Feng Wang

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (China)

Invited Lecture

"Catalytic oxidation of lignin to aromatic oxygenates"

Feng Wang earned his Ph.D. at Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP). Dr. Wang serves as the Director of the Division of Biomass Conversion & Bio-Energy at DICP (2018 to present), and the Vice Director of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (2021 to present). Dr. Wang is mainly interested to the field in heterogeneous catalysis and biomass conversion, contributing over 190 research articles published. Dr. Wang is serving as an Associate Editor for ACS Catalysis. Dr. Wang is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including the 2020 ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Leadership Awards, the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, NSFC-RS Newton Advanced Fellowship, etc.

Lab of Bioenergy Chemical