To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain

March 2023 Household Topic


Ask the classic question: “Who wants to go to heaven?” “Who want to go to heaven now? Why? Or why not?


Read: Philippians 1:18-26

When we ask one another who wants to go to heaven, for sure, all of us will respond right away, raise their hands, and say “me!”. But when we ask who wants to go to heaven now, those hands would one by want go down. Why? Because we are not ready yet. But for Paul, going to heaven now or later means a chance to glorify God.

While Paul was in prison in Rome, he was able to write his letter to the Philippians. He was waiting for his sentence – either to live and be free or to be executed and die. But despite all of these, Paul continues to rejoice because of Christ (Phi 1:18-19). He continues to rejoice because of three things: First, He knew that God will grant him deliverance, meaning that God will grant him salvation. Second, Paul rejoices because he knows that the whole community is praying for him. Third, He rejoices because he is affirmed by the support and guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

Paul rejoices because it is clear to him that whether he lives or dies he will still be able to honor Christ. For Paul, to live is Christ, to die is gain. If He lives, he will continue his mission to proclaiming Christ to the world, which brings him joy. But if he dies, he will finally be with God, and this makes him joyful even more. He is torn between the two – to live, serve and do his mission or to die, depart this life and be with Christ. He prefers death because He loves Christ more that he loved his life on earth. But He also wanted to remain and live so that he can continue to serve and that the Philippians may continue to boast in Christ.

As we live, we offer our lives for Christ in such a way that everything that we do honors and glorifies the Lord. All that we do points to Christ. Our life will not be free from suffering, hardships, and trials but our main goal is honor and love God despite all of these. We also should not cling too much on what the world offers but rather be ready to surrender all that we have when God calls us to be with Him. When we face death, we also hope to be in the presence of our beloved God. We live or we die, we submit to God’s will for us.


How can I live a life that can honor and glorify God? 

Go Forth

Pray the Submission to God’s Will {rayer (based on Phil 1:18-26)

Divine Master, I surrender all my desires, hopes, and dreams to you. 

For what difference does it make, as long as in every way, I proclaim Your glory.

Divine Master, I lift up all my tendencies, biases, and inclinations. 

For what difference does it make, as long as my body boldly magnifies You in life or by death.

Divine Master, I entrust to you the challenges I face from day to day.

 For what difference does it make, as long as I ultimately find myself by Your side when I depart this life.

Not my will, but Yours be done. In that I rejoice. Amen.


God is Generous and in response, let us be good stewards by consistent Spiritual Giving, our tithing. 

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