Wednesday 18MAR2020

Welcome back! Today in class, I will be releasing the next chapter in our story 'The Best Class Ever.' For your first task of the day, read chapter five (and any other chapters you missed- they are on the literacy page). After reading, write about what you think the class found. What happens next in the story?

Name your response 'My Chapter 6' and place it into your literacy folder as a word document. This should be at least 3 paragraphs. Have fun with it. I might put up some of your responses on the website so you can see what your classmates are thinking might happen!

I would also invite you to read 'The Best Class Ever' to your sibling, babysitters, or other family members out loud. Reading out loud is great practice, plus it's an exciting story to share.

Many of you may not have done yesterday's assignments yet (Posting on Padlet and making a new reading journal). That's okay, it will take some time for all of us to figure this online learning stuff out. Keep working on them! If you already posted, go back and make sure you have complete sentences. Improve them in anyway you can. As always, if you need assistance you can reach out to me through email.