Thursday 19MAR2020

You made it again! Earthquakes and viruses combined cannot defeat your desire to learn! I've read a few of your chapter 6 predictions. They're very imaginative and enjoyable. Now I need you to think back before all the craziness started, think back to the last time you were in study skills class. Do you remember what we were working on? That's right! You were working on a paper about a local, state, national or community problem. You had all begun listing your sources on a sheet I handed out. Now, due to the distance between us, I ask that you type up your source list in a word document and share it with me. Please name the word document "JimB Source List". (Except, please use your own first name and last initial!) You will need at least 4 good sources that you used to learn about your topic. When documenting a source, remember to type the title, author, web address, and date you accessed the website. If you are having trouble finding good sources on your topic, you might consider changing topics or shoot mean an email and I can see if I'll be able to help. That is task one for today. If you have forgotten your topic, I will put a link to your topics on the first period literacy page.

Task two: Please write about how you have reacted to the sudden change in schedule and location during the week. Do you like online learning? What about being at home all day? Do you miss seeing friends? What has your experience been like so far? How would you improve online learning? Try and write steadily for 15 minutes. Post your writing under the Padlet column entitled "Assignment # 2"

Continue reading and writing entries in your reading journal!

In summation:

  • Work on your source list for your research paper
  • Write you entry in Padlet
  • Read and Journal to your heart's delight

Also, please don't worry about due dates. I know that the earthquake yesterday knocked the power out in some areas. Please just focus on doing your best!

Inspirational quote : "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."