Alice Miller

Alice studied philosophy, psychology and sociology in Basel.

After his doctorate, he trained in Zurich as a psychoanalyst, a profession he practiced for twenty years, before bringing to light in Germany, in 1979, his essay the drama of the gifted child, a work that quickly became a worldwide success and thanks to which many people were able to feel and experience that were different from what their parents or educators had "programmed" for them. Since then he devoted himself intensely to the investigation of child abuse and published fundamental books on the subject, such as outlaw knowledge, the lost key, for your own good and the body never lies, all of them appeared in this same collection.

He has received numerous awards, among others, the 1986 Janusz-Korczak Prize. Alice was a prestigious psychologist who when she was younger received many children, tells in an interview how the children were mistreated sexually and mentally.

She says that the first years of the people are the most marked in her life that is why she became a children's psychologist.

Hitting a child strongly in Nicaragua is the natural remedy in a discussion were his words. Alice Miller emphasizes the importance of analyzing and facing our own childhood. He proposes to meet again with the girl, the boy we were and who suffered beatings, inattention, screaming, insults, physical, psychological or sexual abuse. It also proposes to allow us as adults the pain that we repress in childhood. It is not true that painful memories are erased. They stay in memory and can cause many diseases for which we have no explanation or cure.

If this psychologist had not existed, child abuse would not have been treated with such emphasis.