All the PCB Board Variations

All the different boards I have come across. It's also not all coming from me as knowing the precise details is above my abilities. So a huge thanks to the person helping me with this section. Once this section is done, I will be moving it under a Repair tab, if you bookmark this page now, it will probably need to be re-bookmarked.

*Work in progress*

WKS368 - With Shielding: (2005-2006)

Controllers known to use this board:

  • White/Grey wireless with silver trim, -004, -006

  • White/Grey?

  • Part name: 8190045 V15

  • Designer: Microsoft

  • Manufacturer and locations of manufacture: Sung Wei/others, China/other(?)

  • Revisions/improvements: Initial release board, unknown revisions/improvements.

  • Production Run: 2005 through early 2006

  • Availability: Uncommon

  • Notes: The trigger assemblies are the only ones currently known to be made in black as opposed to partially translucent white. Some boards were made by Sung Wei manufacturing and have that printed on them. Others do not.

  • Typical power draw

  • Typical sync draw

  • Typical off draw

WKS368 - No Shielding: (2006-2010)

Controllers known to use this board:

  • White/Grey wireless with silver trim, -004, -006

  • White/Green, -005(Launch Team)

  • White/Grey, -007, -009, -011, -018, -020

  • Black/Grey, -014, -016, -022

  • Halo 3 Green, -045

  • Pink/Grey, -053

  • Blue/Grey, -049, -064

  • Light Blue, -051

  • Part name:

  • Designer: Microsoft

  • Manufacturer and locations of manufacture: Sung Wei, Shenzhen/China, other unknown companies

  • Revisions/improvements: Took off the shielding for the main processing chip. Improvements to power consumption. Trigger assemblies are now white.

  • Production Run: 2006 to Early 2010

  • Availability: Common

  • Notes: It appears that Sung Wei boards have gold plated copper layers on the RF daughterboard and a brighter green PCB. While the others used a solder covered copper layer and have a darker PCB, as well as used different brands of capacitors, inductors, etc

  • Typical power draw -

  • Typical sync draw -

  • Typical off draw - <1mA

WC01: (2006-2009)

Controllers known to use this board:

  • White/Grey, -024, -084

  • Black/Grey, -026, -086

  • Halo 3 Green, -028

  • Halo 3 Spartan, -037

  • Halo 3 Covenant, -039

  • Pink/Grey, -032

  • Blue/Grey, -030

  • Light Blue, -031

  • Red/Black, -077, -082

  • Green/Grey, -078

  • Walmart Dragon, X817778-001

  • Halo ODST, -104

  • Part name:

  • Designer: Microsoft

  • Manufacturer and locations of manufacture: Sung Wei(?), but most likely China.

  • Revisions/improvements: Main processing chip size has been reduced, layout has been moved around. Power reduction drastically reduced compared to WSK368 boards.

  • Production Run: 2006 to late 2009(possibly some into early 2010)

  • Availability: Common

  • Notes: In some testing, WC01 boards were observed to use the least power of any board in 360 controllers. Should use 22-23mA while on and idle.

1403: (2009-2012, maybe 2016?)

Controllers known to use this board:

  • White/Grey, X817145-004

  • Black/Grey, X817145-006

  • Red/Black, X817145-008

  • Gamestop Radioactive

  • Black/Black

  • Fable 3

  • Halo Reach

  • Silver w/transforming dpad

  • Gears of War 3

  • Modern Warfare 3

  • Special White

  • 3-CPO

  • Chrome Blue, Silver, and Red

  • Black/Black w/transforming dpad

  • Part name:

  • Designer: Microsoft

  • Manufacturer and locations of manufacture: Sung Wei(?), but most likely China.

  • Revisions/improvements: Share similar improvements over WSK368 as WC01. Main chip sits upside down/square as opposed to diamond on WC01. New contact design for D-pad

  • Production Run: 2009 - 2012, possibly longer

  • Availability: Common

  • Notes: Very similar to WC01 boards. Should use a similar amount of power. 23 mA while on and idle.

1460: (2010-2013, possibly longer)

Submitted to the FCC in Jul. 2010. Very odd board design, shouldn't be found in many controllers or had a very long run. This board may not be all that reliable and possibly higher battery drain.

Controllers known to use this board:

  • Black/Black Wireless, 855106-002 and X864633-003(2012)

  • Part name:

  • Designer: Microsoft

  • Manufacturer and locations of manufacture: Leadsintec Co., Ltd. Shenzhen

  • Revisions/improvements: Many downgrades over the 1403 and WC01. Uses a smaller main chip with a daughterboard containing chip and RF circuitry very similar to WSK368 boards.

  • Production Run: 2010-2013, possibly longer.

  • Availability: Uncommon

  • Notes: In my limited testing, these used similar amounts power as WSK368 boards, but have higher drain than normal while off. Recommend you remove your batteries on these boards when not in use. Also, these boards seem to be still sold direct from Leadsintec without Microsoft's permission.

1403 - New PCBA layout: (2012-2016)

Not sure how many controllers started using this newer 1403 board. It was submitted as a change to the FCC in August 2012, so I assume most, if not all controllers after this would have gotten it. Just don't have for sure data to back the claim up. If you have any of the controllers with question marks, and feel comfortable taking it apart to get pics of the boards. I'd love to be able to see them, Submit them here. Thanks

Controllers known to use this board:

  • Black/Black(after 2013)

  • Tomb Raider??

  • Green Camo??

  • Chrome Gold??

  • Chrome Purple??

  • Chrome Black??

  • Arctic Camo??

  • Walmart Blue??

  • Also, Chrome Silver, Blue and Red that were made in 2013+??.

  • Part name:

  • Designer: Microsoft

  • Manufacturer and locations of manufacture: Sung Wei(?), but most likely China.

  • Revisions/improvements:

  • Production Run: 2

  • Availability: Uncommon(?)

  • Notes:

1546 - White PCB: (2012)

Controllers known to use this board: (Only the Halo 4 controllers used this board.)

  • Halo 4 Forerunner

  • Halo 4 UNSC

White/Grey Wired: (2005-)

Controllers known to use this board:

  • White/Grey Wired - Krypton

  • White/Grey Wired - Retail

White/Grey Wired: (2007-)

Controllers known to use this board:

  • White/Grey Wired - Retail

Black Wired: (2010-??)

Not sure if there are board differences for these years. Going off of back sticker changes for possible changes?

Controllers known to use this board:

  • Black/Black Wired - Retail

Black Wired: (2012-2014)

Controllers known to use this board:

  • Black/Black Wired - Retail