Monday 23MAR2020

Welcome back to another exciting episode of Literacy: Learning Online!. If you were unable to complete something from last week, please do not stress too much about it. Due dates are going to be very flexible this term! As it is a new week we are moving on to a new spelling list. This weeks list is the one that has the word 'sensor' included it can be found here (on my webpage) or here (on spelling city.)

Today your tasks to complete are as follows:

1. Familiarize yourself with you spelling words and their definitions. This can be done in any way you or your accompanying adult sees fit

2. Write the first paragraph of your information service essay. This paragraph will be the introduction. You will need to introduce your topic and discuss what aspects of this topic you will be discussing in your paper. (I will put a copy of the outline I gave you on this page. It should be very helpful.) Please type this on a word document bill's service essay (Instead of bill use your own first name).

3. Please read chapter 6 of The Best Class Ever. Also please remember to be doing your half an hour of reading daily.