The Definitive List of Official Xbox 360 Controllers

This site has detailed information on every known official 360 controller out there and much more.

  • 56 Total.

Xbox 360 controllers released on November 22nd, 2005(US) alongside the console, and the latest year I have found for controller manufacture dates is 2017(possibly only for PC, console retail controllers most likely ended in 2016). 11-12 years is quite a long run, and means there are lots of variations and minor changes.

Some controllers have more than 1 package design and board type inside depending on the year they were manufactured. This guide will take you through all the small to big changes I have found. Wired controllers have minor changes to the sticker layout on the back. Wireless controllers have different boards inside, which has led to them feeling cheaper over time. You can also learn how to tell which year and week a 360 controller was manufactured by looking at the last 3 digits of a controller serial(tips section).

Microsoft used plastic blister packaging from 2005 up until about June of 2010 where they then switched to a cardboard packaging along side the new 360 Slim console surprise release at E3. There were also minor changes in the packaging labeling and brand of the batteries. So there are multitudes of ways to be able to guess the period the controller is from even when sealed and no serial sticker is shown.

Retail controllers are grouped by year in the navigation menu above and also in categories with separating colours.

  • Green = Retail

  • Blue = Prototype

  • Orange = Not Sold Retail

  • Red = For Windows

Retail (37)

#Prototypes (12)

*Not for Retail (7)

For Windows (5)

Have a correction or something to add?

I do my best to be accurate, but everything here is self-taught. Chances I could have some things wrong or not fully definitive. If you have corrections, high quality pictures(decent is good enough too), official controllers, or anything else you’d like to add to this guide, please contact me Here.