4.4.2 Pengekalan Ekosistem Tanah (Biodiversiti)

Pengekalan Ekosistem Tanah (Biodiversiti)

FABU aktif bekerjasama dengan masyarakat setempat dalam usaha mengekalkan ekosistem tanah (biodiversiti). 

Program 'Hijaukan Bumi: Azam Bersama' dianjurkan pada 1 Januari 2023 di Rizab Sungai Rimba Terjun, Pontian dengan kerjasama Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Johor (JPNJ), Pejabat Daerah Pontian, Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran (JPS) Negeri Johor 

Seramai 100 peserta yang terdiri daripada staf dan pelajar UTM; Ahli Persatuan Veteran Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM); komuniti Mukim Rimba Terjun; dan Pengusaha Restoran Iwak@Rhu telah mengambil bahagian dalam program tersebut. Mereka telah menanam 500 pokok bakau kurap (Rhizophora mucronata), 250 pokok berus (Bruguiera cylindrica) dan 250 pokok tengar (Ceriops tagal). 

Mangrove conservation

SDG Berkaitan

FABU actively collaborates with the local community to preserve soil ecosystem (biodiversity) through various initiatives. These initiatives include promoting sustainable farming practices, organizing educational programs on soil conservation, and supporting local initiatives for reforestation and habitat restoration. As a result, FABU contributes to several related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Some of the relevant SDGs that align with FABU's efforts are:

1. SDG 15: Life on Land - FABU's work directly contributes to conserving and restoring terrestrial ecosystems, including preserving soil biodiversity.

2. SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production - FABU promotes sustainable farming practices, which help reduce the negative impacts of agricultural activities on the environment and promote responsible consumption of natural resources.

3. SDG 13: Climate Action - By preserving soil ecosystems, FABU indirectly contributes to mitigating climate change as healthy soil helps sequester carbon and improves the resilience of ecosystems to climate impacts.

4. SDG 4: Quality Education - FABU's educational programs on soil conservation and biodiversity contribute to raising awareness and enhancing knowledge about environmental sustainability within the local community.

5. SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals - FABU's collaboration with the local community demonstrates the importance of partnerships and collective action to achieve sustainable development objectives.

Overall, FABU's efforts align with multiple SDGs, showcasing their commitment to environmental conservation, sustainable land management, and community engagement. 


Setinggi-tinggi tahniah diucapkan kepada Dr Mohd Faisal Abdul Khanan , Pensyarah di Jabatan Geoinformasi, Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur, atas kejayaan memperoleh Geran Penyelidikan Digital Infused (UTM-DiR) 2024.

Tajuk Projek

"MyCoastHazard: Addressing Coastal Multi-Hazard Via Climate Change Indicators and Community Approach by Digitalizing Integrated CVI".

Ahli Projek:

Prof. Madya Dr. Muhammad Zulkarnain Abdul Rahman (FABU)

Prof. Madya Dr. Ami Hassan Md Din (FABU)

Dr. Mohd Radhie Mohd Salleh (FKA)