Libatsama - Sinergi Program / Penyelidikan & Inovasi Kelestarian

Sinergi Program / Penyelidikan & Inovasi Kelestarian

Di FABU, selain kerjasama penyelidikan di kalangan penyelidik, kami juga terlibat dengan program / penyelidikan dan inovasi kelestarian bersinergi bersama PTJ lain/ komuniti/ industri/ agensi lain/ NGO.

SDG Berkaitan

The related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be identified as follows:

1. Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure - FABU's involvement in research and innovation contributes to the development of sustainable industries and infrastructure.

2. Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals - FABU's collaborations with various stakeholders, including other departments, communities, industries, agencies, and NGOs, demonstrate its commitment to forming partnerships for achieving sustainable development objectives.

3. Goal 4: Quality Education - FABU's research and innovation activities contribute to enhancing the quality of education by promoting sustainable practices and knowledge-sharing.

4. Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production - FABU's focus on sustainability in research and innovation aligns with the goal of promoting responsible consumption and production patterns.

5. Goal 15: Life on Land - FABU's engagement in sustainable development programs and research contributes to the conservation and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity.

These are some of the related SDG goals that can be associated with DABU's involvement in collaborative research, sustainability programs, and innovation efforts with other stakeholders. 


Fabrikasi dan Pemasangan Struktur Buluh di Bukit Layang-Layang Taman Bandar, Pasir Gudang