VUSD School Networks

The Vacaville Unified School Distirct provides a variety of networks for district devices to connect to the internet. At first glance, it may seem like a lot. But each one serves a specific purpose. Which one should you connect to? This page should help get the basics out of the way.

VacavilleUSD: District Staff Wi-Fi for all devices

Password: Your own District Username and Password

Example: If your credentials are “” your username is: JohnD and your password is whatever you use to access District computers, Email, Aeries, etc.

NOTE: If you ever change your School District Password, you will need to update your password for the VacavilleUSD Wi-Fi. If you do not, it will continue to try and authenticate it with your old password. When it does that enough times, it will lock your District Account for too many connection attempts with the incorrect password.

If you find your account is getting locked out, Request a Technology Specialist to fix this.

If you need to change or update your password: Click here

Need help connecting to the District Wi-Fi on your phone? Check out these links!

CW2018: Wi-Fi specifically for Student Google Chroomebooks

Turn on your classroom Chromebook and it will connect to the CW2018 Wi-Fi automatically. If it does not, Request a Technology Specialist for assistance.

VUSD-Cow: Alternative Wi-Fi network specifically designed to be a secondary connection option for District provided Windows Laptops.

For connection access (if not already set up for you) Request a Technology Specialist to visit and get you connected. 

VUSD-Guest: This network is for visiting guests only i.e. people who DO NOT work for the Vacaville Unified School District such as parents, relatives, friends, etc. The VUSD-Guest network is just that: a simple network for basic internet access. 

This network DOES NOT have access to connect to any District assets i.e. school printers, school email, school accounts, student programs, etc. So if you are a VUSD employee or a VUSD student, this Wi-Fi network does NOT work for your District Accounts or District Devices. For connection access (if not already set up for you) Request a Technology Specialist to visit and get you connected.

Find out what your options are for showing videos in the classroom

Connecting your computer to the projector using the VUSD Network

Vacaville Unified School District is transitioning from Microsoft Outlook to Google Gmail