Girl Scout Troop 30197

Welcome to our site! 

Here you'll find the latest opportunities to give back to our communities, pictures of what we've been up to, what got us in the news, a spotlight on our High Award recipients, information on our product sales, a spotlight on our military, a spotlight on our GS Alum, and contact information for how you can join in the fun! 



On my honor, I will try

To serve God and my country,

To help people at all times,

And to live by the Girl Scout Law.


I will do my best to be

honest and fair

friendly and helpful

considerate and caring

courageous and strong

and responsible for what I say and do

and to

respect authority

respect myself and others

use resources wisely

make the world a better place

and be a sister to every Girl Scout.


We have several ongoing community service projects. Our collected donations benefit those listed below.  Each item on our donation list has the organization beside it so that you will know where your donation is going! 

Backpack Buddies - Effingham

People Helping People

Little Food Pantry 

The Reid Crosby Foundation Toy Drive - Benefits Emory's CHOA Radiation Department


We maintain a private Facebook group of all troop activities for the current troop members.  This site is just to give you a sense of what we're all about.


Once a Girl Scout, Always a Girl Scout! 

Check out the Our Alum page to hear from girls who were once members of 30197.  

We have reached out to all former members that we know how to get in touch with.  If you should be included, let us hear from you! 


During fall product and cookie seasons, our girls take donations to send nuts, candy and cookie treats to our military overseas.  Please see Sales and Donations page for more information on how you can make your purchases and donations. 

Our troop also has adopted several military soldiers and we like sending them words of encouragement!  We didn't realize this until we were collecting their addresses, but we have all four branches covered!  Check out the Military page to see our military friends!


July 2022 

Thank you to everyone that has sent items to help my Girl Scout Troop make 60 kits to donate to the homeless.  This is very important to me because I feel we all need help sometimes, and I love to help people.  We are still in need of some items (see the Amazon link above).

Thank you!

Aubree W

August 2022 

The girls of Girl Scout Troop 30197 are so thankful for all of the donations and help that we received in our recent People Helping People drive. With everyone's help we were able to pack 60 hygiene kits for local homeless people! Thank you so much if you helped out. If you'd like to help in the future, keep an eye out for more chances to donate! (See Giving Back To Our Communities section above!) 

Kaylee C

September 2022

While working on the Bronze Aware project, I was able to learn how to speak with adults I didn't know more easily. Even though I am still a little nervous, it is easier now!  At our Destinations Unknown event, I really liked learning about Braille and how to write our own messages as well. I also enjoyed exploring new parks and being in nature with my troop. We were able to find things in nature and make a nature circle with lots of different types of things.

Oliva O

October 2022 

The best part of today (the October 15th meeting) was meeting my fellow Girl Scouts and Thomas.  I'm looking forward to engaging with all the Girl Scouts and learning new experiences.

Shay C

November 2022 

It was fun, and fulfilling to help people in need. It made me feel happy to know that I was a part of making them happy.

Arielle M

(talking about serving with People Helping People)