Look Beyond The Differences

April 2023 - Date Night Topic


Do you believe that opposites attract?


Let all you do be done in love. 1  Cor 16:14

Work out your differences together by spotting or identifying the differences, learning to communicate your concerns, making changes, identifying and learning to speak your spouse’s love language, and nurturing your faith life together.

Reconciling your differences may not be easy. In fact, it can be very challenging for many married couples to shift their mindset from viewing their differences as hindrances, to seeing them as strengths. But know that God is always with us and that He supplies us with grace to be able to see beyond. We look beyond the differences by looking at Jesus who is the model of true love.

A man and woman who enter into a Christian marriage know that they have another player on their team — the One whose presence makes all the difference. The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains: Christ "dwells with them, gives them the strength to take up their crosses . . . and to love one another with supernatural, tender, and fruitful love" (1642).


For discussion, answer the following questions by listing them down and by discussing them together:

1. What are your differences as a couple?

2. How can you work on those differences?

Go Forth

In your couple prayer time, ask the Lord to help you reconcile and work through your differences.