Misc Files

This will be the place I put all the resource I've either created, used, or may be useful for others. I've also made a backup of the website into a PDF if you'd like to have a simple thing to have offline or in case this website ever goes down.

Have your own Checklist:

If you are trying to collect them all, a user, Arkadius made This easy/quick checklist. In order to use, be signed into your google account, hit File > Make a Copy.


The doc may not be as up to date, but it is still a valuable backup in case this site ever goes down. Feel free to make a copy to your google account, or download it to access offline.


While the Tips section is here, I decided that having the doc is still a valuable backup. Feel free to make a copy to your google account, or download to access it offline.


While the For Windows section is here, I decided that having the doc is still a valuable backup. Feel free to make a copy to your google account, or download to access it offline.


While the Spotting Fakes section is here, I decided that having the doc is still a valuable backup. Feel free to make a copy to your google account, or download to access it offline.


PDF Manuals


List of the sites I found useful.

  • The Xbox archive, it's good for finding old dates, pricing and all sorts of cool stuff from the past:


  • How I calculate dates of controllers(can easily change the year on the url):


  • I did use wiki to help with making the list here. But their list wasn't all that detailed and I preferred to write my own unique tidbits about each controller:



  • I also found XBLA Fans page about 360 controllers pretty useful.


  • Console variations is missing quite a bit, and sure I could be adding controllers I've found on there. Maybe one day, but it's a resource I've seen people use. It seems mainly better for Nintendo/pure consoles over controllers.


  • Old 2008 destructoid article about the Green and Red controller releases:


  • Old May, 2005 article on IGN about the 360 controller. It's interesting to go back and see it from a perspective before people knew much about the controller.


Shopping Links:

  • My daily eBay bookmark with filters to sort by new and only selling from NA. This has helped me find pretty much all the controllers seen here.

US xbox 360 controller | eBay

  • eBay link for UK.

UK xbox 360 controller | eBay

  • eBay link for Australia(sold listings).

Australian Sold Xbox 360 Controllers