Moderately Disabled, Gifted, and English Language Learners: How will you make sure that the content, materials and instruction will be differentiated to meet the needs of the aforementioned population of students? Make sure you address this in regards to delivery, tasks, and work product.  

The Cinderella text will be read orally as a whole class. Students will Moderate Disabilities will read the text at a lower level in a small group. Students who are Gifted will read Cinderella at a higher level and independently. English Language Learners (ELL) will read the Cinderella graphic novel with assistance by the ELL teacher. Each group of students is being exposed to the same content (story) but at their own level. Once it is time to work in groups the students will be grouped in fours with mixed ability levels. All students will have access to the same materials.  

11. Give specific examples from your unit how students will collaborate and communicate, use critical thinking and express creativity. 

Students will work in groups to design and redesign their carriage using the engineering process. Students must work collaboratively to have a successful outcome.