Wednesday 22APR2020

Mathketeers! I have given you an assignment on Khan Academy to complete for the week. However, I want to notify you that this assignment (all the stuff about unit conversion) is not part of your grade. Enjoy it, if you so desire. If you prefer keep working on getting other Khan assignments up to 100% or press on with your Khan mission. I expect some of you are into the 7th grade math lessons by now. I will post a couple of explanatory videos below in case the Khan explanation fails you. Please feel free to reach out if you need any help at all! You really are all swell!

Here is challenge problem that you are not required to do, but might be fun! Email me your answer

3 math students, we'll say Sophie, Gus, and Gideon line up for a race. The race will cover a distance off 250 feet. Gideon run at a speed off 6 miles per 216,000 Jiffies. Sophie runs at a speed of 2,310 miles per fortnight. Finally, Gus runs at a speed of 48 furlongs per hour. Who will win the race and how fast will that person have gone in miles per hour?

Below you will find a link to the wikipedia page containing all the different units.