What is our game about?

The Trials of The Acute Triangle is a bullet-hell 3D shooter + puzzle game. The player moves freely within a 3D enclosed environment solving puzzles and destroying enemies along the way. The game is built to be an arcade shooter styled game.

Our story takes place in the Geometry Realm, a world of basic shapes. The crown prince of Geometry Kingdom enters a series of both strength and wisdom challenges to prove himself worthy of the throne.

The above gameplay is taken from pre-first playable footage and does not reflect the quality of the final game.

This is being used to show the basic mechanics of the game.

Game Features

Bullet hell style gameplay

8 unique main levels

Different enemies and 8 unique bosses

Game Loop

Design Pillars

Bullet Hell

The game is designed around player skill. Dodging and weaving around enemy attacks to reward players for getting skilled in the game. The better you can dodge, the better your chance of surviving.


Each boss has a unique quirk about them that makes them all battle differently. Players will have to figure out how to approach and take down each boss they come across.


The sweetness of victory tastes only greater after enduring the bitterness of defeat. You can't expect your enemies to go easy on you. Prove yourself worthy through the challenge at hand, but don't get cocky.


Challenge and fairness must go hand-in-hand. Nothing that is difficult is easy to overcome. However, nothing is designed to be impossible. Learn from your mistakes to outsmart your opponents.

The Trials of The Acute Triangle is designed similarly to existing games such as Ikaruga, Nier Automata, and the main Touhou games.


Nier Automata
