Sin No More

October 2023 Household Topic - TRUTH SERIES


Help our MFC brethren in embracing the culture of telling the truth in love.


Have you ever experienced being corrected? Being moved by the Lord to give loving correction to a brother or sister? Was it difficult?


We live in a post-truth society. What does it mean? It describes a situation in which feelings trump facts. Objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than emotion and personal belief. Many are led to embrace a culture of political correctness rather than God’s righteousness to reign.

“Sin no more” is a powerful and loving phrase of restoration and renewal. It is what is mainly missing in today’s Church approach of accompaniment. Many today just look to acceptance, embrace, and accompaniment of the sinner but without talking of the person’s sin, because it is offensive. People do not want to offend, but what greater offense would there be than to lose one’s soul? People want to be nice, but what is nice about sin?

Most of us see correction in a negative way as we have been used to the worldly approach of correction. Most of us don’t want corrections as we see it in the forms of complaining, nagging, pressure, criticizing, making the other person guilty or manipulating someone else to change. We see it as a punishment for our wrongdoing. But God tells us that correction is not about all of these.

Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid. (Proverbs 12:1)

Is it beneficial to us if we embrace a lifestyle of telling the truth in love?

The way of Jesus is simple. Love the sinner but hate the sin. Condemn not the sinner but condemn the sin. Accompany the sinner back to God and not continue along the way of perdition. All it takes is three simple words: Sin no more.


Who or what helped you in your personal journey of conversion? Given the three points above, what do you still need to improve?

Go Forth

God is empowering us to meet Him in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Let us fix our relationship with Him and live a life worthy of the purpose God has given us.


God is Generous and in response, let us be good stewards by consistent Spiritual Giving, our tithing. 

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