George Britovsek

Imperial College London (UK)

Invited Lecture

"Light-Driven Oxygen Insertion Reactions in Late Transition Metal Alkyl Complexes"

For nearly 30 years, George Britovsek has been interested in the catalytic properties of transition metal complexes. His current research program involves the design and application of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts for applications in carbon management. This includes the development of renewable carbon resources for chemical synthesis based on small (alkanes, ethylene, syngas, carbon dioxide) and large molecules (biomass, lignin) as well as the development of decarbonised energy solutions based on hydrogen. A range of catalytic reactions are being investigated, including oxidation, hydrogenation and de-hydrogenation, carbonylation, alkene oligomerisation, polymerisation and de-polymerisation, which are underpinned by mechanistic studies.  Many research projects are in collaboration with industrial partners.

Britovsek Research Group