Part of the presentations for the Hull city of culture event 2017.

Hull 2017 Alumni show in the Brodrick Gallery at Hull School Art & Design.

Saturday 21 October 2017 till 15th December 2017.


Postcard View, St Mary's: Video installation. Super 8, digitally processed, wood frame, monitor.

Impossible: Video installation. Scratched, coloured, bleached found Super 8 footage, digitally processed, wood frame, monitor.

This work sits outside the Acoustic Landscape project but nevertheless illustrate the continuing work using Super 8, to which I was introduced whilst at college and the way my relationship and use of Super 8 has changed and developed. The one thing which continues has been the use of grid structures holding multiple frames, originally I would loop twenty foot Super 8 footage through three projectors adjusting the speed on the fly to stop any breakage, later combining the grids onto 16mm frames, now its worked digitally. (This was during the first HTBA group shows - Humber Rumber cook up a Number)