Friday 20MAR2020

Well, I hope your are having a good time with online learning, but not too much of a good time, because I want you all to come back to the classroom so I can see your charming faces again! Today is going to mostly be a review and redo day. Please go back and check the assignments for the previous 3 days and ensure that they have been done. Then, look at them individually and ensure that they have been done to the best of your ability. Finally, look at them individually and ensure that they all use complete sentences!

The only new assignments for today are to take the vocabulary quiz and have a parent (or an adult) to give you your spelling test. There is a link to the vocabulary quiz below. Please don't take it unless you are prepared. If you need to take more time to study, do so, and then take the quiz! Have a parent give you the spelling test. They can send me an email or a photo with your score.

Continue reading at least a half hour a day! Remember, you should be doing 2 reading journal entries a week.

Thanks for being amazing! Keep up the good work and please thank anybody who is helping you through these interesting times! <-------- This is the link for the vocabulary test.