Blessed for Believing

January 2023 Household Topic


Share a blessing that you received recently.


“Blessed are you who believe that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” Luke 1:45

We start the year celebrating the Solemnity of Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. Let us look to our Mother and be inspired with her faith. A fundamental aspect of our life in God is faith. Faith is believing in God and in the message of salvation in Jesus. 

For Mary, she believed what God told her through the angel Gabriel. Her faith stands in contrast to the disbelief of Zechariah. Both of them had been told of conception that was humanly impossible on the part of Zechariah, Elizabeth was barren and advanced in years, while Mary, she had no relations with a man. Zechariah questioned Gabriel in disbelief. Mary questioned him also, but in faith. Zechariah was punished, made speechless and un able to talk (Lk 1:20) while Mary was proclaimed blessed. 

We are blessed when we believe.

She (Mary) who believed gave birth to the Savior. And she who believed was present at the birth of the Church. And she who believes continues to intercede for us, as we make our way to heaven. 

Source: 40 Days of wonder-working faith by Frank Padilla


How are you inspired by the faith of Mother Mary? How will you imitate the faith of Mary?

Go Forth

Pray the Rosary.