
BellArtLabs on facebook | BellArtLabs website

BellArtLabs was formed in 1996 as a moniker for its three founding artists, Tom Scott, Chris Mizsak and Tony Scott. Through a process of research and dialogue—often over long periods of time—synergies are explored, and a cross pollination of concepts occurs, which develop into collaborative presentations within a gallery-based setting, or as digital artworks and live performances.

Past exhibitions have been presented in Huddersfield, Hull, and Lubin, Poland. The group also participated in the 5th Cambridge International Super 8mm Film Festival (2011), and Flicker: Artists & Super 8 at Smiths Row, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk (2013) and presented a group show at the Greyfriars Art Space, King's Lynn in 2016 and more recently the Festival Ecos Urbanos in 2021.

Four Rivers was selected by the Festival Ecos Urbanos: The Sound Art and Transmedia Festival. Tecnológico de Monterrey. Mexico. Broadcast November 16th-26th 2021.

Recently the group has been scratching, inking and marking 16mm leader film for "Cameraless Film Making" competition. The results will be known after January 2021, Further info here.

During 2020 the group collaborated on a audio work entitled "Four Rivers" A mix was created for submission to Radiophrenia's 2020 which was subsequently broadcast. Further info here

The group participated in Collusion's R&D King's Lynn project. Creating a work dealing with ideas of Flow. Culminating in a town wide projection event. 29 Sept – 1st October 2017.

2021 Nov 16th-26th. Festival Ecos Urbanos: The Sound Art and Transmedia Festival. Tecnológico de Monterrey. Mexico. Four Rivers.

2020 Nov 9th-29th. Radiophrenia 2020. Four Rivers, collaborative audio work.

2017 Sept 29 - 1 Oct. Collusion King’s Lynn R&D project. Flow. Video Projections / Audio Installation. Red Barn. Kings Lynn Art Centre

2016 Continued Explorations - New and On going Works. Greyfriars Art Space, Kings Lynn, Norfolk.

2013 Flicker: Artists and Super 8. Smiths Row, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, UK and Lawshall Swan, Lawshall, Suffolk, UK Video Installation

2011 5th Annual International Cambridge Super 8mm Film Festival, Squeakygate, Cambridge. Video Installation.

The Lubin Tour.

1999 Test Gallery, Kirklees Media Centre, Huddersfield, UK

1998 June12-28 Red Gallery, Hull, UK

1997 Galeria Zamkowa, Lubin, Poland The event was sponsored by Cuprum 2000 (Polish Copper).